Toddler bike 12
List toddler bike 12
toddler bike with training wheels, suitable for a 3-4 year oldbought last year at sport check, really only rode a handful of times and he outgrew it
$ 50
toddler bike helmetexcellent conditionfit my child from age 1 to 2 & 1/2only used a handful of timesit is adjustable
$ 15
Sorel snow commander toddler size 12 boots in great condition $25 no holds
$ 25
Keen toddler size 12 waterproof sandals in excellent condition $25
$ 25
Kids bike thomas the train boys bike 12 inch tires matching helmet included
$ 60
Girls bike 12" wheels + training wheels, kidcool brand, coaster brakes, very good conditionnw calgary - citadel
$ 30
Girls bike 12" wheels + training wheels strawberry shortcake, front and rear brakes, very good conditionlocated nw citadel
$ 20
bike helmet $10 cool design - when pig fly bike helmetsmallest helmet fits infant or toddler easy to size for your toddler head with a large knob to turn) excellent condition with no scratches or nicksfits cm heads (in
$ 10
Disney huffy cars bike12 inch with training wheelsin good condition $20call for more info
$ 20
toddler desk:$5 2toddler bike: $5 4toddler car seat with booster seat: $13 3princess mirror:$5 text me @
$ 5
Perfect condition toddler bikemust pick up in cochraneperfect for your little one to learn balance
$ 40
toddler can sit on it like a bike or back opens up so that they can walk and push it alongbeeps and lights uphood lifts up so they can put their toys in it
$ 15
4- sets sneakers size 12 (2- spider-man sneakers worn once like new) 1- rubber boots size selling together for all also have garbage bad full toddler boys clothing size 5
$ 10
Great bike to follow a balance bike (age 2-4 years)kids trek jet bike for saleperfect for kids learning to ride a two wheel bikegreat conditioncomes with training wheelsthick wheels for stabilitylet me know if you have any questionsmy son was riding without training wheels at age 3
$ 150
Have a toddler bicycle seat that i am selling, for ages 1 to 2 yrs was only used twice, in great shape, fits on most bicyclesplease contact if interestedpaid $60 for it, reason for selling is my daughter is to big for it
$ 20