Text call voicemail

List text call voicemail

  • To book our truck please text or call the information bellow: 1- full name 2- email adress (to send the invoice) 3- your phone number 4- what exactly need to be delivered ? 5- what time ? 6- full address and postal code of the pick up 7- full address and postal code for the drop off we charge 1 hour minimum @ $65 city widetext/call to book now alberta inc + edmonton city license + wcb + insuredone men with a dodge cargo van available for delivery service 7 days a week alberta inc + edmonton city license + wcb + insuredtext/call to book now experienced delivery/movers for beds set, mattresses, couch, dinning set, appliances, construction/ renovation materials, from $65 anywhere in the city of edmontonno extra no surprise we will reply to you with a quote and we're on our wayanywhere at anytime pick up and drop off we accept cash or all major credit card or prepayment interact email transfer

    $ 65

  • Home raised teacup maltese puppies available text call for sale adoption from alberta cardston @

    $ 500

  • Male and female english bulldogs text call for sale adoption from texas texas mclennan @

  • Jet set window cleaning-  window cleaning- interior/exterior  gutters cleaned christmas lights removal  winnipeg and surrounding towns  call/text/email for quote: jordan

  • Hi we fix all iphone ipad and smart phone screen best price guarantee text/call thanks

  • Contact me now! 【fido】fido customer only- no contract - bring your own phone $ canada-wide fido plan includes: ⏩3 month and above fido customer only ⏩set up fee $90 ⏩unlimited canada-wide calling ⏩45/2gb or 50/3gb lte shock-free data ⏩free daily vice & spotify for 2 years ⏩unlimited international texting ⏩unlimited picture messaging ⏩voicemail 3 ⏩caller-id ⏩circle calling™ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【koodo】 no contract - bring your own phone - current bill credit is: $ canada-wide koodo plan includes: ⏩i'm the only one that can get this deal! ⏩set up fee $120(limited time offer was $150) ⏩unlimited canada-wide calling ⏩6gb lte shock-free data ⏩ ld minutes (india, germany, china, hong kong, bangladesh, italy, mexico, australia & taiwan) ⏩unlimited international texting ⏩unlimited picture messaging ⏩voicemail 10 ⏩caller-id ⏩call waiting $40 canada-wide koodo plan includes: ⏩set up fee $90 ⏩unlimited canada-wide calling ⏩2gb lte shock-free data ⏩ ld minutes (india, germany, china, hong kong, bangladesh, italy, mexico, australia & taiwan) ⏩unlimited international texting ⏩unlimited picture messaging ⏩voicemail 10 ⏩caller-id ⏩call waiting $49 canada-wide koodo plan includes: ⏩set up fee $90 ⏩unlimited canada-wide calling ⏩4gb lte shock-free data ⏩ ld minutes (india, germany, china, hong kong, bangladesh, italy, mexico, australia & taiwan) ⏩unlimited international texting ⏩unlimited picture messaging ⏩voicemail 10 ⏩caller-id ⏩call waiting $54 canada-wide koodo plan includes: ⏩set up fee $90 ⏩unlimited canada-wide calling ⏩6gb lte shock-free data ⏩ ld minutes (india, germany, china, hong kong, bangladesh, italy, mexico, australia & taiwan) ⏩unlimited international texting ⏩unlimited picture messaging ⏩voicemail 10 ⏩caller-id ⏩call waiting if you're interested in either of these plans, please email, text me or call me this is a limited time offer and wont last! pay after plan is set! cell:(?client=ms-android-rogers-ca if you want a phone plan with the fastest 4g lte network in canada at 1/2 the pricehi, my name is lucasbring you【koodo】(2gb/4gb/5gb/6gb) and 【fido】 cell phone deals! i will save and port your current carrier number to koodo and change to one of your interested plans see this plan feature on cbc news: https://www

  • Unlimited talk/text with a new phone - $59 standard features - 1gb/5gb/10gb/15gb data -roam like home - unlimited canada wide calling - unlimited messaging (text, picture, video) - basic voicemail - call display - 3-way calling - call forwarding - spotify (6 months free) text only offer ends soonunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $52 - incluse your existing device and number at no extra cost or get one of the latest devices free, on a 2 year term (apple, android, blackberry etcunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $38 - inclunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $32 - inclunlimited talk/text with a new phone - $ gb data plan - inclunlimited talk/text w/ gb, 4g lte looking for phone plan that offers affordable rates and includes all the standard features? for a limited time, save over $100/month on select phone plans) one-time service fee $ gb data plan - inclunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $45 - inclunlimited talk/text with a new phone - $38 5 gb data plan - incl

  • Unlimited talk/text with a new phone - $59 standard features - 1gb/5gb/10gb/15gb data -roam like home - unlimited canada wide calling - unlimited messaging (text, picture, video) - basic voicemail - call display - 3-way calling - call forwarding - spotify (6 months free) text only offer ends soonunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $52 - incluse your existing device and number at no extra cost or get one of the latest devices free, on a 2 year term (apple, android, blackberry etcunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $38 - inclunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $32 - inclunlimited talk/text with a new phone - $ gb data plan - incllooking for phone plan that offers affordable rates and includes all the standard features? for a limited time, save over $100/month on select phone plansunlimited talk/text without a new phone - $45 - incl) one-time service fee $ gb data plan - inclunlimited talk/text gb, 4g lte starting @ $32/mounlimited talk/text with a new phone - $38 5 gb data plan - incl

  • call to arrange pickup - as is - where ishello, we have about 40 stations and the pbx and voicemail system to give awayfree to a good home or office

  • text,call/leave a voicemail at i really love to be around people and play and cuddlei have pure white hypoallergenic furanodine teacup maltese puppiesi am only 8 weeks old

    $ 500

  • text,call/leave a voicemail atthey will warm your heart forever! maltese puppies make great pets, have beautiful coats, and give lots of love!smileback teacup maltese puppies

    $ 500

  • text,call/leave a voicemail at i really love to be around people and play and cuddlei have pure white hypoallergenic furnesflame teacup maltese puppiesi am only 8 weeks old

    $ 500

  • text,call/leave a voicemail atgatuerw teacup maltese puppiesi need the perfect family who will love me and keep me healthy my whole life

    $ 500

  • text,call/leave a voicemail atwe need the perfect family that will love us and keep us healthy our whole lifemaltese puppies make great pets, have beautiful coats, and give lots of love!ferrty teacup maltese puppies

    $ 500

  • text,call/leave a voicemail atwe need the perfect family that will love us and keep us healthy our whole lifebostiew teacup maltese puppies

    $ 500

  • text,call/leave a voicemail atthey will warm your heart forever! maltese puppies make great pets, have beautiful coats, and give lots of love!gefdrety teacup maltese puppiesi need the perfect family who will love me and keep me healthy my whole life

    $ 500

  • Have  great personality and is super sweet!!text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x

    $ 500

  • Loves to lay on your lap and just chill out!text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x

    $ 500

  • Super cool and sweet maltese puppies!!text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x

    $ 500

  • text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x  5-5lb range when growni expect them to be in the 3

    $ 500

  • text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 xloyru teacup maltese puppies,shurywi teacup maltese puppies,give lots of love, and love to play

    $ 500

  • Miuury teacup maltese puppies,2 super adorable little boys/girls available!text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x

    $ 500

  • text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 xkuuetu teacup maltese puppies,so lovely and sweet

    $ 500

  • text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x  5-5lb range when growncedtyru teacup maltese puppies,expect them to be in the 3

    $ 500

  • Yedfert teacup maltese puppies text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x

    $ 500

  • Betyfriu teacup maltese puppies,great personality and is super sweet!!text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x

    $ 500

  • text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 xdekturi teacup maltese puppies,would love to become a part of your family

    $ 500

  • text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 xnedery teacup maltese puppies,little babies, full of energy and very loving

    $ 500

  • Mwndjeo teacup maltese puppies,cool and sweet maltese puppies!!text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x

    $ 500

  • text/call or leave a voicemail at x 415 x 758 x  hedfrey teacup maltese puppies,play with so much since day one

    $ 500

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