Moteur v6

List moteur v6

  • ) radio hd factory options moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id vvt kit ref idm] à tr/min) pnbv de lb ( kg) (de série sur les modèles à cabine multiplace avec moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id (lgz) seulement9 mechanical equipment boîte de transfert électrique autotrac à 2 vitesses cadre entièrement caissonné caisse de camionnette différentiel arrière autobloquant direction assistée électrique freins à disque antiblocage aux 4 roues hitch guidance, trailering assist guideline mode remorquage moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id vvt (puissance de 308 ch [230 kw] à tr/min, couple de 275 lb-pi [373 nplease contact us today for more information on how you can purchase a vehicle from usla fonction ado comprend la fonction de bouclage de la ceinture de sécurité, laquelle empêche le conducteur de déplacer le levier de vitesses de la position de stationnement pendant un maximum de 20 secondes si sa ceinture n'est pas boucléecette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritéaide à obtenir la pression optimale des pneus phares diurnes sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager avant; sacs gonflables latéraux intégrés au siège conducteur et au siège passager avant à la place latérale; rideaux gonflables au pavillon aux places latérales avant et arrière; comprend sac gonflable frontal à la place latérale avec système de détection de l'occupant au siège passager avant système de surveillance de la pression des pneus (ne s’applique pas au pneu de secours) entertainment equipment compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquentwhile restrictions are in effect due to covid-19, retail sales and leasing will be available by email, phone, text and at home delivery) console au pavillon console au plancher personnalisée avec compartiment avant démarreur à distance system désembueur de lunette électrique éclairage intérieur, 2 lampes de lecture exterior equipment bande pare-soleil au pare-brise éclairage dans l'espace utilitaire monté sur la cabine avec interrupteur dans le bloc de commande central hayon verrouillable à distance hayon, ez-lift et inférieur lentille grand angle, situés dans le coin du rétroviseur extérieur côté conducteur lunette coulissante à commande manuelle marchepied d'extrémité de pare-chocs arrière moulures de ceinture de caisse chromées pare-chocs arrière couleur carrosserie phares antibrouillards avant safety equipment caméra de recul hd la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager un comportement sécuritaire au volantle véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage l'alerte de gonflage de pneus émet des signaux sonores et visuels lors du gonflage d'un pneu dont la pression est basse) interior equipment affichage d’information amélioré des instruments du conducteur, écran multicolore climatisation automatique à 1 zone colonne de direction inclinable et télescopique à réglage manuel commandes du système sonore montées au volant de direction" compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditions6l 6 cyl l/100km city: 14consultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails0 l/100km hwy: 9

  • Lt/crewcab engine: moteur à 8 cylindres 5) cadre caisson avant avec section avant hydroformé carrosserie, caisse de camionnette direction à assistance électrique à crémaillère freins à disque aux 4 roues avec antiblocage aux 4 roues et disques duralife pnbv de lb ( kg) (requiert modèles à cabine multiplace ou à cabine double 4rm et moteur v6 ecotec3 de 4,3 l (lv3)) quatre roues motrices refroidisseur d’huile moteur externe système de remplissage de carburant sans bouchon équipement intérieur banquette divisée arrière rabattable (relevable) places (comprend dispositif d'attaches supérieures pour siège d'enfant) (non livrable sur les modèles à cabine classiqueca/terms et fait l'objet d'une licence) radio hd système sonore à 6 haut-parleurs kit ref idpour annuler, composez letous les frais et la programmation sont sujets à changementdes frais et des taxes s'appliquent) bloc de 6 instruments avec indicateur de vitesse, niveau de carburant, température du moteur, tachymètre, voltmètre et pression d'huile centralisateur informatique de bord à écran couleur de 4,2 po de diagonale, affiche des messages d'avertissement et renseignements de base sur le véhicule glaces avant et arrière électriques avec commande d’ouverture et de fermeture rapides côté conducteur et commande d’ouverture rapide sur toutes les autres glaces miroirs de courtoisie avec éclairage intégrés aux pare-soleil côtés conducteur et passager avant poignée de maintien côté passager avant sur le montant a équipement extérieur doublures de passage de roue arrière (requiert modèle à cabine multiplace ou à cabine double3l/325 équipement mécanique batterie grande capacité sans entretien de 70 ah/730 adf avec protection antidécharge et prolongation d'alimentation des accessoires boîte de transfert électronique autotrac à commandes rotatives (inclus avec modèles 4rm uniquementcette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritési vous décidez de continuer à bénéficier de votre service siriusxm au terme de votre période d'essai, le plan que vous choisissez sera automatiquement renouvelé, le prix sera établi en fonction des taux en vigueur au moment du renouvellement et le paiement sera effectué selon la méthode que vous avez choisiele véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager avant à la place latérale; sacs gonflables latéraux intégrés au siège conducteur et au siège passager avant à la place latérale; rideaux gonflables au pavillon aux places latérales avant et arrière; comprend sac gonflable frontal à la place latérale avec système de détection de l'occupant au siège passager avant à la place latérale système de contrôle de la stabilité stabilitrak avec antiroulis proactif et antipatinage, comprend contrôle électronique anti-louvoiement de remorque et aide au démarrage en côte système de surveillance de la pression des pneus (ne s’applique pas au pneu de secours) équipement de divertissement la radio par satellite siriusxm est comprise de série sur la plupart des modèles gmvous pouvez écouter le programme qui vous intéresse sur votre ordinateur, votre téléphone intelligent ou votre tablette (l'utilisation de la radio siriusxm canada implique l'acceptation de notre entente du client accessible à partir du site web siriusxmvous pouvez bénéficier d'un abonnement d'essai xm sélect+ de 3 mois donnant accès à 120 canaux, dont des émissions musicales sans publicité, de nouvelles, de sujets d'intérêt, de sport et d'humour) éclairage dans l'espace utilitaire monté sur la cabine avec interrupteur dans le bloc de commande central glaces de teinte foncée hayon, ez-lift et inférieur moulures latérales couleur carrosserie pare-chocs arrière avec marchepieds d'extrémité phares de type projecteur à décharge à haute intensité avec phares diurnes avec éclairage distinctif à del revêtement de protection supérieur du hayon et des longerons de caisse verrou de porte-pneu, verrou de porte à serrure utilisant la même clé que pour l'allumage et les serrures de portes volets aérodynamiques avant actifs équipement de sécurité la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager une conduite sécuritairechaque abonnement d'essai vous permet d'écouter les émissions en ligne gratuitement et de profiter de tous vos programmes favoris partout où vous allez

    $ 31495

  • Engine: moteur v6 3chauffe-bloc - comprenant : cordon à commande thermostatique freins assistés à disque antiblocage aux 4 roues, fonction d'aide au freinage d'urgence et aide au démarrage en pente liquide de refroidissement moteur longue durée dex cool rapport de pont de 3,53 (req: moteur laf de 2,4 l) remorquable par un véhicule de loisir, 4 roues au sol suspension à roulement doux équipement intérieur 4 prises auxiliaires couvertes de 12 volts : 2 à l'avant, 1 au siège arrière, 1 dans l'espace utilitaire arrière accoudoir avec rangement et porte-gobelets à l'arrière alarme antivol : activation du klaxon et des phares banquette arrière coulissante multi-flex : course coulissante de 20 cm, dossier divisé rabattable, inclinable en 3 positions boîte à gants non verrouillable boussole centralisateur informatique de bord : fonctions de personnalisation et information sur le véhicule climatiseur à commande automatique à l'avant avec système de filtration de l'air : bouches de chauffage et de climatisation arrière au plancher colonne de direction inclinable et télescopique console centrale avec accoudoir, 2 porte-gobelets et rangement discret équipement extérieur calandre anthracite avec cadre chromé carénage couleur carrosserie essuie-glaces et lave-glace avant, balayage à 3 vitesses : essuie-glace arrière avec fonction de bruine et balayage intermittent feux de croisement de type projecteur à commande automatique glaces de teinte foncée, portes arrière, custode et lunette arrière glaces teintées solar-ray, pare-brise et portes avant hayon à commande manuelle avec glace fixe longerons de toit anthracite moulures chromées sur les phares, les glaces latérales et le hayon moulures de bas de caisse anthracite équipement de sécurité ceintures de sécurité à 3 points à toutes les places arrière ceintures de sécurité avant avec tendeurs, enrouleurs bimode et réglage en hauteur de la ceinture épaulière sacs gonflables frontaux à déploiement adapté pour le conducteur et le passager avant : capteur de présence côté passager sacs gonflables latéraux aux places d'extrémité avant et arrière, rideaux gonflables avec protection anticapotage sacs gonflables latéraux pour protéger le torse, côtés conducteur et passager avant droit, montés aux sièges système « latch » pour siège de sécurité pour enfants, comprenant: ancrage inférieur et longe supérieur pour les positions arrière pour enfants verrouillage du levier de vitesse et des freins verrouillage électrique de sécurité pour les enfants aux portes arrière : commutateur au tableau de bord équipement de divertissement antenne sur le toit bluetooth pour téléphone, comprenant: connexion pour téléphone cellulaire utilisant un système audio du véhicule, microphone, reconnaissance et commandes vocales commandes du système sonore au volant radio par satellite xm système sonore haut de gamme pioneer de 250 w à 8 haut-parleurs : haut-parleurs de gamme moyenne dans les portes, haut-parleurs d'aigus dans les montants de pare-brise, un haut-parleur de canal central dans le haut du tableau de bord et haut-parleurs d'ai kit ref id0l/183 équipement mécanique alternateur de 120 a barres stabilisatrices avant et arrière batterie de 525 a de démarrage à froid avec protection antidécharge capacité de remorquage de 680 kg ( lb)

    $ 8995

  • 0l v6 turbocharged diesel transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv) engine: 30l v6 turbocharged diesel -inc: active lower grille shutters, 800-amp maintenance-free battery, common rail diesel badge, 250 amp alternator, gvwr: kgs ( lbs), thermal rear axle0l v6 turbocharged diesel, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv), wheels: 22 x 9 polished aluminum w/inserts -inc: tires: r22xl bsw all-season, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv), trailer tow group -inc: trailer brake control, trailer brake control, tires: r22xl bsw all-season, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, steering gear skid plate, front suspension skid plate, fuel tank skid plate, limited level 1 equipment group -inc: adaptive cruise control w/stop & go, advanced brake assist, surround view camera system, parallel/perpendicular park assist, rear ventilated seats, forward collision warn w/active braking, lane departure warning/lane keep assist, gvwr: kgs ( lbs), engine: 3et 2 ac power outlets 2 seatback storage pockets accès à internet avec point d'accès sans fil 4g lte wi-fi hot spot accoudoir central avant avec compartiment de rangement et accoudoir central arrière affichage analogique alarme antivol à détection périmétrique appuie-tête avant inclinables à réglage manuel et appuie-tête arrière à réglage manuel assise chauffante côtés conducteur et passager, dossier chauffant côtés conducteur et passager et sièges avant ventilés bac de rangement au tableau de bord, espace de rangement au tableau de bord, compartiment de rangement intérieur dissimulé, bacs de rangement dans les portes côtés conducteur et passager et arrière et compartiment de rangement sous le siège de 2e rangée exterior equipment deux embouts d'échappement chromés emblème hemi essuie-glaces à balayage intermittent à cadence variable à capteur de pluie garniture de side windows chromee glaces de teinte deep grille chromee hayon laminated glass lampe de caisse au feu de freinage surélevé led brakelights safety equipment blind spot sensor capteurs d'aide au stationnement avant et arrière ceintures de sécurité abdominales et épaulières aux places latérales avant -comprend: 3 points d’ancrage à la place arrière centrale, réglage de la hauteur et prétendeurs poutres anti-intrusion rear child safety rideaux gonflables aux 1re et 2e rangées sac gonflable à capteur d'occupation sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager sacs gonflables latéraux à 2 seuils de déploiement intégrés aux sièges conducteur et passager système d’avertissement de basse pression des pneus propre à chaque pneu entertainment equipment 2 écrans acl à l'avant alerte de trafic routier en temps réel siriusxm traffic amplificateur ordinaire 506w antenne fixe lecture audio en continu neutralisation active du bruit factory options moteur: v6 turbo diesel de 3 l kit ref id0l v6 turbocharged diesel -inc: active lower grille shutters 800-amp maintenance-free battery common rail diesel badge 250 amp alternator gvwr: kgs ( lbs) thermal rear axle trailer tow group -inc: trailer brake control transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv) air suspension tow hitch air suspension four wheel drive 4-wheel disc brakes air suspension brake assist abs power steering automatic headlights power mirror(s) privacy glass heated mirrors rear defrost daytime running lights tow hooks power door locks variable speed intermittent wipers integrated turn signal mirrors power retractable running boards bed liner tires - rear all-season power door locks aluminum wheels running boards/side steps conventional spare tire traction control tires - front all-season fog lamps power folding mirrors keyless entry rain sensing wipers intermittent wipers passenger air bag navigation system mirror memory back-up camera front side air bag heated steering wheel cross-traffic alert cd player passenger adjustable lumbar power driver seat child safety locks stability control rear bench seat power windows remote engine start engine immobilizer cooled front seat(s) power driver seat wifi hotspot passenger vanity mirror driver air bag seat memory steering wheel audio controls leather seats bluetooth connection traction control pass-through rear seat telematics tire pressure monitor universal garage door opener premium sound system blind spot monitor requires subscription adjustable pedals driver vanity mirror power door locks hd radio passenger air bag sensor multi-zone a/c smart device integration floor mats cruise control power windows front head air bag driver adjustable lumbar mp3 player keyless start auxiliary audio input power passenger seat bucket seats security system keyless start keyless entry auto-dimming rearview mirror passenger illuminated visor mirror heated front seat(s) remote engine start leather steering wheel climate control rear parking aid driver illuminated vanity mirror woodgrain interior trim rear head air bag power door locks satellite radio mirror memory heated rear seat(s) trip computer trip computer requires subscription driver adjustable lumbar premium sound system adjustable steering wheel seat memory am/fm stereo power passenger seat a/c mechanical equipment 4 roues motrices en prise temporaire et maintenue alternateur de 220 a barre antiroulis avant et arrière batterie sans entretien de 730 adf boîte de transfert electronic charge utile maximale de lb chauffe-moteur direction à assistance électrique faisceau de câblage de remorque moyeux à blocage auto interior equipment 2 prises de courant de 12 v c0 l l/100km city: 160 l/182 engine powering this automatic transmissionmaple ridge chrysler limited this ram has a strong intercooled turbo diesel v-6 31 l/100km hwy: 110 optional equipment 3* stop by today * stop by maple ridge chrysler jeep dodge located at west st, maple ridge, bc v2x 3m6 for a quick visit and a great vehicle! engine: 6 cylinder 392 rear axle ratio protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate steering gear skid plate front suspension skid plate fuel tank skid plate limited level 1 equipment group -inc: adaptive cruise control w/stop & go advanced brake assist surround view camera system parallel & perpendicular park assist rear ventilated seats forward collision warn w/active braking lane departure warning/lane keep assist tires: r22xl bsw all-season class iv receiver hitch body-colour bumper group -inc: body-colour rear bumper w/step pads body-colour front bumper wheels: 22 x 9 polished aluminum w/inserts -inc: tires: r22xl bsw all-season bed utility group -inc: 4 adjustable cargo tie-down hooks led bed lighting deployable bed step dual-pane panoramic sunroof -inc: led dome/reading lamp led dual dome reading lamps trailer brake control gvwr: kgs ( lbs) diamond black crystal pearl black premium leather front vented bucket seats anti-spin differential rear axle quick order package 28m limited -inc: engine: 3*this ram is competitively priced with these options * quick order package 28m limited -inc: engine: 32 prises de courant de 12 v c

    $ 82917

  • ) radio hd factory options moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id vvt kit ref id6l v6 f dohc 24v l/100km city: 14canyon all terrain 4wd crew engine: 39 mechanical equipment aide au remorquage boîte de transfert électrique autotrac à 2 vitesses bouclier pour boîte de transfert cadre entièrement caissonné caisse de camionnette contrôle d'adhérence en descente différentiel arrière autobloquant direction assistée électrique freins à disque antiblocage aux 4 roues groupe suspension tout terrain interior equipment affichage d’information amélioré des instruments du conducteur, écran multicolore banquette arrière rabattable (modèles à cabine multiplace seulement) console au pavillon console au plancher personnalisée avec compartiment avant démarreur à distance system désembueur de lunette électrique exterior equipment bande pare-soleil au pare-brise calandre noire avec enjoliveur couleur carrosserie éclairage dans l'espace utilitaire monté sur la cabine avec interrupteur dans le bloc de commande central hayon verrouillable à distance hayon, ez-lift et inférieur lentille grand angle, situés dans le coin du rétroviseur extérieur côté conducteur lunette coulissante à commande manuelle marchepied d'extrémité de pare-chocs arrière moulures de ceinture de caisse chromées pare-chocs arrière couleur carrosserie safety equipment caméra de recul hd la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager un comportement sécuritaire au volant) climatisation automatique à 1 zone colonne de direction inclinable et télescopique à réglage manuel commandes du système sonore montées au volant de direction" compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditionscette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritéla fonction ado comprend la fonction de bouclage de la ceinture de sécurité, laquelle empêche le conducteur de déplacer le levier de vitesses de la position de stationnement pendant un maximum de 20 secondes si sa ceinture n'est pas boucléele véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage l'alerte de gonflage de pneus émet des signaux sonores et visuels lors du gonflage d'un pneu dont la pression est basseaide à obtenir la pression optimale des pneus phares diurnes sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager avant; sacs gonflables latéraux intégrés au siège conducteur et au siège passager avant à la place latérale; rideaux gonflables au pavillon aux places latérales avant et arrière; comprend sac gonflable frontal à la place latérale avec système de détection de l'occupant au siège passager avant système de surveillance de la pression des pneus entertainment equipment chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquentconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails0 l/100km hwy: 9

    $ 46243

  • Servo moteur avec encodeur type pittman j ai tester le moteur avec du 36v dc,roule bien mais ne peut verifier l'encodeur (je n'ai pas les conaissances pour ca) bon pour robotique et automate les seule information qu il y a sont celle sur le moteur

    $ 55

  • moteur de porte de garage 575 v 1 hp 3 phase

    $ 200

  • 5 kw commercial super compact et super silencieux avec moteur kubota diésel 3 cylindres 178 heures de fonctionnement a l,état neuf prix neuf $ demande $ acheteur sérieux seulement made in japan pas chinois,merci generator onan 7génératrice onan 75 kw commercial super compact and super silence with engine kubota diesel 3 cylinders 178 hours running at mint condition new price $ request $ serious buyer only made in japan not chinese, thank you

    $ 5200

  • 0l ecodiesel v6 -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) 30l ecodiesel v6 transmission: 8-speed torqueflite automatic (dfd), tires: pr20 bsw all-season (std), pickup box lighting, power sunroof, class iv hitch receiver, spray-in bedliner, radio: uconnect 3c nav w/80l ecodiesel v6 transmission: 8-speed torqueflite automatic (dfd) tires: pr20 bsw all-season (std) pickup box lighting power sunroof spray-in bedliner class iv hitch receiver radio: uconnect 3c nav w/855 rear axle ratio bright dual rear exhaust tips winter front grille cover 230 amp alternator gvwr: kgs ( lbs), four wheel drive, traction control, heated front seat(s), adjustable pedals, back-up camera, passenger illuminated visor mirror, heated mirrors, driver adjustable lumbar, mirror memory, universal garage door opener, brake assist, driver vanity mirror, heated steering wheel, keyless entry, front head air bag, floor mats, tires - rear all-season, passenger air bag, mirror memory, woodgrain interior trim, power folding mirrors, climate control, seat memory, traction control, power driver seat, daytime running lights, passenger adjustable lumbar, trip computer, abs, premium sound system, trip computer, integrated turn signal mirrors, power driver seat, premium sound system, tires - front all-season, power door locks, privacy glass, auxiliary audio input, cooled front seat(s), pass-through rear seat, power mirror(s), mp3 player, auto-dimming rearview mirror, rear parking aid, leather steering wheel, passenger air bag sensor, security system, automatic headlights, 4-wheel disc brakes, power passenger seat, cruise control, engine immobilizer, a/c, satellite radio, child safety locks, seat memory, bluetooth connection, tire pressure monitor, chrome wheels, multi-zone a/c, satellite radio, driver illuminated vanity mirror, bluetooth connection, driver air bag, adjustable steering wheel, power windows, power door locks, driver adjustable lumbar, power windows, intermittent wipers, am/fm stereo, power door locks, front side air bag, rear head air bag, passenger vanity mirror, power passenger seat, power steering, fog lamps, steering wheel audio controls, conventional spare tire, leather seats, stability control, heated front seat(s), split bench seat, rear bench seat, variable speed intermittent wipers, requires subscription, requires subscription *visit us today * stop by capital chrysler jeep dodge located at st92 rear axle ratio, quick order package 28h laramie -inc: engine: 34 display -inc: gps navigation red pearl black leather-faced front vented bucket seats -inc: bucket seats second-row heated seats full-length upgraded floor console power 10-way memory driver & 6-way passenger seats convenience group -inc: keyless enter 'n go w/push start remote proximity keyless entry automatic high beam headlamp control rain-sensing windshield wipers remote start system trailer brake control trailer tow mirrors & brake group -inc: trailer brake control bright power trailer tow mirrors class iv hitch receiver anti-spin differential rear axle transmission: 8-speed torqueflite automatic (dfd) engine: 30 l/182 engine powering this automatic transmission0 l optional equipment monotone paint application gvwr: kgs ( lbs) 30l diesel badge 800 amp maintenance free battery next generation engine controller 3*options:* gvwr: kgs ( lbs), monotone paint application, 3sw, edmonton, ab t6x 1a1 for a quick visit and a great vehicle! engine: 6 cylinder 3capital chrysler jeep dodge this ram delivers a intercooled turbo diesel v-6 392 rear axle ratio quick order package 28h laramie -inc: engine: 355 rear axle ratio bright dual rear exhaust tips winter front grille cover 230 amp alternator gvwr: kgs ( lbs) four wheel drive traction control heated front seat(s) adjustable pedals back-up camera passenger illuminated visor mirror heated mirrors driver adjustable lumbar mirror memory universal garage door opener brake assist driver vanity mirror heated steering wheel keyless entry front head air bag floor mats tires - rear all-season passenger air bag mirror memory woodgrain interior trim power folding mirrors climate control seat memory traction control power driver seat daytime running lights passenger adjustable lumbar trip computer abs premium sound system trip computer integrated turn signal mirrors power driver seat premium sound system tires - front all-season power door locks privacy glass auxiliary audio input cooled front seat(s) pass-through rear seat power mirror(s) mp3 player auto-dimming rearview mirror rear parking aid leather steering wheel passenger air bag sensor security system automatic headlights 4-wheel disc brakes power passenger seat cruise control engine immobilizer a/c satellite radio child safety locks seat memory bluetooth connection tire pressure monitor chrome wheels multi-zone a/c satellite radio driver illuminated vanity mirror bluetooth connection driver air bag adjustable steering wheel power windows power door locks driver adjustable lumbar power windows intermittent wipers am/fm stereo power door locks front side air bag rear head air bag passenger vanity mirror power passenger seat power steering fog lamps steering wheel audio controls conventional spare tire leather seats stability control heated front seat(s) split bench seat rear bench seat variable speed intermittent wipers requires subscription requires subscription kit ref id4 display -inc: gps navigation, red pearl, black leather-faced front vented bucket seats -inc: bucket seats second-row heated seats full-length upgraded floor console power 10-way memory driver & 6-way passenger seats, convenience group -inc: keyless enter 'n go w/push start remote proximity keyless entry automatic high beam headlamp control rain-sensing windshield wipers, remote start system, trailer brake control, trailer tow mirrors & brake group -inc: trailer brake control bright power trailer tow mirrors class iv hitch receiver, anti-spin differential rear axle, transmission: 8-speed torqueflite automatic (dfd), engine: 3

    $ 36896

  • 6l pentastar vvt v6 kit ref id6l pentastar vvt v6 transmission: 6-speed automatic engine: 36l pentastar vvt v6 front and rear anti-roll bars interior equipment 1 seatback storage pocket 4 12v dc power outlets 4 12v dc power outlets and 1 ac power outlet 4-way passenger seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement air filtration auto-dimming rearview mirror cargo area concealed storage cargo space lights carpet floor trim compass exterior equipment black grille black side windows trim body-coloured door handles body-coloured front bumper w/black rub strip/fascia accent and chrome bumper insert body-coloured power heated side mirrors w/manual folding body-coloured rear bumper w/black rub strip/fascia accent and chrome bumper insert clearcoat paint compact spare tire stored underbody w/crankdown deep tinted glass fixed rear window w/fixed interval wiper and defroster safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor driver knee airbag dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 368w regular amplifier graphic equalizer integrated roof antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 36l pentastar vvt v6 (std) power steering keyless entry power door locks tires - front performance satellite radio keyless entry cd player premium sound system intermittent wipers automatic headlights temporary spare tire bucket seats climate control abs bluetooth connection multi-zone a/c pass-through rear seat adjustable steering wheel driver illuminated vanity mirror am/fm stereo auxiliary audio input rear bench seat brake assist leather seats power door locks fog lamps cruise control trip computer steering wheel audio controls variable speed intermittent wipers heated steering wheel driver adjustable lumbar all wheel drive tires - rear performance power driver seat mp3 player mp3 player a/c power windows leather steering wheel privacy glass power driver seat power mirror(s) premium sound system passenger illuminated visor mirror driver adjustable lumbar driver vanity mirror daytime running lights 4-wheel disc brakes rear defrost universal garage door opener keyless start aluminum wheels heated mirrors auxiliary audio input passenger vanity mirror power door locks requires subscription knee air bag security system back-up camera child safety locks engine immobilizer auto-dimming rearview mirror power windows rear head air bag rear parking aid passenger air bag driver air bag keyless start trip computer cargo shade passenger air bag sensor front head air bag traction control floor mats stability control tire pressure monitor power door locks traction control heated front seat(s) remote engine start front side air bag mechanical equipment # maximum payload 160 amp alternator 34 display rear seat video group -inc: video remote control wireless headphones 2nd row overhead 9 video screen navigation group -inc: garmin navigation system radio: uconnect 3 nav w/84 display black leather-faced bucket seats transmission: 6-speed automatic (std) power sunroof w/express open/close flexible seating group -inc: 2nd row tilt 'n slide seat 3rd row fold/reclining seat delete cargo area cover rear air conditioning w/heater easy entry seat a/c w/tri-zone automatic temperature control pitch black quick order package 28s -inc: engine: 30 optional equipment radio: uconnect 3 nav w/816 axle ratio 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front vented discs and brake assist 525cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection 79 l fuel tank block heater engine oil cooler engine: 36 l l/100km city: 14rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 35 l/100km hwy: 10

    $ 41830

  • 5l v6 cylinder engine kit ref idthe "take-home-a-tacoma-event" is on now at steele chrysler! (44 bedford highway) hurry in to take a closer look at this sure-footed toyota tacoma sr5 v6 doublecab 4x4 in sporty'alpine white' paint andboasting only kms! we've secured a very limited quantity of these low mileage buy-backs and you'll want to act fast for your best selection of color and kms! powered by a 35l v6 engine with automatic transmission, you'll love the generous list of features found in this rugged and sporty 4x4 including reverse camera, heated seats, air conditioning, hands free bluetooth, cruise control, power windows, power door locks, power mirrors, am fm cd sirius/xm satellite radio with steering wheel audio controls, tow package, 6ft box, box liner, alloy wheels, fog lights, sliding rear window, and much, much more! with just kms plenty of toyota's outstanding factory warranty remains and you can buy with confidence knowing this tacoma has also undergone our thorough 85-point mechanical inspection! winter's here - this year take it on with your tacoma! don't wait long to make your move - visit us at 44 bedford highway or contact steele chrysler to "take-home-a-tacoma" today! engine: 3

    $ 34977

  • Silver toyota tacoma sr5 v6 6-speed automatic 4wd 35l v6 dohc 24v lev3-ulevhp we work with you! finding a solution that makes sense for your individual situation! please visit us or call to learn about our great selectionthank you for taking the time to check out our selection! engine: v6 cylinder engine optional equipment am/fm stereo air conditioning alloy wheels anti-lock brakes (abs) cd player driver side airbag dual airbag fog lights intermittent wipers keyless entry power brakes power mirrors power steering power windows side impact airbag tilt steering heated seats crew cab cruise control power locks traction control split folding rear seats bluetooth passenger airbag telescoping steering wheel cloth interior auxiliary 12v outlet center arm rest child-safety locks courtesy lights cup holder daytime running lights digital clock door map pockets halogen headlamps leather wrap wheel map lights power-assist disc brakes rear view camera reclining seats sliding rear window tachometer trailer hitch console inside hood release trip odometer steering wheel audio controls kit ref idzacks auto sales ltdrecent arrival! 4wd, 6 speakers, abs brakes, air conditioning, auto-dimming rear-view mirror, brake assist, cd player, compass, dual front impact airbags, dual front side impact airbags, electronic stability control, exterior parking camera rear, front bucket seats, front fog lights, panic alarm, power steering, remote keyless entry, speed control, speed-sensing steering, steering wheel mounted audio controls, traction control, trip computer, variably intermittent wiperswith 22 lenders available zacks auto sales can offer our customers with the lowest available interest rate

    $ 30828

  • 2l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess kit ref id2l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess (std) wheels: 17 x 72l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess transmission: 9-speed automatic w/active drive ii radio/driver seat/mirrors w/memory auto-dimming rearview mirror front heated seats power 4-way driver & passenger lumbar adjust power driver & front passenger seats hands-free power liftgate auxiliary switches windshield wiper de-icer humidity sensor tonneau cover heated steering wheel security alarm premium cabin air filter push-button start remote start system power heated mirrors w/signals & lamps exterior mirrors w/turn signals exterior mirrors w/courtesy lamps a/c w/dual zone automatic temperature control front ventilated seats leather-wrapped steering wheel remote proximity keyless entry universal garage door opener exterior mirrors w/memory settings axle ratio (std) trailer tow group -inc: 4 & 7-pin wiring harness class iii hitch receiver trailer tow wiring harness transmission: 9-speed automatic w/active drive ii (std) billet silver metallic safetytec group -inc: blind-spot/rear cross-path detection park-sense rear park assist system tires - rear all-terrain abs four wheel drive 4-wheel disc brakes locking/limited slip differential brake assist tires - front all-terrain tow hooks power steering aluminum wheels conventional spare tire tow hooks bluetooth connection satellite radio intermittent wipers automatic headlights am/fm stereo variable speed intermittent wipers rear defrost rear spoiler power door locks steering wheel audio controls daytime running lights auxiliary audio input smart device integration mp3 player requires subscription privacy glass fog lamps adjustable steering wheel floor mats driver illuminated vanity mirror cruise control child safety locks back-up camera trip computer pass-through rear seat passenger illuminated visor mirror stability control passenger air bag smart device integration power door locks rear side air bag passenger air bag sensor keyless entry satellite radio front side air bag tire pressure monitor engine immobilizer rear head air bag power door locks trip computer traction control knee air bag power windows rear bench seat power windows front side air bag driver air bag passenger vanity mirror traction control driver vanity mirror front head air bag woodgrain interior trim requires subscription mechanical equipment # maximum payload 160 amp alternator axle ratio 5 skid plates 599 l/100km hwy: 99 optional equipment 9 alpine speakers w/subwoofer engine: 34 display -inc: siriusxm traffic for details visit driveuconnect2 l l/100km city: 12rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 38 l fuel tank 700cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection automatic full-time four-wheel drive block heater driver selectable rear locking differential electric power-assist speed-sensing steering interior equipment 1 seatback storage pocket 3 12v dc power outlets 3 12v dc power outlets and 1 ac power outlet folding split-bench front facing manual reclining fold forward seatback rear seat 84" touchscreen cargo area concealed storage cargo space lights carpet floor trim compass covered dashboard storage, driver and passenger door bins exterior equipment accent-colour exterior mirrors black bodyside cladding and black fender flares black grille w/metal-look surround black side windows trim body-coloured door handles bright dual exhaust tips clearcoat paint w/badging deep tinted glass fixed rear window w/fixed interval wiper and defroster front fog lamps safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 2 lcd monitors in the front 6 speakers gps antenna input hands-free comm w/bluetooth integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, speed compensated volume control, aux audio input jack, steering wheel controls, voice activation, radio data system and uconnect external memory control factory options engine: 3ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 5-year sxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link 4g lte wi-fi hot spot quick order package 27l trailhawk elite -inc: engine: 35 black aluminum black nappa leather-faced front vented seats trailhawk elite spring special commandview dual pane sunroof radio: uconnect 4c nav w/8

    $ 44340

  • 2l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess kit ref id2l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess (std) wheels: 17 x 72l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess transmission: 9-speed automatic w/active drive ii radio/driver seat/mirrors w/memory auto-dimming rearview mirror front heated seats power 4-way driver & passenger lumbar adjust power driver & front passenger seats hands-free power liftgate auxiliary switches windshield wiper de-icer humidity sensor tonneau cover heated steering wheel security alarm premium cabin air filter push-button start remote start system power heated mirrors w/signals & lamps exterior mirrors w/turn signals exterior mirrors w/courtesy lamps a/c w/dual zone automatic temperature control front ventilated seats leather-wrapped steering wheel remote proximity keyless entry universal garage door opener exterior mirrors w/memory settings axle ratio (std) trailer tow group -inc: 4 & 7-pin wiring harness class iii hitch receiver trailer tow wiring harness transmission: 9-speed automatic w/active drive ii (std) safetytec group -inc: blind-spot/rear cross-path detection park-sense rear park assist system tires - rear all-terrain abs four wheel drive 4-wheel disc brakes locking/limited slip differential brake assist tires - front all-terrain tow hooks power steering aluminum wheels conventional spare tire tow hooks bluetooth connection satellite radio intermittent wipers automatic headlights am/fm stereo variable speed intermittent wipers rear defrost rear spoiler power door locks steering wheel audio controls daytime running lights auxiliary audio input smart device integration mp3 player requires subscription privacy glass fog lamps adjustable steering wheel floor mats driver illuminated vanity mirror cruise control child safety locks back-up camera trip computer pass-through rear seat passenger illuminated visor mirror stability control passenger air bag smart device integration power door locks rear side air bag passenger air bag sensor keyless entry satellite radio front side air bag tire pressure monitor engine immobilizer rear head air bag power door locks trip computer traction control knee air bag power windows rear bench seat power windows front side air bag driver air bag passenger vanity mirror traction control driver vanity mirror front head air bag woodgrain interior trim requires subscription mechanical equipment # maximum payload 160 amp alternator axle ratio 5 skid plates 599 l/100km hwy: 94 display -inc: siriusxm traffic for details visit driveuconnect2 l l/100km city: 12rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 38 l fuel tank 700cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection automatic full-time four-wheel drive block heater driver selectable rear locking differential electric power-assist speed-sensing steering interior equipment 1 seatback storage pocket 3 12v dc power outlets 3 12v dc power outlets and 1 ac power outlet folding split-bench front facing manual reclining fold forward seatback rear seat 84" touchscreen cargo area concealed storage cargo space lights carpet floor trim compass covered dashboard storage, driver and passenger door bins exterior equipment accent-colour exterior mirrors black bodyside cladding and black fender flares black grille w/metal-look surround black side windows trim body-coloured door handles bright dual exhaust tips clearcoat paint w/badging deep tinted glass fixed rear window w/fixed interval wiper and defroster front fog lamps safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 2 lcd monitors in the front 6 speakers gps antenna input hands-free comm w/bluetooth integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, speed compensated volume control, aux audio input jack, steering wheel controls, voice activation, radio data system and uconnect external memory control factory options engine: 3ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 5-year sxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link 4g lte wi-fi hot spot quick order package 27l trailhawk elite -inc: engine: 39 optional equipment 9 alpine speakers w/subwoofer granite crystal metallic engine: 35 black aluminum black nappa leather-faced front vented seats trailhawk elite spring special commandview dual pane sunroof radio: uconnect 4c nav w/8

    $ 44340

  • 2l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess kit ref id2l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess transmission: 9-speed automatic engine: 32l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess -inc: bright dual exhaust tips engine oil cooler normal duty suspension (std) transmission: 9-speed automatic (std) black cloth bucket seats w/accent insert diamond black crystal pearl cold weather group -inc: remote start system windshield wiper de-icer front heated seats heated steering wheel all-weather floor mats leather-wrapped shift knob power windows 4-wheel disc brakes tires - rear all-season temporary spare tire fog lamps driver adjustable lumbar trip computer heated mirrors floor mats brake assist mp3 player power door locks power mirror(s) keyless entry four wheel drive privacy glass daytime running lights rear defrost rear bench seat tires - front all-season pass-through rear seat leather steering wheel power door locks auxiliary audio input driver vanity mirror rear spoiler am/fm stereo passenger vanity mirror bluetooth connection vinyl seats aluminum wheels cloth seats bucket seats adjustable steering wheel driver adjustable lumbar intermittent wipers abs power driver seat satellite radio steering wheel audio controls power driver seat cruise control power steering passenger illuminated visor mirror woodgrain interior trim a/c variable speed intermittent wipers driver illuminated vanity mirror automatic headlights rear head air bag knee air bag driver air bag stability control traction control passenger air bag child safety locks smart device integration passenger air bag sensor rear side air bag traction control power door locks satellite radio power windows tire pressure monitor back-up camera front head air bag front side air bag trip computer front side air bag smart device integration engine immobilizer requires subscription requires subscription mechanical equipment # maximum payload 160 amp alternator axle ratio 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front vented discs, brake assist, hill hold control and electric parking brake 598 l fuel tank 700cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection automatic full-time four-wheel drive auxiliary transmission oil cooler block heater electric power-assist speed-sensing steering interior equipment 1 seatback storage pocket 3 12v dc power outlets folding split-bench front facing manual reclining fold forward seatback cloth/vinyl rear seat 6-way passenger seat -inc: manual recline, height adjustment and fore/aft movement 7" touchscreen air filtration cargo area concealed storage cargo space lights carpet floor trim compass exterior equipment black bodyside cladding and black fender flares black grille w/chrome surround black rear bumper body-coloured door handles body-coloured front bumper w/black rub strip/fascia accent chrome side windows trim compact spare tire mounted inside under cargo deep tinted glass fixed rear window w/fixed interval wiper and defroster front fog lamps safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 6 speakers gps antenna input hands-free comm w/bluetooth integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, speed compensated volume control, aux audio input jack, steering wheel controls, voice activation, radio data system and uconnect external memory control factory options engine: 30 optional equipment comfort & convenience group -inc: keyless enter 'n go w/push-start remote start system auto-dimming rearview mirror a/c w/dual zone automatic temperature control remote proximity keyless entry 115-volt auxiliary power outlet universal garage door opener humidity sensor tonneau cover power liftgate security alarm premium cabin air filter quick order package 26j -inc: engine: 32 l l/100km city: 12rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 38 l/100km hwy: 9

    $ 38520

  • 6l pentastar vvt v6 kit ref id6l pentastar vvt v6 -inc: auxiliary transmission oil cooler engine oil cooler black seats class iv hitch receiver night edition -inc: full-size temporary use spare tire radio: uconnect 4c w/86l pentastar vvt v6 transmission: 8-speed torqueflite automatic (dfl) rear floor mats front floor mats body-colour front fascia body colour grille body colour rear bumper w/step pads ram express group anti-spin differential rear axle radio: uconnect 4c w/84 display black 4x4 badge black headlamp bezels semi-gloss black wheel centre hub black ram tailgate badge black seats tires: pr20 bsw all-season black exterior badging gloss black grille wheels: 20 x 8 semi-gloss black aluminum 321 rear axle ratio 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery 984 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine oil cooler interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement 4-way passenger seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display auto-dim rearview mirror w/display carpet floor covering cruise control w/steering wheel controls delayed accessory power engine immobilizer fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black door handles black exterior mirrors black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window flex fuel vehicle fog lamps front license plate bracket safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 6 speakers fixed antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock and radio data system factory options engine: 34 touchscreen apple carplay capable gvwr: kgs ( lbs) (std) 36 l l/100km city: 142 optional equipment siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for siriusxm info call wheel & sound group -inc: rear floor mats front floor mats remote keyless entry sport performance hood granite crystal metallic radio: uconnect 4c w/84 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for siriusxm info call usb mobile projection media hub w/2 usb & aux input jack hands-free comm w/bluetooth 1-yr siriusxm guardian subscription a/c w/dual zone auto temperature control gps antenna input 7 colour in-cluster display humidity sensor 8rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 34 touchscreen apple carplay capable diesel grey/black cloth front bench seat -inc: manual adjust seats engine: 355 rear axle ratio wheels: 20 x 8 semi-gloss black aluminum power door locks cruise control passenger air bag power door locks vinyl seats a/c intermittent wipers tires - front all-season power windows fog lamps rear head air bag heated mirrors stability control power mirror(s) passenger air bag sensor split bench seat aluminum wheels power windows mp3 player tires - rear all-season brake assist 4-wheel disc brakes four wheel drive child safety locks privacy glass back-up camera traction control auto-dimming rearview mirror front side air bag variable speed intermittent wipers driver air bag mp3 player heated mirrors power steering engine immobilizer auxiliary audio input automatic headlights daytime running lights conventional spare tire abs am/fm stereo split bench seat front head air bag tire pressure monitor traction control adjustable steering wheel rear bench seat mechanical equipment 180 amp alternator 35 l/100km hwy: 1055 rear axle ratio w/erb/exf transmission: 8-speed torqueflite automatic (dfl) -inc: active grille shutters black rotary shifter electronic shift (std) remote keyless entry tires: pr20 bsw all-season quick order package 22j express -inc: engine: 3

    $ 38663

  • 2l pentastar vvt v6 w/ess kit ref id2l v6 optional equipment transmission: 9-speed automatic w/active drive ii engine: 32 litre v6 that generates 271hp while connected to a durable 9 speed automatic transmission for easy passingour trailhawk combines classic jeep elements with a modern and aerodynamic shape accented by off-road aluminum wheels, all-terrain tires, and accent colour tow hooksyou'll also enjoy a prominent touchscreen audio display, integrated voice command with bluetooth, and available satellite radioyou'll enjoy the four wheel drive while exploring back roads, mudding, cross country or rock-crawling with ease thanks to the locking rear axle, a 1-inch lift with off-road suspension, and functional skid plates plus appreciate near 8keyless remote entry, power accessories and a convenient -split folding and reclining rear seat come in handyanti-lock disc brakes, a rearview camera, stability and traction control, and multiple airbags are in place to keep you safe and secureallow us to introduce our jeep cherokee trailhawk 4x4 on display in diamond black crystal metallic! powered by a proven 3whether out pounding snowdrifts into submission or coasting down the freeway, our jeep trailhawk has all the creature comforts you'll need to keep that smile on your facewe know you will enjoy your test drive towards ownership! *** amvic licensed *** engine: 3inside our trailhawk, you'll see that the cabin's layout is driver-friendlythe jeep cherokee trailhawk has a winning combination of capability, comfort and style sure to please you! print this page and call us now

    $ 29997

  • 0l v6 smpi dohc 24v we work with you! finding a solution that makes sense for your individual situation! please visit us or call to learn about our great selectionthank you for taking the time to check out our selection! engine: v6 cylinder engine optional equipment am/fm stereo air conditioning alloy wheels anti-lock brakes (abs) cd player driver side airbag dual airbag fog lights intermittent wipers keyless entry navigation system power brakes power mirrors power seat power steering power windows rear defroster roof rack tilt steering tow package power sunroof cruise control heated seats leather interior power locks running boards traction control dual climate control bluetooth passenger airbag curb side mirrors satellite radio telescoping steering wheel analog gauges auto on/off headlamps auxiliary 12v outlet center arm rest child-safety locks cup holder daytime running lights digital clock door map pockets electronic compass illuminated visor mirror leather wrap wheel power-assist disc brakes rear view camera rear window wiper all wheel drive console inside hood release power adjustable seat trip odometer tow hitch receiver climate control kit ref idblack toyota 4runner sr5 5-speed automatic 4wd 4zacks auto sales ltdwith 22 lenders available zacks auto sales can offer our customers with the lowest available interest raterecent arrival! 4wd, black cloth, 3rd row seats: split-bench, abs brakes, anti-whiplash front head restraints, auto-dimming rear-view mirror, brake assist, compass, dual front impact airbags, dual front side impact airbags, electronic stability control, exterior parking camera rear, front fog lights, front wheel independent suspension, garage door transmitter: homelink, heated front bucket seats, independent double wishbone front suspension, knee airbag, leather shift knob, leather steering wheel, low tire pressure warning, occupant sensing airbag, outside temperature display, overhead airbag, power driver seat, power moonroof, power steering, power windows, softex leather seat trim, speed-sensing steering, steering wheel mounted audio controls, traction control

    $ 31996

  • 4wd, awd, back-up camera, bluetooth, this toyota 4runner 4wd 4dr v6 sr5, has a great gray exterior, and a clean black interior! leather steering wheel satellite radio, steering wheel controls, automatic headlights am/fm radio rear spoiler, stability control, abs brakes satellite radio call to confirm availability and schedule a no-obligation test drive! we are located at 385 rothesay ave, saint john, nb e2j 2c3engine: v6 cylinder engine optional equipment am/fm stereo air conditioning anti-theft cd player driver side airbag fog lights intermittent wipers keyless entry power seat power steering power windows rear defroster tilt steering tow package cruise control bucket seats power locks spoiler traction control passenger airbag satellite radio stability control cloth interior auto on/off headlamps child-safety locks daytime running lights illuminated visor mirror leather wrap wheel privacy glass trip computer all wheel drive mp3 cd player steering wheel audio controls kit ref id

    $ 34999

  • 6l v6 cylinder engine kit ref id6 litre v6 that offers 292hp while connected to a responsive paddle shifted 8 speed automatic transmission for easy passingour great looking dodge charger sxt sedan is a great looking machine that dominates any scene with a little attitude shownin pitch black! powered by a 3we know you will enjoy your test drive towards ownership! steele chevrolet atlantic canada's premier pre-owned super center8l/100km on the highwayprint this page and call us nowour sedan strikes a perfect balance of retro style, american muscle, security, and efficiencyyou've got to see this winning formula in action, so get behind the wheel todaymarket value priced for immediate delivery and ready to roll so if this is your next new to your vehicle do not hesitatethis rear wheel drive combination delivers quick acceleration, seamless shifts, brilliant handling, and rewards you withapproximately 7you've dealt with all the rest now get ready to deal with the best! steele chevrolet buick gmc cadillac ( metros' premier credit specialist team good/bad/new credit? divorce? self-employed? we have you covered! apply for your preapproval today! credit specialists on standby 24/7 to get you behind the wheel today! cut and paste the following url into your search bar and apply today; wwwscotiacreditcenterbeing a gm certified pre-owned vehicle ensures this unit has been fully inspected fully detailed serviced up to date and brought up to certified standardsall the information you need is at your fingertips with the uconnect display with back-up camera, apple carplay/android auto capability, a media hub, available satellite radio, integrated voice command with bluetooth, and more! with dodge, feel supremely confident knowing that your dodge charger received excellent safety ratings, and is filled with features to keep you protected including ready alert braking, advanced airbags, and electronic stability controllow and lean, our sxt offers a strong road presence while making you look good! our sxt cabin is spacious top amenities including remote start, heated power-adjustable front seats, a universal garage door opener, and an auto-dimming rearview mirror

    $ 22877

  • Hi there, i'm selling my v6 toyota camry se5l v6 toyota motor, powerful yet economical - up to 650 km on 1 tank - timing chain, strong and durable, good for over km - clean title, carfax available with all history since newall service done on time, oil changes every km, records available - oil pan heater, brand new battery - power everything - premium leather seats - premium jbl sound system - usb/aux - cruise control - sunroof - auto dimming rear view mirror with compass - fog lights - a/c works fine - set of winter and summer tires, plus full size spear tire on the alloy rim - keyless entry/2 sets of keys - overall great shape inside and out price is $very low mileage, looks and handles like a charm, very soft and super powerful at the same timeequipped to the max, this camry trim has lots to offer: - 3not in a rush to sell, still my daily commute

    $ 9500

  • Toyota tacoma base v6 5-speed automatic 4wd 4thank you for taking the time to check out our selection! engine: v6 cylinder engine optional equipment am/fm stereo air conditioning alloy wheels anti-lock brakes (abs) cd player driver side airbag dual airbag fog lights intermittent wipers keyless entry power brakes power mirrors power steering power windows side impact airbag tilt steering rear sliding window running boards crew cab cruise control power locks split folding rear seats bluetooth passenger airbag telescoping steering wheel cloth interior auxiliary 12v outlet center arm rest child-safety locks courtesy lights cup holder daytime running lights digital clock door map pockets halogen headlamps leather wrap wheel map lights power-assist disc brakes privacy glass rear view camera reclining seats sliding rear window step bumper tachometer trailer hitch tinted windows console inside hood release trip odometer steering wheel audio controls kit ref idrecent arrival! 4wd, 16" styled steel wheels, axle ratio, 6 speakers, abs brakes, air conditioning, brake assist, dual front impact airbags, dual front side impact airbags, electronic stability control, panic alarm, passenger door bin, power windows, speed control0l 6-cylinder dohc 24v vvt-i we work with you! finding a solution that makes sense for your individual situation! please visit us or call to learn about our great selectionwith 22 lenders available zacks auto sales can offer our customers with the lowest available interest ratezacks auto sales ltd

    $ 25995

  • Ford fusion sel v6 30l v6 dohc 24v engine km, vin 3fahp0jg9cr sedan 4 doors white exterior, gray interior leather seats alloy rims heated seats sun roof new tires new safety

    $ 7900

  • I have a dyson cordless v6 vacuum for saleit's an awesome vacuum, my place is just too small to justify having a 500$ vacuum hereonly about a week olda broom is fastercomes with a bunch of attachments, manual and all the paperwork to register it for warranty

    $ 400

  • Selling my v6 pro return set, these were used in kasdorfs game with buffalo, i will be getting the exact specs from him soon and will be posted when that happens, please message with any question, looking for $ for the full set, but am open to offers

    $ 1300

  • Vaughn v6 chest protector size large, used a couple times, could not get used too itpickup in winkler

    $ 400

  • v6 used for 1 and a half seasonscustom jarry strappingtext if interestedselling these vaughn goalie pads

    $ 500

  • Qr code link to this post accord exl v6 1 owner no accidents no rust very clean! sunroof, power locks, full leatherruns and drives absolulely great!! show contact info

    $ 2250

  • Qr code link to this post 98 honda accord v6 leather seats, not running

    $ 500

  • Qr code link to this post only kilometers,nice clean car,with the v6 engine,certified, hst and licences extra,former insurance recovery (deer hit),brandons auto salesucda member buy with confidence

    $ 5900

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