Interior equipment affichage dinformation

List interior equipment affichage dinformation

  • M] de tr/min) normes d'émissions fédérales palettes de changement de vitesse au volant pont, rapport de démultiplication final de 3,47 interior equipment affichage de la boussole, situé dans le centralisateur informatique de bord appuie-tête avant réglables en 2 directions (hauteur) bouches d'air à la 2e rangée capteur d'humidité de l'habitacle cinq (5) places climatisation automatique à 2 zones avec réglages de température individuels pour le conducteur et le passager avant commandes audio et de téléphone au volant compartiment pour lunettes de soleil au pavillon compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditions) démarrage sans clé à bouton-poussoir exterior equipment boîtiers de rétroviseur couleur carrosserie cric mécanique avec outils feux arrière distinctifs à del garniture, bas de caisse noir glaces arrière teintées foncées hayon relevable à commande manuelle longerons de porte-bagages montés sur le toit (longerons peints en noir8 mechanical equipment commande du moteur, système d’arrêt au ralenti crochets de remorquage, préparation à l'avant frein de stationnement électronique freins à disque aux 4 roues avec antiblocage aux 4 roues, avant de 11,8 po et arrière de 11,3 po (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)le véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage phares diurnes distinctifs à del rappel de vérification des sièges arrière entertainment equipment antenne de type aileron de requin montée sur le toit chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquent) safety equipment alerte de distance avec le véhicule à l'avant alerte de prévention de collision capteur d'occupation côté passager, dispositif de sécurité gonflable avec témoin de capteur, capteur d'occupation côté passager avant commande des phares intellibeam, commande automatique de feux de route contrôle d'adhérence en descente freinage d'urgence automatique klaxon double tonalité la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager une conduite sécuritaire) garnitures de frein de haute performance duralife levier sélecteur électronique de précision, interface de transmission dotée de boutons-poussoirs et de boutons de détente moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt (puissance de 170 ch [127 kw] à tr/min, couple de 203 lb-pi [275 n) suppression de la radio siriusxm factory options moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt kit ref id2 l/100km hwy: 7engine: i-4 cyl l/100km city: 9cette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritéwhile restrictions are in effect due to covid-19, retail sales and leasing will be available by email, phone, text and at home deliverylorsque l'édition elevation (wjp) est commandée, les longerons seront de couleur noireconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails) pare-brise en verre feuilleté acoustique phares à décharge à haute intensité avec faisceau en c pneu de secours tr16 flanc noir (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)please contact us today for more information on how you can purchase a vehicle from us

    $ 34213

  • ) interior equipment affichage d’information amélioré des instruments du conducteur, écran multicolore climatisation automatique à 1 zone colonne de direction inclinable et télescopique à réglage manuel commandes du système sonore montées au volant de direction" compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditions9 mechanical equipment boîte de transfert électrique autotrac à 2 vitesses cadre entièrement caissonné caisse de camionnette différentiel arrière autobloquant direction assistée électrique freins à disque antiblocage aux 4 roues hitch guidance, trailering assist guideline mode remorquage moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id vvt (puissance de 308 ch [230 kw] à tr/min, couple de 275 lb-pi [373 n) console au pavillon console au plancher personnalisée avec compartiment avant démarreur à distance system désembueur de lunette électrique éclairage intérieur, 2 lampes de lecture exterior equipment bande pare-soleil au pare-brise éclairage dans l'espace utilitaire monté sur la cabine avec interrupteur dans le bloc de commande central hayon verrouillable à distance hayon, ez-lift et inférieur lentille grand angle, situés dans le coin du rétroviseur extérieur côté conducteur lunette coulissante à commande manuelle marchepied d'extrémité de pare-chocs arrière moulures de ceinture de caisse chromées pare-chocs arrière couleur carrosserie phares antibrouillards avant safety equipment caméra de recul hd la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager un comportement sécuritaire au volantaide à obtenir la pression optimale des pneus phares diurnes sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager avant; sacs gonflables latéraux intégrés au siège conducteur et au siège passager avant à la place latérale; rideaux gonflables au pavillon aux places latérales avant et arrière; comprend sac gonflable frontal à la place latérale avec système de détection de l'occupant au siège passager avant système de surveillance de la pression des pneus (ne s’applique pas au pneu de secours) entertainment equipment compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquent) radio hd factory options moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id vvt kit ref idplease contact us today for more information on how you can purchase a vehicle from usla fonction ado comprend la fonction de bouclage de la ceinture de sécurité, laquelle empêche le conducteur de déplacer le levier de vitesses de la position de stationnement pendant un maximum de 20 secondes si sa ceinture n'est pas boucléecette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritéwhile restrictions are in effect due to covid-19, retail sales and leasing will be available by email, phone, text and at home deliverym] à tr/min) pnbv de lb ( kg) (de série sur les modèles à cabine multiplace avec moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id (lgz) seulementle véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage l'alerte de gonflage de pneus émet des signaux sonores et visuels lors du gonflage d'un pneu dont la pression est basse6l 6 cyl l/100km city: 14consultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails0 l/100km hwy: 9

  • 3 mechanical equipment châssis à transmission intégrale (modèles à transmission intégrale seulement) interior equipment affichage de la boussole, situé dans le centralisateur informatique de bord appuie-tête avant réglables en 2 directions (hauteur) bouches d'air à la 2e rangée capteur d'humidité de l'habitacle cinq (5) places climatisation automatique à 2 zones avec réglages de température individuels pour le conducteur et le passager avant commandes audio et de téléphone au volant compartiment pour lunettes de soleil au pavillon compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditions) démarrage sans clé à bouton-poussoir exterior equipment boîtiers de rétroviseur couleur carrosserie cric mécanique avec outils feux arrière distinctifs à del garniture, bas de caisse noir glaces arrière teintées foncées hayon relevable à commande manuelle longerons de porte-bagages montés sur le toit (longerons peints en noirle véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage phares diurnes distinctifs à del rappel de vérification des sièges arrière entertainment equipment antenne de type aileron de requin montée sur le toit chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquent) pare-brise en verre feuilleté acoustique phares à décharge à haute intensité avec faisceau en c poignées de porte couleur carrosserie safety equipment alerte de distance avec le véhicule à l'avant alerte de prévention de collision capteur d'occupation côté passager, dispositif de sécurité gonflable avec témoin de capteur, capteur d'occupation côté passager avant commande des phares intellibeam, commande automatique de feux de route contrôle d'adhérence en descente freinage d'urgence automatique klaxon double tonalité la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager une conduite sécuritaire) suppression de la radio siriusxm factory options moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt kit ref idcette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécurité5l dohc i4 turbo, vvt l/100km city: 95 l/100km hwy: 8lorsque l'édition elevation (wjp) est commandée, les longerons seront de couleur noireconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détailsm] de tr/min) normes d'émissions fédérales palettes de changement de vitesse au volant pont, rapport de démultiplication final de 3,47 (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)) commande du moteur, système d’arrêt au ralenti crochets de remorquage, préparation à l'avant frein de stationnement électronique garnitures de frein de haute performance duralife levier sélecteur électronique de précision, interface de transmission dotée de boutons-poussoirs et de boutons de détente moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt (puissance de 170 ch [127 kw] à tr/min, couple de 203 lb-pi [275 n

    $ 34743

  • 3 mechanical equipment châssis à transmission intégrale (modèles à transmission intégrale seulement) interior equipment affichage de la boussole, situé dans le centralisateur informatique de bord appuie-tête avant réglables en 2 directions (hauteur) bouches d'air à la 2e rangée capteur d'humidité de l'habitacle cinq (5) places climatisation automatique à 2 zones avec réglages de température individuels pour le conducteur et le passager avant commandes audio et de téléphone au volant compartiment pour lunettes de soleil au pavillon démarrage sans clé à bouton-poussoir démarreur à distance exterior equipment boîtiers de rétroviseur couleur carrosserie cric mécanique avec outils feux arrière distinctifs à del garniture, bas de caisse noir glaces arrière teintées foncées hayon relevable à commande manuelle longerons de porte-bagages montés sur le toit (longerons peints en noirle véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage phares diurnes distinctifs à del entertainment equipment antenne de type aileron de requin montée sur le toit chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquent) pare-brise en verre feuilleté acoustique phares à décharge à haute intensité avec faisceau en c poignées de porte couleur carrosserie safety equipment alerte de distance avec le véhicule à l'avant alerte de prévention de collision capteur d'occupation côté passager, dispositif de sécurité gonflable avec témoin de capteur, capteur d'occupation côté passager avant commande des phares intellibeam, commande automatique de feux de route compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditions) suppression de la radio siriusxm factory options moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt kit ref id) contrôle d'adhérence en descente freinage d'urgence automatique klaxon double tonalité la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager une conduite sécuritairecette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécurité5l dohc i4 turbo, vvt l/100km city: 95 l/100km hwy: 8lorsque l'édition elevation (wjp) est commandée, les longerons seront de couleur noireconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détailsm] de tr/min) normes d'émissions fédérales palettes de changement de vitesse au volant pont, rapport de démultiplication final de 3,47 (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)) commande du moteur, système d’arrêt au ralenti crochets de remorquage, préparation à l'avant frein de stationnement électronique garnitures de frein de haute performance duralife levier sélecteur électronique de précision, interface de transmission dotée de boutons-poussoirs et de boutons de détente moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt (puissance de 170 ch [127 kw] à tr/min, couple de 203 lb-pi [275 n

    $ 35334

  • 9 mechanical equipment aide au remorquage boîte de transfert électrique autotrac à 2 vitesses bouclier pour boîte de transfert cadre entièrement caissonné caisse de camionnette contrôle d'adhérence en descente différentiel arrière autobloquant direction assistée électrique freins à disque antiblocage aux 4 roues groupe suspension tout terrain interior equipment affichage d’information amélioré des instruments du conducteur, écran multicolore banquette arrière rabattable (modèles à cabine multiplace seulement) console au pavillon console au plancher personnalisée avec compartiment avant démarreur à distance system désembueur de lunette électrique exterior equipment bande pare-soleil au pare-brise calandre noire avec enjoliveur couleur carrosserie éclairage dans l'espace utilitaire monté sur la cabine avec interrupteur dans le bloc de commande central hayon verrouillable à distance hayon, ez-lift et inférieur lentille grand angle, situés dans le coin du rétroviseur extérieur côté conducteur lunette coulissante à commande manuelle marchepied d'extrémité de pare-chocs arrière moulures de ceinture de caisse chromées pare-chocs arrière couleur carrosserie safety equipment caméra de recul hd la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager un comportement sécuritaire au volantaide à obtenir la pression optimale des pneus phares diurnes sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager avant; sacs gonflables latéraux intégrés au siège conducteur et au siège passager avant à la place latérale; rideaux gonflables au pavillon aux places latérales avant et arrière; comprend sac gonflable frontal à la place latérale avec système de détection de l'occupant au siège passager avant système de surveillance de la pression des pneus entertainment equipment chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquentcanyon all terrain 4wd crew engine: 3) climatisation automatique à 1 zone colonne de direction inclinable et télescopique à réglage manuel commandes du système sonore montées au volant de direction" compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditionscette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritéla fonction ado comprend la fonction de bouclage de la ceinture de sécurité, laquelle empêche le conducteur de déplacer le levier de vitesses de la position de stationnement pendant un maximum de 20 secondes si sa ceinture n'est pas boucléele véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage l'alerte de gonflage de pneus émet des signaux sonores et visuels lors du gonflage d'un pneu dont la pression est basseconsultez le site onstar) radio hd factory options moteur v6 de 3,6 l dact id vvt kit ref idca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails6l v6 f dohc 24v l/100km city: 140 l/100km hwy: 9

    $ 46243

  • 0 optional equipment 3et 2 ac power outlets 2 seatback storage pockets accès à internet avec point d'accès sans fil 4g lte wi-fi hot spot accoudoir central avant avec compartiment de rangement et accoudoir central arrière affichage analogique alarme antivol à détection périmétrique appuie-tête avant inclinables à réglage manuel et appuie-tête arrière à réglage manuel assise chauffante côtés conducteur et passager, dossier chauffant côtés conducteur et passager et sièges avant ventilés bac de rangement au tableau de bord, espace de rangement au tableau de bord, compartiment de rangement intérieur dissimulé, bacs de rangement dans les portes côtés conducteur et passager et arrière et compartiment de rangement sous le siège de 2e rangée exterior equipment deux embouts d'échappement chromés emblème hemi essuie-glaces à balayage intermittent à cadence variable à capteur de pluie garniture de side windows chromee glaces de teinte deep grille chromee hayon laminated glass lampe de caisse au feu de freinage surélevé led brakelights safety equipment blind spot sensor capteurs d'aide au stationnement avant et arrière ceintures de sécurité abdominales et épaulières aux places latérales avant -comprend: 3 points d’ancrage à la place arrière centrale, réglage de la hauteur et prétendeurs poutres anti-intrusion rear child safety rideaux gonflables aux 1re et 2e rangées sac gonflable à capteur d'occupation sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager sacs gonflables latéraux à 2 seuils de déploiement intégrés aux sièges conducteur et passager système d’avertissement de basse pression des pneus propre à chaque pneu entertainment equipment 2 écrans acl à l'avant alerte de trafic routier en temps réel siriusxm traffic amplificateur ordinaire 506w antenne fixe lecture audio en continu neutralisation active du bruit factory options moteur: v6 turbo diesel de 3 l kit ref id0l v6 turbocharged diesel -inc: active lower grille shutters 800-amp maintenance-free battery common rail diesel badge 250 amp alternator gvwr: kgs ( lbs) thermal rear axle trailer tow group -inc: trailer brake control transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv) air suspension tow hitch air suspension four wheel drive 4-wheel disc brakes air suspension brake assist abs power steering automatic headlights power mirror(s) privacy glass heated mirrors rear defrost daytime running lights tow hooks power door locks variable speed intermittent wipers integrated turn signal mirrors power retractable running boards bed liner tires - rear all-season power door locks aluminum wheels running boards/side steps conventional spare tire traction control tires - front all-season fog lamps power folding mirrors keyless entry rain sensing wipers intermittent wipers passenger air bag navigation system mirror memory back-up camera front side air bag heated steering wheel cross-traffic alert cd player passenger adjustable lumbar power driver seat child safety locks stability control rear bench seat power windows remote engine start engine immobilizer cooled front seat(s) power driver seat wifi hotspot passenger vanity mirror driver air bag seat memory steering wheel audio controls leather seats bluetooth connection traction control pass-through rear seat telematics tire pressure monitor universal garage door opener premium sound system blind spot monitor requires subscription adjustable pedals driver vanity mirror power door locks hd radio passenger air bag sensor multi-zone a/c smart device integration floor mats cruise control power windows front head air bag driver adjustable lumbar mp3 player keyless start auxiliary audio input power passenger seat bucket seats security system keyless start keyless entry auto-dimming rearview mirror passenger illuminated visor mirror heated front seat(s) remote engine start leather steering wheel climate control rear parking aid driver illuminated vanity mirror woodgrain interior trim rear head air bag power door locks satellite radio mirror memory heated rear seat(s) trip computer trip computer requires subscription driver adjustable lumbar premium sound system adjustable steering wheel seat memory am/fm stereo power passenger seat a/c mechanical equipment 4 roues motrices en prise temporaire et maintenue alternateur de 220 a barre antiroulis avant et arrière batterie sans entretien de 730 adf boîte de transfert electronic charge utile maximale de lb chauffe-moteur direction à assistance électrique faisceau de câblage de remorque moyeux à blocage auto interior equipment 2 prises de courant de 12 v c0l v6 turbocharged diesel, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv), wheels: 22 x 9 polished aluminum w/inserts -inc: tires: r22xl bsw all-season, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv), trailer tow group -inc: trailer brake control, trailer brake control, tires: r22xl bsw all-season, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, steering gear skid plate, front suspension skid plate, fuel tank skid plate, limited level 1 equipment group -inc: adaptive cruise control w/stop & go, advanced brake assist, surround view camera system, parallel/perpendicular park assist, rear ventilated seats, forward collision warn w/active braking, lane departure warning/lane keep assist, gvwr: kgs ( lbs), engine: 392 rear axle ratio protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate steering gear skid plate front suspension skid plate fuel tank skid plate limited level 1 equipment group -inc: adaptive cruise control w/stop & go advanced brake assist surround view camera system parallel & perpendicular park assist rear ventilated seats forward collision warn w/active braking lane departure warning/lane keep assist tires: r22xl bsw all-season class iv receiver hitch body-colour bumper group -inc: body-colour rear bumper w/step pads body-colour front bumper wheels: 22 x 9 polished aluminum w/inserts -inc: tires: r22xl bsw all-season bed utility group -inc: 4 adjustable cargo tie-down hooks led bed lighting deployable bed step dual-pane panoramic sunroof -inc: led dome/reading lamp led dual dome reading lamps trailer brake control gvwr: kgs ( lbs) diamond black crystal pearl black premium leather front vented bucket seats anti-spin differential rear axle quick order package 28m limited -inc: engine: 30l v6 turbocharged diesel transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv) engine: 30 l l/100km city: 160 l/182 engine powering this automatic transmissionmaple ridge chrysler limited this ram has a strong intercooled turbo diesel v-6 31 l/100km hwy: 110l v6 turbocharged diesel -inc: active lower grille shutters, 800-amp maintenance-free battery, common rail diesel badge, 250 amp alternator, gvwr: kgs ( lbs), thermal rear axle* stop by today * stop by maple ridge chrysler jeep dodge located at west st, maple ridge, bc v2x 3m6 for a quick visit and a great vehicle! engine: 6 cylinder 3*this ram is competitively priced with these options * quick order package 28m limited -inc: engine: 32 prises de courant de 12 v c

    $ 82917

  • 5 mechanical equipment 4 roues motrices en prise temporaire alternateur de 160 a amortisseurs avant service dur barre antiroulis avant et arrière batterie sans entretien de 730 adf boîte de transfert électronique charge utile maximale de lb chauffe-moteur direction à assistance électrique équipement de remorquage -comprend: dispositif anti-louvoiement de la remorque interior equipment 2 prises de courant de 12 v caccoudoir avant avec 3 porte-gobelets accoudoirs avec compartiment de rangement et accoudoir central arrière affichage analogique antidémarreur sentry key appuie-tête avant à réglage manuel et appuie-tête arrière à réglage manuel bac de rangement au tableau de bord, espace de rangement au tableau de bord, bacs de rangement dans les portes côtés conducteur et passager et arrière et compartiment de rangement sous le siège de 2e rangée boîte à gants boussole colonne de direction inclinable à réglage manuel exterior equipment cache-moyeu de roue démarrage contact « tip start » essuie-glaces à balayage intermittent à cadence variable garniture de glace latérale noire et garniture de pare-brise noire glaces de teinte foncée hayon lampe de caisse au feu de freinage surélevé panneaux en acier galvanisé/aluminium pare-chocs arrière de type marchepied peinture couche vernie safety equipment caméra de recul parkview ceintures de sécurité abdominales et épaulières aux places latérales avant -comprend: 3 points d’ancrage à la place arrière centrale, réglage de la hauteur et prétendeurs poutres anti-intrusion rideaux gonflables aux 1re et 2e rangées sac gonflable à capteur d'occupation sacs gonflables frontaux à 2 seuils de déploiement côtés conducteur et passager sacs gonflables latéraux à 2 seuils de déploiement intégrés aux sièges conducteur et passager système d’avertissement de basse pression des pneus propre à chaque pneu verrouillage sécurité-enfants aux portes arrière entertainment equipment 1 écran acl à l'avant 6 haut-parleurs antenne fixe lecture audio en continu factory options 9 haut-parleurs alpine avec haut-parleur d'extrêmes-graves attelage de remorque catégorie iv code d'ensemble éclair 26f warlock différentiel arrière autobloquant ensemble de luxe ensemble démarreur à distance et sécurité ensemble sièges chauffants et roues ensemble warlock mojave sand moteur: v8 hemi de 5,7 l vvt avec système mds rapport de pont arrière de 3,92 sable mojave toit ouvrant à commande électrique transmission: automatique 8 vitesses torqueflite (dfk) kit ref idmetro chrysler ltdl/100km city: 161 l/100km hwy: 11

    $ 48011

  • 4 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 1 12v dc power outlet 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module body-colour exterior mirrors black grille w/body colour surround black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors body-colour front bumper body-colour door handles auto dimming exterior passenger mirror body-colour rear bumper w/step pads bridgestone brand tires radio: uconnect 4 w/8*this ram is competitively priced with these options * sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module, body-colour exterior mirrors, black grille w/body colour surround, black interior accents, body-colour power heated power fold mirrors, body-colour front bumper, body-colour door handles, auto dimming exterior passenger mirror, body-colour rear bumper w/step pads, bridgestone brand tires, quick order package 23z big horn -inc: engine: 37 optional equipment 115v auxiliary power outlet - front front & rear all-weather floor mats off-road group -inc: tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control off-road group -inc: off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control remote start system gvwr: kgs ( lbs) (std) 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque (std) tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist power steering 4-wheel disc brakes abs am/fm stereo daytime running lights aluminum wheels tires - front all-season fog lamps automatic headlights intermittent wipers traction control conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers tires - rear all-season integrated turn signal mirrors privacy glass heated mirrors sliding rear window power mirror(s) power folding mirrors bluetooth connection power door locks power windows stability control mp3 player keyless start sliding rear window passenger air bag sensor power door locks trip computer power door locks adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor steering wheel audio controls traction control passenger air bag back-up camera a/c auxiliary audio input passenger vanity mirror engine immobilizer driver air bag floor mats cruise control cloth seats power windows child safety locks bluetooth connection rear head air bag split bench seat keyless entry front side air bag rear bench seat passenger illuminated visor mirror leather steering wheel front head air bag trip computer pass-through rear seat mechanical equipment # maximum payload 355 rear axle ratio black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust bright white class iv receiver hitch rear wheelhouse liners 7 customizable in-cluster display black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust park-sense front & rear park assist big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener 2nd row in-floor storage bins sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/8* stop by today * test drive this must-see, must-drive, must-own beauty today at dartmouth chrysler jeep dodge, 61 athorpe drive, dartmouth, ns b2y4b84 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile project trailer brake control premium lighting group -inc: low-beam daytime running lights led fog lamps led reflector headlamps led taillamps electronic locking rear differential quick order package 23z big horn -inc: engine: 34 touchscreen apple carplay capable bed utility group -inc: spray-in bedliner 4 adjustable cargo tie-down hooks led bed lighting deployable bed step wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum tires: r20 owl all-terrain siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) (std) engine: 36 l l/100km city: 126 l/220 engine powering this automatic transmission4 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack radio 8dartmouth jeep dodge chrysler this ram has a dependable gas/electric v-6 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque kit ref id21 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 986l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft), wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) (std), trailer brake control, tires: r20 owl all-terrain, siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription, for more info, call , remote start system, rear wheelhouse liners, radio: uconnect 4 w/82 l/100km hwy: 9engine: 6 cylinder 3

    $ 63100

  • 4 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 1 12v dc power outlet 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) diamond black crystal pearl sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module body-colour exterior mirrors black grille w/body colour surround black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors body-colour front bumper body-colour door handles auto dimming exterior passenger mirror body-colour rear bumper w/step pads bridgestone brand tires radio: uconnect 4 w/8*you can't beat the price with these options * sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module, body-colour exterior mirrors, black grille w/body colour surround, black interior accents, body-colour power heated power fold mirrors, body-colour front bumper, body-colour door handles, auto dimming exterior passenger mirror, body-colour rear bumper w/step pads, bridgestone brand tires, quick order package 23z big horn -inc: engine: 37 optional equipment 115v auxiliary power outlet - front front & rear all-weather floor mats off-road group -inc: tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control off-road group -inc: off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control remote start system gvwr: kgs ( lbs) (std) 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque (std) tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist power steering 4-wheel disc brakes abs am/fm stereo daytime running lights aluminum wheels tires - front all-season fog lamps automatic headlights intermittent wipers traction control conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers tires - rear all-season integrated turn signal mirrors privacy glass heated mirrors sliding rear window power mirror(s) power folding mirrors bluetooth connection power door locks power windows stability control mp3 player keyless start sliding rear window passenger air bag sensor power door locks trip computer power door locks adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor steering wheel audio controls traction control passenger air bag back-up camera a/c auxiliary audio input passenger vanity mirror engine immobilizer driver air bag floor mats cruise control cloth seats power windows child safety locks bluetooth connection rear head air bag split bench seat keyless entry front side air bag rear bench seat passenger illuminated visor mirror leather steering wheel front head air bag trip computer pass-through rear seat mechanical equipment # maximum payload 355 rear axle ratio black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust class iv receiver hitch rear wheelhouse liners 7 customizable in-cluster display black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust park-sense front & rear park assist big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener 2nd row in-floor storage bins sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/8* visit us today * come in for a quick visit at dartmouth chrysler jeep dodge, 61 athorpe drive, dartmouth, ns b2y4b8 to claim your ram ! engine: 6 cylinder 34 touchscreen apple carplay capable wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum tires: r20 owl all-terrain siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) (std) engine: 34 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile project trailer brake control premium lighting group -inc: low-beam daytime running lights led fog lamps led reflector headlamps led taillamps electronic locking rear differential quick order package 23z big horn -inc: engine: 36 l l/100km city: 126 l/220 engine powering this automatic transmission4 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack radio 86l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque kit ref id21 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 98dartmouth jeep dodge chrysler this ram has a trusty gas/electric v-6 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft), wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum, transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) (std), trailer brake control, tires: r20 owl all-terrain, siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription, for more info, call , remote start system, rear wheelhouse liners, radio: uconnect 4 w/82 l/100km hwy: 9

    $ 62425

  • 6 optional equipment mosaic black metallic engine block heater transmission continuously variable (cvt) (std) midnight edition includes (b57) nameplate badge in black (b94) black front and rear bowties (gpv) blacked-out grille (q black-painted aluminum wheels and (rmi) r19 all-season blackwall tires seats front bucket (std) lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment jet black premium cloth seat trim engine 15l turbo dohc 4-cylinder di with variable valve timing (vvt) (160 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 184 lb-ft torque [ n-m] @ rpm) front wheel drive fuel door, push open fuelling system, capless interior equipment air conditioning, dual-zone automatic climate control air filter, cabin assist handle, front passenger chevrolet connected access capable (subject to termsan in-vehicle report card gives you information on driving habits and helps you to continue to coach your new driver tire pressure monitor system trunk latch, safety, manual release entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply) defogger, rear-window, electric display, 8" diagonal lcd touch screen driver information centre, monochromatic display keyless start lighting, interior overhead courtesy lamp, dual reading lamps and illuminated trunk area lighting, interior, rear reading lamps, switchable exterior equipment glass, acoustic, laminated, windshield headlamp control, automatic on and off headlamps, halogen mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding tail lamps, led tire, compact spare, tr16 wheel, spare, cm) steel safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail-mounted head-curtain for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system braking control, ecm grade daytime running lamps, led, separate door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear seat reminder rear vision camera stabilitrak, stability control system with brake assist includes traction control teen driver a configurable feature that lets you activate customizable vehicle settings associated with a key fob, to help encourage safe driving behaviour* this chevrolet malibu features the following options * midnight edition includes (b57) nameplate badge in black, (b94) black front and rear bowties, (gpv) blacked-out grille, (q black-painted aluminum wheels and (rmi) r19 all-season, blackwall tires, lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment, lpo, all-weather floor liners, front only, jet black, premium cloth seat trim, engine, 15l turbo dohc 4-cylinder di with variable valve timing (vvt) (160 hp [ kw] @ rpm 184 lb-ft torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std) lpo all-weather floor liners front only abs aluminum wheels turbocharged front wheel drive 4-wheel disc brakes satellite radio mp3 player power mirror(s) heated mirrors tires - rear performance temporary spare tire am/fm stereo tires - front performance bluetooth connection auxiliary audio input smart device integration automatic headlights requires subscription pass-through rear seat knee air bag rear bench seat cruise control passenger air bag stability control power windows driver illuminated vanity mirror daytime running lights power windows brake assist tire pressure monitor rear head air bag steering wheel audio controls bucket seats adjustable steering wheel driver vanity mirror remote engine start cloth seats security system passenger vanity mirror front head air bag passenger air bag sensor keyless start front side air bag power driver seat wifi hotspot rear defrost power door locks security system driver adjustable lumbar power outlet floor mats power door locks child safety locks power driver seat floor mats cruise control climate control a/c passenger illuminated visor mirror keyless entry traction control multi-zone a/c driver air bag back-up camera telematics heated front seat(s) driver restriction features mechanical equipment axle, 5ca or dealer for details5l turbo dohc 4-cylinder di with variable valve timing (vvt) (160 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 184 lb-ft torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std), engine block heater, windows, power with express-down on all, window, power with driver express-up/down, wheels, cm) aluminum, wheel, spare, cm) steel5l l/100km city: 8it can limit certain available vehicle features, and it prevents certain safety systems from being turned off2 l/100km hwy: 65l/91 engine powering this automatic transmissionwelcome to the world of siriusxm* visit us today * a short visit to bridges chevrolet buick gmc located at th street, north battleford, sk s9a 2x6 can get you a tried-and-true malibu today! engine: 4 cylinder 1transmission, continuously variable (cvt) (std), seats, front bucket (std), mosaic black metallicbridges chevrolet buick gmc this chevrolet malibu delivers a turbocharged gas i4 1fees and taxes applyplus listening on the siriusxm app, online and at home on compatible connected devices is included, so you'll hear the best siriusxm has to offer, anywhere life takes youca for complete terms and how to cancel5l turbo dohc 4-cylinder di kit ref idsee the siriusxm customer agreement at www(if you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates) factory options engine, 1it includes the buckle-to-drive feature which prevents the driver from shifting from park for up to 20 seconds if the driver's seat belt is not buckled) antenna, body-colour audio system feature, 6-speaker system siriusxm enjoy an all access trial subscription with over 140+ channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainmentall fees, content, features, and availability are subject to change10 final drive ratio brake lining, high-performance, noise and dust performance brake rotors, duralife brake, parking, manual brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc engine control, stop-start system engine, 1

    $ 26999

  • 5l optional equipment transmission 6-speed automatic electronically-controlled with driver shift control (std) engine 250 final drive ratio brake lining, high-performance brake, parking, electronic drivetrain, all-wheel drive engine block heater engine control, stop/start system engine control, stop/start system override exhaust, turned down, hidden gvwr, lbs ( kg) jack, mechanical interior equipment air conditioning, tri-zone automatic climate control with individual climate settings for driver, front passenger and rear seat occupants air vents, rear console buick connected access capable (subject to terms* this buick envision is a bargain with these options * transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically-controlled with driver shift control (std), summit white, moonroof, power, panoramic, tilt-sliding, lpo, all-weather floor liners, essence preferred equipment group includes standard equipment, engine, 22" multicolour display includes tachometer, speedometer, trip odometer, fuel level, coolant temperature, oil life monitor, battery and compass head restraints, front, 4-way adjustable, up/down, fore/aft head restraints, rear, outboard seats, adjustable (up/down) keyless start, push button exterior equipment door handles, body-colour with chrome strip fog lamps, front glass, acoustic, laminated windshield glass, deep-tinted glass, laminated front doors headlamps, projector beam, high intensity discharge (hid) license plate front mounting package liftgate, power, hands free open and close, programmable taillamps, led with low-profile design tire, spare tr17 sl blackwall safety equipment airbag, passenger sensing system airbags, single-stage driver and dual-stage front passenger frontal, driver and front passenger knee, front and rear seat-mounted side impact and roof-rail for outboard seating positions daytime running lamps, led signature lighting door locks, child security, rear, electrical horn, dual-note lane change alert with side blind zone alert latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children) for child restraint seats rear cross traffic alert rear park assist, ultrasonic rear vision camera entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply(std), ebony, perforated leather-appointed seat trim with ebony interior accents, audio system, buick infotainment system with navigation, am/fm stereo, siriusxm with 8 diagonal colour touch screen, includes 2 usb ports inside centre console, auxiliary input jack, and bluetooth streaming for audio and select phones and phone integration for apple carplay and android auto capability for compatible phone, wiper, rear intermittent, windows, power, rear with express-down(std) ebony perforated leather-appointed seat trim with ebony interior accents essence preferred equipment group includes standard equipment lpo all-weather floor liners moonroof power panoramic tilt-sliding summit white audio system buick infotainment system with navigation am/fm stereo siriusxm with 8 diagonal colour touch screen includes 2 usb ports inside centre console auxiliary input jack and bluetooth streaming for audio and select phones and phone integration for apple carplay and android auto capability for compatible phone automatic headlights heated mirrors aluminum wheels rear bench seat auxiliary audio input bluetooth connection mp3 player power driver seat smart device integration driver adjustable lumbar wifi hotspot hid headlights fog lamps tires - rear all-season tire pressure monitor power door locks integrated turn signal mirrors power liftgate leather seats leather steering wheel privacy glass satellite radio power passenger seat luggage rack tow hooks temporary spare tire am/fm stereo mp3 player heated front seat(s) satellite radio power mirror(s) mp3 player tires - front all-season auxiliary audio input bucket seats passenger adjustable lumbar hands-free liftgate power windows auto-dimming rearview mirror floor mats auxiliary audio input power windows all wheel drive remote trunk release automatic headlights heated rear seat(s) auto-dimming rearview mirror engine immobilizer floor mats blind spot monitor climate control steering wheel audio controls security system cruise control heated steering wheel tire pressure monitor rear parking aid multi-zone a/c power door locks rear a/c leather steering wheel keyless entry universal garage door opener security system cross-traffic alert remote engine start a/c back-up camera rear defrost child safety locks keyless start power windows requires subscription traction control telematics passenger air bag sensor driver air bag knee air bag stability control front head air bag daytime running lights passenger air bag rear head air bag front side air bag rear side air bag driver restriction features mechanical equipment axle, 3this buick envision has a durable gas i4 2ca or dealer for detailsjust minutes away! engine: 4 cylinder 25l dohc 4-cylinder sidi with variable valve timing (vvt) (197 hp [147 kw] @ rpm 192 lb-ft of torque [260 n-m] @ rpm)5l/- tbd – engine powering this automatic transmission* visit us today * for a must-own buick envision come see us at mcnaught buick cadillac gmc, waverly st, winnipeg, mb r3t6a9) cruise control, electronic with set and resume speed cup holders, 2 in front console, 2 in rear armrest defogger, rear-window electric driver information centre, enhanced, 45l dohc 4-cylinder sidi with variable valve timing (vvt) (197 hp [147 kw] @ rpm, 192 lb-ft of torque [260 n-m] @ rpm)) audio system feature, 6-speaker system noise control system, active noise cancelation kit ref id

    $ 42263

  • 5l optional equipment lpo all-weather floor liners light neutral cloth w/leatherette seat trim with ebony interior accents preferred equipment group includes standard equipment audio system buick infotainment system am/fm stereo siriusxm with 8 diagonal colour touch screen includes 2 usb ports bluetooth streaming for audio and select phones and phone integration for apple carplay and android auto capability for compatible phone (std) engine 2transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically-controlled with driver shift control (std), preferred equipment group includes standard equipment, lpo, all-weather floor liners* this buick envision features the following options * light neutral, cloth w/leatherette seat trim with ebony interior accents, engine, 250 final drive ratio brake lining, high-performance brake, parking, electronic drivetrain, all-wheel drive engine block heater engine control, stop/start system engine control, stop/start system override exhaust, turned down, hidden gvwr, lbs ( kg) jack, mechanical interior equipment air conditioning, dual-zone automatic climate control with individual climate settings for driver and front passenger air vents, rear console buick connected access capable (subject to terms2" multicolour display includes tachometer, speedometer, trip odometer, fuel level, coolant temperature, oil life monitor, battery and compass head restraints, front, 4-way adjustable, up/down, fore/aft head restraints, rear, outboard seats, adjustable (up/down) keyless start, push button exterior equipment door handles, body-colour with chrome strip fog lamps, front glass, acoustic, laminated windshield glass, deep-tinted glass, laminated front doors headlamps, projector beam, high intensity discharge (hid) license plate front mounting package liftgate, power, hands free open and close, programmable taillamps, led with low-profile design tire, spare tr17 sl blackwall safety equipment airbag, passenger sensing system airbags, single-stage driver and dual-stage front passenger frontal, driver and front passenger knee, front and rear seat-mounted side impact and roof-rail for outboard seating positions daytime running lamps, led signature lighting door locks, child security, rear, electrical horn, dual-note latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children) for child restraint seats rear park assist, ultrasonic rear vision camera seat belts, 3-point driver and front passenger height-adjustable, includes pretensioners and load limiters stabilitrak, stability control system with traction control entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply(std) transmission 6-speed automatic electronically-controlled with driver shift control (std) dark moon blue metallic power windows power windows smart device integration automatic headlights remote trunk release passenger adjustable lumbar mp3 player power driver seat mp3 player auxiliary audio input automatic headlights privacy glass wifi hotspot all wheel drive auto-dimming rearview mirror heated mirrors hands-free liftgate premium synthetic seats driver adjustable lumbar satellite radio power passenger seat power mirror(s) floor mats rear bench seat temporary spare tire bucket seats bluetooth connection tire pressure monitor mp3 player tires - front all-season power liftgate aluminum wheels am/fm stereo integrated turn signal mirrors fog lamps satellite radio auxiliary audio input tow hooks power door locks hid headlights heated front seat(s) tires - rear all-season auxiliary audio input security system remote engine start cruise control auto-dimming rearview mirror power windows keyless entry a/c universal garage door opener rear defrost engine immobilizer floor mats multi-zone a/c tire pressure monitor keyless start power door locks child safety locks back-up camera security system steering wheel audio controls climate control rear parking aid leather steering wheel requires subscription knee air bag passenger air bag stability control daytime running lights telematics rear head air bag traction control front head air bag rear side air bag front side air bag driver air bag passenger air bag sensor driver restriction features mechanical equipment axle, 3ca or dealer for details5l dohc 4-cylinder sidi with variable valve timing (vvt) (197 hp [147 kw] @ rpm 192 lb-ft of torque [260 n-m] @ rpm)5l/- tbd – engine powering this automatic transmission(std), dark moon blue metallic, audio system, buick infotainment system, am/fm stereo, siriusxm with 8 diagonal colour touch screen, includes 2 usb ports, bluetooth streaming for audio and select phones and phone integration for apple carplay and android auto capability for compatible phone (std), wiper, rear intermittent, windows, power, rear with express-down, window, power with front passenger express-down, window, power with driver express-up and down, wheels, cm) 10-spoke painted aluminum, wheel, spare) cruise control, electronic with set and resume speed cup holders, 2 in front console, 2 in rear armrest defogger, rear-window electric driver information centre, enhanced, 45l dohc 4-cylinder sidi with variable valve timing (vvt) (197 hp [147 kw] @ rpm, 192 lb-ft of torque [260 n-m] @ rpm)* stop by today * stop by bridges chevrolet buick gmc located at th street, north battleford, sk s9a 2x6 for a quick visit and a great vehicle! engine: 4 cylinder 2bridges chevrolet buick gmc this buick envision boasts a gas i4 2) audio system feature, 6-speaker system noise control system, active noise cancelation kit ref id

    $ 37345

  • *this buick envision comes equipped with these options * essence preferred equipment group includes standard equipment, engine, 25l optional equipment lpo all-weather floor liners ebony twilight metallic audio system buick infotainment system am/fm stereo siriusxm with 8 diagonal colour touch screen includes 2 usb ports bluetooth streaming for audio and select phones and phone integration for apple carplay and android auto capability for compatible phone (std) moonroof power panoramic tilt-sliding ebony perforated leather-appointed seat trim with ebony interior accents engine 250 final drive ratio brake lining, high-performance brake, parking, electronic drivetrain, all-wheel drive engine block heater engine control, stop/start system engine control, stop/start system override exhaust, turned down, hidden gvwr, lbs ( kg) jack, mechanical interior equipment air conditioning, tri-zone automatic climate control with individual climate settings for driver, front passenger and rear seat occupants air vents, rear console buick connected access capable (subject to terms2" multicolour display includes tachometer, speedometer, trip odometer, fuel level, coolant temperature, oil life monitor, battery and compass head restraints, front, 4-way adjustable, up/down, fore/aft head restraints, rear, outboard seats, adjustable (up/down) keyless start, push button exterior equipment door handles, body-colour with chrome strip fog lamps, front glass, acoustic, laminated windshield glass, deep-tinted glass, laminated front doors headlamps, projector beam, high intensity discharge (hid) license plate front mounting package liftgate, power, hands free open and close, programmable taillamps, led with low-profile design tire, spare tr17 sl blackwall safety equipment airbag, passenger sensing system airbags, single-stage driver and dual-stage front passenger frontal, driver and front passenger knee, front and rear seat-mounted side impact and roof-rail for outboard seating positions daytime running lamps, led signature lighting door locks, child security, rear, electrical horn, dual-note lane change alert with side blind zone alert latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children) for child restraint seats rear cross traffic alert rear park assist, ultrasonic rear vision camera entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply(std), ebony, perforated leather-appointed seat trim with ebony interior accents, ebony twilight metallic, audio system, buick infotainment system, am/fm stereo, siriusxm with 8 diagonal colour touch screen, includes 2 usb ports, bluetooth streaming for audio and select phones and phone integration for apple carplay and android auto capability for compatible phone (std), wiper, rear intermittent, windows, power, rear with express-down, window, power with front passenger express-down, window, power with driver express-up and down, wheels, cm) 10-spoke polished aluminum(std) transmission 6-speed automatic electronically-controlled with driver shift control (std) essence preferred equipment group includes standard equipment automatic headlights heated mirrors aluminum wheels rear bench seat auxiliary audio input bluetooth connection mp3 player power driver seat smart device integration driver adjustable lumbar wifi hotspot hid headlights fog lamps tires - rear all-season tire pressure monitor power door locks integrated turn signal mirrors power liftgate leather seats leather steering wheel privacy glass satellite radio power passenger seat luggage rack tow hooks temporary spare tire am/fm stereo mp3 player heated front seat(s) satellite radio power mirror(s) mp3 player tires - front all-season auxiliary audio input bucket seats passenger adjustable lumbar hands-free liftgate power windows auto-dimming rearview mirror floor mats auxiliary audio input power windows all wheel drive remote trunk release automatic headlights heated rear seat(s) auto-dimming rearview mirror engine immobilizer floor mats blind spot monitor climate control steering wheel audio controls security system cruise control heated steering wheel tire pressure monitor rear parking aid multi-zone a/c power door locks rear a/c leather steering wheel keyless entry universal garage door opener security system cross-traffic alert remote engine start a/c back-up camera rear defrost child safety locks keyless start power windows requires subscription traction control telematics passenger air bag sensor driver air bag knee air bag stability control front head air bag daytime running lights passenger air bag rear head air bag front side air bag rear side air bag driver restriction features mechanical equipment axle, 3ca or dealer for details5l dohc 4-cylinder sidi with variable valve timing (vvt) (197 hp [147 kw] @ rpm 192 lb-ft of torque [260 n-m] @ rpm)5l/- tbd – engine powering this automatic transmission) cruise control, electronic with set and resume speed cup holders, 2 in front console, 2 in rear armrest defogger, rear-window electric driver information centre, enhanced, 45l dohc 4-cylinder sidi with variable valve timing (vvt) (197 hp [147 kw] @ rpm, 192 lb-ft of torque [260 n-m] @ rpm)* visit us today * stop by bridges chevrolet buick gmc located at th street, north battleford, sk s9a 2x6 for a quick visit and a great vehicle! engine: 4 cylinder 2bridges chevrolet buick gmc this buick envision boasts a gas i4 2transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically-controlled with driver shift control (std), moonroof, power, panoramic, tilt-sliding, lpo, all-weather floor liners) audio system feature, 6-speaker system noise control system, active noise cancelation kit ref id

    $ 41356

  • 7 l optional equipment tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std) black cloth front bench seat chrome appearance group -inc: bright rear bumper bright grille surround matte black mesh/bright grille bright front bumper electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case bright white rear wheelhouse liners protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry satin chrome interior door handles engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel, transmission: 6-speed automatic, wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel, transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob, trailer brake control, tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry, satin chrome interior door handles, tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std), rear wheelhouse liners, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, gvwr: kg ( lbs), engine: 673 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronically controlled throttle front anti-roll bar interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power driver seat exterior equipment black door handles black front bumper w/2 tow hooks black grille black rear step bumper black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, aux audio input jack, voice activation, radio data system and external memory control streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed automatic trailer brake control tires - rear all-season four wheel drive conventional spare tire automatic headlights variable speed intermittent wipers brake assist privacy glass daytime running lights tires - front all-season tow hitch abs integrated turn signal mirrors power steering tow hooks locking/limited slip differential power mirror(s) intermittent wipers steel wheels heated mirrors power door locks 4-wheel disc brakes traction control power windows am/fm stereo rear bench seat split bench seat auxiliary audio input cruise control adjustable steering wheel keyless start bluetooth connection vinyl seats mp3 player passenger vanity mirror a/c tire pressure monitor front side air bag traction control back-up camera stability control front head air bag rear head air bag power windows passenger air bag sensor engine immobilizer power door locks driver air bag child safety locks passenger air bag split bench seat bluetooth connection mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 37 l/408 engine powering this automatic transmission73 rear axle ratio (std) quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel kit ref idnorthland chrysler jeep dodge this ram has a strong intercooled turbo diesel i-6 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake gvwr: kg ( lbs) winter front grille cover current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob gvwr: kg ( lbs) wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel 3* visit us today * come in for a quick visit at northland chrysler dodge jeep ram, recplace drive, prince george, bc v2n 0b2 to claim your ram ! engine: 6 cylinder 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea), dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries, cummins turbo diesel badge, heavy-duty engine cooling, supplemental heater, ram active air intake, gvwr: kg ( lbs), winter front grille cover, current generation engine controller, diesel exhaust brake, capless fuel-filler*this ram is competitively priced with these options * quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 6

  • 7 l optional equipment tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std) black cloth front bench seat chrome appearance group -inc: bright rear bumper bright grille surround matte black mesh/bright grille bright front bumper electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case bright white rear wheelhouse liners protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry satin chrome interior door handles engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel, transmission: 6-speed automatic, wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel, transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob, trailer brake control, tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry, satin chrome interior door handles, tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std), rear wheelhouse liners, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, gvwr: kg ( lbs), engine: 673 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronically controlled throttle front anti-roll bar interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power driver seat exterior equipment black door handles black front bumper w/2 tow hooks black grille black rear step bumper black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, aux audio input jack, voice activation, radio data system and external memory control streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed automatic trailer brake control tires - rear all-season four wheel drive conventional spare tire automatic headlights variable speed intermittent wipers brake assist privacy glass daytime running lights tires - front all-season tow hitch abs integrated turn signal mirrors power steering tow hooks locking/limited slip differential power mirror(s) intermittent wipers steel wheels heated mirrors power door locks 4-wheel disc brakes traction control power windows am/fm stereo rear bench seat split bench seat auxiliary audio input cruise control adjustable steering wheel keyless start bluetooth connection vinyl seats mp3 player passenger vanity mirror a/c tire pressure monitor front side air bag traction control back-up camera stability control front head air bag rear head air bag power windows passenger air bag sensor engine immobilizer power door locks driver air bag child safety locks passenger air bag split bench seat bluetooth connection mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 3engine: 6 cylinder 67 l/408 engine powering this automatic transmission73 rear axle ratio (std) quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel kit ref idnorthland chrysler jeep dodge this ram has a trusty intercooled turbo diesel i-6 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake gvwr: kg ( lbs) winter front grille cover current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob gvwr: kg ( lbs) wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel 3* visit us today * test drive this must-see, must-drive, must-own beauty today at northland chrysler dodge jeep ram, recplace drive, prince george, bc v2n 0b27l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea), dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries, cummins turbo diesel badge, heavy-duty engine cooling, supplemental heater, ram active air intake, gvwr: kg ( lbs), winter front grille cover, current generation engine controller, diesel exhaust brake, capless fuel-filler*this ram is competitively priced with these options * quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 6

  • 7 l optional equipment tires: ltr18e owl on/off-road black cloth front bench seat bright white engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel, transmission: 6-speed automatic, wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel, transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob, tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry, satin chrome interior door handles, tires: ltr18e owl on/off-road, rear wheelhouse liners, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, gvwr: kg ( lbs), engine: 673 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronically controlled throttle front anti-roll bar interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power driver seat exterior equipment black door handles black front bumper w/2 tow hooks black grille black rear step bumper black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, aux audio input jack, voice activation, radio data system and external memory control streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake winter front grille cover gvwr: kg ( lbs) current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry satin chrome interior door handles electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel chrome appearance group -inc: bright rear bumper bright grille surround matte black mesh/bright grille wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel bright front bumper quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 673 rear axle ratio (std) protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate gvwr: kg ( lbs) rear wheelhouse liners power steering brake assist conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers heated mirrors automatic headlights intermittent wipers tow hooks tires - rear all-season daytime running lights integrated turn signal mirrors four wheel drive tow hitch abs power door locks privacy glass power mirror(s) steel wheels locking/limited slip differential 4-wheel disc brakes tires - front all-season traction control cruise control rear bench seat power windows auxiliary audio input vinyl seats passenger vanity mirror adjustable steering wheel split bench seat bluetooth connection am/fm stereo a/c keyless start mp3 player traction control power door locks bluetooth connection front head air bag driver air bag front side air bag stability control passenger air bag sensor tire pressure monitor back-up camera rear head air bag passenger air bag child safety locks power windows split bench seat engine immobilizer mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 3*you can't beat the price with these options * quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 6* visit us today * you've earned this- stop by northland chrysler dodge jeep ram located at recplace drive, prince george, bc v2n 0b2 to make this car yours today! engine: 6 cylinder 67 l/408 engine powering this automatic transmission7l cummins i-6 turbo diesel kit ref id7l cummins i-6 turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed automatic 3northland chrysler jeep dodge this ram has a trusty intercooled turbo diesel i-6 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea), dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries, cummins turbo diesel badge, heavy-duty engine cooling, supplemental heater, ram active air intake, winter front grille cover, gvwr: kg ( lbs), current generation engine controller, diesel exhaust brake, capless fuel-filler, electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case

  • 4 l optional equipment tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std) black cloth front bench seat chrome appearance group -inc: bright rear bumper bright grille surround matte black mesh/bright grille bright front bumper electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case bright white rear wheelhouse liners protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate transmission: 8-speed automatic (std) tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry satin chrome interior door handles engine: 64l hemi v8 w/fuelsaver mds, transmission: 8-speed automatic, wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel, transmission: 8-speed automatic (std), tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry, satin chrome interior door handles, tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std), rear wheelhouse liners, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, gvwr: kg ( lbs) (std), engine: 64l hemi v8 w/fuelsaver mds interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power driver seat exterior equipment black door handles black front bumper w/2 tow hooks black grille black rear step bumper black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, aux audio input jack, voice activation, radio data system and external memory control streaming audio factory options engine: 64l hemi v8 w/fuelsaver mds transmission: 8-speed automatic tires - rear all-season four wheel drive conventional spare tire automatic headlights variable speed intermittent wipers brake assist privacy glass daytime running lights tires - front all-season tow hitch abs integrated turn signal mirrors power steering tow hooks locking/limited slip differential power mirror(s) intermittent wipers steel wheels heated mirrors power door locks 4-wheel disc brakes traction control power windows am/fm stereo rear bench seat split bench seat auxiliary audio input cruise control adjustable steering wheel keyless start bluetooth connection vinyl seats mp3 player passenger vanity mirror a/c tire pressure monitor front side air bag traction control back-up camera stability control front head air bag rear head air bag power windows passenger air bag sensor engine immobilizer power door locks driver air bag child safety locks passenger air bag split bench seat bluetooth connection mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 34l hemi v8 w/fuelsaver mds (std), electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case4l hemi v8 w/fuelsaver mds kit ref id73 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronically controlled throttle engine: 64 l/392 engine powering this automatic transmission* this ram is a bargain with these options * quick order package 2za tradesman -inc: engine: 6* stop by today * a short visit to northland chrysler dodge jeep ram located at recplace drive, prince george, bc v2n 0b2 can get you a reliable today! engine: 8 cylinder 64l hemi v8 w/fuelsaver mds (std) gvwr: kg ( lbs) (std) wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel 3northland chrysler jeep dodge this ram has a trusty premium unleaded v-8 673 rear axle ratio (std) quick order package 2za tradesman -inc: engine: 6

  • 7 l optional equipment tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std) black cloth front bench seat chrome appearance group -inc: bright rear bumper bright grille surround matte black mesh/bright grille bright front bumper electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case bright white rear wheelhouse liners protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry satin chrome interior door handles engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel, transmission: 6-speed automatic, wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel, transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob, trailer brake control, tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry, satin chrome interior door handles, tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std), rear wheelhouse liners, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, gvwr: kg ( lbs), engine: 673 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronically controlled throttle front anti-roll bar interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power driver seat exterior equipment black door handles black front bumper w/2 tow hooks black grille black rear step bumper black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, aux audio input jack, voice activation, radio data system and external memory control streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed automatic trailer brake control tires - rear all-season four wheel drive conventional spare tire automatic headlights variable speed intermittent wipers brake assist privacy glass daytime running lights tires - front all-season tow hitch abs integrated turn signal mirrors power steering tow hooks locking/limited slip differential power mirror(s) intermittent wipers steel wheels heated mirrors power door locks 4-wheel disc brakes traction control power windows am/fm stereo rear bench seat split bench seat auxiliary audio input cruise control adjustable steering wheel keyless start bluetooth connection vinyl seats mp3 player passenger vanity mirror a/c tire pressure monitor front side air bag traction control back-up camera stability control front head air bag rear head air bag power windows passenger air bag sensor engine immobilizer power door locks driver air bag child safety locks passenger air bag split bench seat bluetooth connection mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 37 l/408 engine powering this automatic transmission73 rear axle ratio (std) quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel kit ref idnorthland chrysler jeep dodge this ram has a trusty intercooled turbo diesel i-6 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake gvwr: kg ( lbs) winter front grille cover current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob gvwr: kg ( lbs) wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel 3* visit us today * a short visit to northland chrysler dodge jeep ram located at recplace drive, prince george, bc v2n 0b2 can get you a reliable today! engine: 6 cylinder 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea), dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries, cummins turbo diesel badge, heavy-duty engine cooling, supplemental heater, ram active air intake, gvwr: kg ( lbs), winter front grille cover, current generation engine controller, diesel exhaust brake, capless fuel-filler*this ram is competitively priced with these options * quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 6

  • 7 l optional equipment tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std) black cloth front bench seat chrome appearance group -inc: bright rear bumper bright grille surround matte black mesh/bright grille bright front bumper electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case bright white rear wheelhouse liners protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry satin chrome interior door handles engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel, transmission: 6-speed automatic, wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel, transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob, trailer brake control, tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry, satin chrome interior door handles, tires: ltr18e bsw all-season (std), rear wheelhouse liners, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, gvwr: kg ( lbs), engine: 673 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronically controlled throttle front anti-roll bar interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power driver seat exterior equipment black door handles black front bumper w/2 tow hooks black grille black rear step bumper black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, aux audio input jack, voice activation, radio data system and external memory control streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed automatic trailer brake control tires - rear all-season four wheel drive conventional spare tire automatic headlights variable speed intermittent wipers brake assist privacy glass daytime running lights tires - front all-season tow hitch abs integrated turn signal mirrors power steering tow hooks locking/limited slip differential power mirror(s) intermittent wipers steel wheels heated mirrors power door locks 4-wheel disc brakes traction control power windows am/fm stereo rear bench seat split bench seat auxiliary audio input cruise control adjustable steering wheel keyless start bluetooth connection vinyl seats mp3 player passenger vanity mirror a/c tire pressure monitor front side air bag traction control back-up camera stability control front head air bag rear head air bag power windows passenger air bag sensor engine immobilizer power door locks driver air bag child safety locks passenger air bag split bench seat bluetooth connection mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 3northland chrysler jeep dodge this ram has a dependable intercooled turbo diesel i-6 6engine: 6 cylinder 67 l/408 engine powering this automatic transmission73 rear axle ratio (std) quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel kit ref id7l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake gvwr: kg ( lbs) winter front grille cover current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob gvwr: kg ( lbs) wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel 3* visit us today * test drive this must-see, must-drive, must-own beauty today at northland chrysler dodge jeep ram, recplace drive, prince george, bc v2n 0b27l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea), dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries, cummins turbo diesel badge, heavy-duty engine cooling, supplemental heater, ram active air intake, gvwr: kg ( lbs), winter front grille cover, current generation engine controller, diesel exhaust brake, capless fuel-filler*this ram is competitively priced with these options * quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 6

  • 7 l optional equipment tires: ltr18e owl on/off-road black cloth front bench seat bright white engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel, transmission: 6-speed automatic, wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel, transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob, tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry, satin chrome interior door handles, tires: ltr18e owl on/off-road, rear wheelhouse liners, protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate, gvwr: kg ( lbs), engine: 673 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronically controlled throttle front anti-roll bar interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power driver seat exterior equipment black door handles black front bumper w/2 tow hooks black grille black rear step bumper black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, aux audio input jack, voice activation, radio data system and external memory control streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake winter front grille cover gvwr: kg ( lbs) current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler transmission: 6-speed automatic -inc: urethane shift knob tradesman level 1 equipment group -inc: remote keyless entry satin chrome interior door handles electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel chrome appearance group -inc: bright rear bumper bright grille surround matte black mesh/bright grille wheels: 18 x 8 chrome-clad steel bright front bumper quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 673 rear axle ratio (std) protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate gvwr: kg ( lbs) rear wheelhouse liners power steering brake assist conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers heated mirrors automatic headlights intermittent wipers tow hooks tires - rear all-season daytime running lights integrated turn signal mirrors four wheel drive tow hitch abs power door locks privacy glass power mirror(s) steel wheels locking/limited slip differential 4-wheel disc brakes tires - front all-season traction control cruise control rear bench seat power windows auxiliary audio input vinyl seats passenger vanity mirror adjustable steering wheel split bench seat bluetooth connection am/fm stereo a/c keyless start mp3 player traction control power door locks bluetooth connection front head air bag driver air bag front side air bag stability control passenger air bag sensor tire pressure monitor back-up camera rear head air bag passenger air bag child safety locks power windows split bench seat engine immobilizer mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 3northland chrysler jeep dodge this ram has a dependable intercooled turbo diesel i-6 6* visit us today * a short visit to northland chrysler dodge jeep ram located at recplace drive, prince george, bc v2n 0b2 can get you a dependable today! engine: 6 cylinder 67 l/408 engine powering this automatic transmission7l cummins i-6 turbo diesel kit ref id7l cummins i-6 turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed automatic 37l cummins i-6 turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea), dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries, cummins turbo diesel badge, heavy-duty engine cooling, supplemental heater, ram active air intake, winter front grille cover, gvwr: kg ( lbs), current generation engine controller, diesel exhaust brake, capless fuel-filler, electric shift-on-the-fly transfer case*this ram is competitively priced with these options * quick order package 2ha tradesman -inc: engine: 6

  • 7l optional equipment gvwr: kg ( lbs) radio: uconnect 1273 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronic transfer case electronically controlled throttle interior equipment 115-volt auxiliary power outlet - rear 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests 84" touchscreen display analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night auto-dimming rearview mirror delayed accessory power exterior equipment black side windows trim and black front windshield trim body-coloured fender flares cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome grille chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front bumper sight shields front fog lamps safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parksense front and rear parking sensors rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 2 lcd monitors in the front active noise control system integrated centre stack radio integrated roof antenna regular amplifier streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake winter front grille cover gvwr: kg ( lbs) current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler towing technology group -inc: centre high-mount stop lamp w/camera mirror-mounted aux reverse lamps surround view camera system blind-spot/cross-path exterior mirrors w/memory settings bright power tow spotter mirrors w/memory trailer reverse guidance power convex aux exterior mirrors sport appearance package -inc: black interior accents body-colour door handles body-colour front bumper body-colour grille surround body-colour rear bumper transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic -inc: 12 single-wheel rear axle transmission oil cooler bright accent shift knob laramie level 1 equipment group -inc: mirror-mounted aux reverse lamps blind-spot/cross-path rain-sensing windshield wipers power adjustable pedals w/memory bright power tow spotter mirrors w/memory front ventilated seats remote tailgate release auto high-beam headlamp control exterior mirrors w/memory settings door trim panel foam bottle insert single-disc remote cd player 2nd row in-floor storage bins radio/driver seat/mirrors/pedals memory power convex aux exterior mirrors 220-amp alternator bright flat wheel-to-wheel side steps tires: ltr18e owl on/off-road monotone paint power sunroof tires - rear all-season power steering power mirror(s) privacy glass automatic headlights aluminum wheels abs fog lamps integrated turn signal mirrors tires - front all-season four wheel drive heated mirrors power folding mirrors conventional spare tire intermittent wipers locking/limited slip differential brake assist daytime running lights rear defrost power door locks tow hitch variable speed intermittent wipers 4-wheel disc brakes tow hooks traction control auxiliary audio input floor mats split bench seat keyless start am/fm stereo a/c woodgrain interior trim requires subscription wifi hotspot driver illuminated vanity mirror keyless entry driver adjustable lumbar auto-dimming rearview mirror climate control premium sound system driver vanity mirror passenger vanity mirror premium synthetic seats steering wheel audio controls satellite radio trip computer leather steering wheel bluetooth connection heated steering wheel cruise control power passenger seat universal garage door opener multi-zone a/c pass-through rear seat leather seats rear bench seat power windows passenger illuminated visor mirror adjustable steering wheel power driver seat mp3 player heated front seat(s) remote engine start driver air bag stability control child safety locks engine immobilizer rear parking aid smart device integration rear head air bag passenger air bag sensor back-up camera tire pressure monitor security system passenger air bag adjustable pedals front side air bag front head air bag passenger adjustable lumbar mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 3worth the drive7l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic pearl white 5th wheel/gooseneck towing prep group single-disc remote cd player centre high-mount stop lamp w/camera black leather-faced front vented bucket seats -inc: bucket seats power 2-way driver lumbar adjust full-length upgraded floor console spray-in bedliner wheels: 18 x 8 polished aluminum (std) protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate engine: 6call or text for info or visit us at 505 hwy #7 west, rosetown sk0 w/navigation -inc: siriusxm traffic disassociated touchscreen display hd radio for details visit driveuconnect7l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel kit ref idengine: diesel straight 6 cylinder engine 6best deals in the prairiesca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 5-year sxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link quick order package 21h laramie -inc: engine: 6

  • 73 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronic transfer case electronically controlled throttle interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests analog display armrests w/storage and rear centre armrest centre stack storage drawer compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls dashboard storage, driver / passenger and rear door bins and 2nd row underseat storage day-night rearview mirror exterior equipment black side windows trim and black front windshield trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/2 tow hooks chrome grille chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass fixed rear window front bumper sight shields safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers active noise control system integrated roof antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 6*you can't beat the price with these options * sport appearance package -inc: body-colour grille surround, black interior accents, sport decal, body-colour door handles, body-colour front bumper, body-colour rear bumper, parksense front & rear park assist, quick order package 21z big horn -inc: engine: 67 l optional equipment transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic -inc: 12 single-wheel rear axle transmission oil cooler bright accent shift knob 115-volt auxiliary power outlet - front -inc: 400-watt inverter 9 alpine speakers w/subwoofer centre high-mount stop lamp w/camera security alarm 220-amp alternator tires: ltr20e owl on/off-road engine: 67l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater winter front grille cover gvwr: kg ( lbs) current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler wheels: 20 x 9 aluminum -inc: tires: ltr20e owl on/off-road parksense front & rear park assist spray-in bedliner sport appearance package -inc: body-colour grille surround black interior accents sport decal body-colour door handles body-colour front bumper body-colour rear bumper parksense front & rear park assist big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster blind-spot/cross-path power folding exterior mirrors black power folding heated tow mirrors led taillamps auto-dimming rearview mirror power adjustable pedals leather-wrapped steering wheel rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch fog lamps glove box lamp footwell courtesy lamp dual remote usb charging ports door trim panel foam bottle insert wheels: 18 x 8 polished forged aluminum dampened tailgate security alarm big horn instrument panel badge locking lower glove box remote start system steering wheel-mounted audio control a/c w/dual-zone auto temperature control dual glove boxes 115-volt auxiliary power outlet - front 400-watt inverter 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener 2nd row in-floor storage bins sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/87l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic locking/limited slip differential tires - rear all-season abs tow hitch steel wheels traction control tires - front all-season chrome wheels four wheel drive 4-wheel disc brakes tow hooks power steering brake assist conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers power door locks trip computer cruise control keyless entry adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor driver air bag heated mirrors stability control keyless start bluetooth connection trip computer passenger air bag sensor passenger vanity mirror privacy glass front side air bag back-up camera daytime running lights engine immobilizer bluetooth connection child safety locks floor mats passenger air bag power door locks integrated turn signal mirrors rear bench seat traction control auxiliary audio input power door locks power windows front head air bag split bench seat intermittent wipers passenger illuminated visor mirror power windows cloth seats am/fm stereo automatic headlights split bench seat rear head air bag power mirror(s) a/c mp3 player mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 37l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel, transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic, wheels: 20 x 9 aluminum -inc: tires: ltr20e owl on/off-road, transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic -inc: 12 single-wheel rear axle, transmission oil cooler, bright accent shift knob, towing technology group -inc: centre high-mount stop lamp w/camera, mirror-mounted aux reverse lamps, surround view camera system, black power tow spotter mirrors, trailer reverse guidance, power convex aux exterior mirrors, tires: ltr20e owl on/off-road, spray-in bedliner, security alarm, remote start system, red pearl4 display google android auto 1-year siriusxm subscription for siriusxm info call 8 rear auto-levelling air suspension -inc: air suspension decal red pearl rear window defroster gvwr: kg ( lbs) remote start system radio: uconnect 4 w/8* stop by today * come in for a quick visit at dartmouth chrysler jeep dodge, 61 athorpe drive, dartmouth, ns b2y4b8 to claim your ram ! engine: 6 cylinder 6dartmouth jeep dodge chrysler this ram has a dependable intercooled turbo diesel i-6 67 l/408 engine powering this automatic transmission4 touchscreen display apple carplay capable fog lamps black premium cloth front bucket seats -inc: bucket seats fold-flat load floor w/storage power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear split-folding bench seat front seatback map pockets power 2-way driver lumbar adjust full-length upgraded floor console 37l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel kit ref id73 rear axle ratio (std) towing technology group -inc: centre high-mount stop lamp w/camera mirror-mounted aux reverse lamps surround view camera system black power tow spotter mirrors trailer reverse guidance power convex aux exterior mirrors blind-spot/cross-path -inc: power folding exterior mirrors black power folding heated tow mirrors led taillamps quick order package 21z big horn -inc: engine: 64 display -inc: google android auto 1-year siriusxm subscription for siriusxm info call siriusxm satellite radio integrated centre stack radio 8

    $ 85375

  • 0 optional equipment 115v auxiliary power outlet - front front & rear all-weather floor mats quick order package 25z big horn -inc: engine: 54 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 1 12v dc power outlet 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 54 touchscreen apple carplay capable built-to-serve edition -inc: black door handles steering gear skid plate falken brand tires led taillamps black headlamp bezels front suspension skid plate power 4-way driver lumbar adjust tires: r20 owl all-terrain (disc) front extra heavy-duty shocks black tubular side steps power 8-way adjustable driver seat full-length floor console full-size spare tire led fog lamps led reflector headlamps black rear bumper electronic locking rear differential black ram grille badge 9 alpine speakers w/subwoofer bucket seats body colour fender flares black grille w/black surround rear heavy-duty shock absorbers black exterior badging centre console parts module built-to-serve edition i/p badge tow hooks wheels: 20 x 9 aluminum (disc) black onyx interior accent black dual exhaust tips transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate front & rear all-weather floor mats black front bumper hill descent control park-sense front & rear park assist big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener 2nd row in-floor storage bins sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/821 rear axle ratio (std) tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist power steering 4-wheel disc brakes abs am/fm stereo daytime running lights aluminum wheels tires - front all-season fog lamps automatic headlights intermittent wipers traction control conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers tires - rear all-season integrated turn signal mirrors privacy glass heated mirrors sliding rear window power mirror(s) power folding mirrors bluetooth connection power door locks power windows stability control mp3 player keyless start sliding rear window passenger air bag sensor power door locks trip computer power door locks adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor steering wheel audio controls traction control passenger air bag back-up camera a/c auxiliary audio input passenger vanity mirror engine immobilizer driver air bag floor mats cruise control cloth seats power windows child safety locks bluetooth connection rear head air bag split bench seat keyless entry front side air bag rear bench seat passenger illuminated visor mirror leather steering wheel front head air bag trip computer pass-through rear seat mechanical equipment # maximum payload 3rivershore ram engine: 8 cylinder 57 l l/100km city: 161 l/100km hwy: 11ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 5-year siriusxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link 4g lte wi-fi hot spot 87l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds -inc: active noise control system 180-amp alternator heavy-duty engine cooling gvwr: kgs ( lbs) bright dual rear exhaust tips hemi badge black cloth front bucket seats -inc: mopar lockable console storage class iv receiver hitch blind-spot & cross-path detection -inc: led taillamps rear wheelhouse liners 7 customizable in-cluster display radio: uconnect 4c nav w/87l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds transmission: 8-speed automatic remote start system engine: 57l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds kit ref id4 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm traffic usb mobile projection disassociated touchscreen display hd radio integrated centre stack radio for details visit driveuconnect21 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 984 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile project electronic locking rear differential gator transmission: 8-speed automatic bed utility group -inc: spray-in bedliner 4 adjustable cargo tie-down hooks led bed lighting deployable bed step tires: r20 owl all-terrain siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call wheels: 20 x 9 aluminum 9 alpine speakers w/subwoofer gvwr: kgs ( lbs) 3

    $ 59866

  • 0 optional equipment 115v auxiliary power outlet - front front & rear all-weather floor mats 34 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 1 12v dc power outlet 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 54 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile project tires: r20 owl all-terrain premium lighting group -inc: low-beam daytime running lights led fog lamps led reflector headlamps led taillamps electronic locking rear differential tires: r20 owl all-terrain sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module body-colour exterior mirrors black grille w/body colour surround black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors body-colour front bumper body-colour door handles auto dimming exterior passenger mirror body-colour rear bumper w/step pads bridgestone brand tires transmission: 8-speed automatic wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call trailer brake control gvwr: kgs ( lbs) 124-litre (274 touchscreen apple carplay capable park-sense front & rear park assist big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener 2nd row in-floor storage bins sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/84-gallon) fuel tank tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist power steering 4-wheel disc brakes abs am/fm stereo daytime running lights aluminum wheels tires - front all-season fog lamps automatic headlights intermittent wipers traction control conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers tires - rear all-season integrated turn signal mirrors privacy glass heated mirrors sliding rear window power mirror(s) power folding mirrors bluetooth connection power door locks power windows stability control mp3 player keyless start sliding rear window passenger air bag sensor power door locks trip computer power door locks adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor steering wheel audio controls traction control passenger air bag back-up camera a/c auxiliary audio input passenger vanity mirror engine immobilizer driver air bag floor mats cruise control power windows child safety locks bluetooth connection rear head air bag keyless entry front side air bag rear bench seat passenger illuminated visor mirror leather steering wheel front head air bag trip computer mechanical equipment # maximum payload 3rivershore ram engine: 8 cylinder 57 l l/100km city: 161 l/100km hwy: 11ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 5-year siriusxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link 4g lte wi-fi hot spot 87l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds transmission: 8-speed automatic off-road group -inc: off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control remote start system black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust engine: 57l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds kit ref id4 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm traffic usb mobile projection disassociated touchscreen display hd radio integrated centre stack radio for details visit driveuconnect21 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 9892 rear axle ratio off-road group -inc: tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control quick order package 25z big horn -inc: engine: 57l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds -inc: active noise control system 180-amp alternator heavy-duty engine cooling gvwr: kgs ( lbs) bright dual rear exhaust tips hemi badge class iv receiver hitch rear wheelhouse liners granite crystal metallic 7 customizable in-cluster display black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust radio: uconnect 4c nav w/8

    $ 59502

  • 0 optional equipment sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module body-colour exterior mirrors black grille w/body colour surround black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors body-colour front bumper body colour door handles auto-dimming exterior passenger mirror body-colour rear bumper w/step pads bridgestone brand tires 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 31 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 56-gallon) fuel tank siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call gvwr: kgs ( lbs) tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist abs power steering 4-wheel disc brakes tires - front all-season power door locks integrated turn signal mirrors heated mirrors sliding rear window intermittent wipers fog lamps daytime running lights automatic headlights aluminum wheels power folding mirrors traction control tires - rear all-season bluetooth connection power mirror(s) am/fm stereo variable speed intermittent wipers privacy glass conventional spare tire rear bench seat traction control keyless start stability control auxiliary audio input mp3 player steering wheel audio controls adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor power windows child safety locks passenger air bag front head air bag passenger illuminated visor mirror passenger air bag sensor power windows engine immobilizer back-up camera pass-through rear seat passenger vanity mirror a/c power door locks keyless entry split bench seat driver air bag leather steering wheel bluetooth connection trip computer cruise control power door locks rear head air bag floor mats front side air bag cloth seats sliding rear window trip computer mechanical equipment # maximum payload 37l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds transmission: 8-speed automatic off-road group -inc: off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control remote start system black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road class iv receiver hitch big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/84 touchscreen apple carplay capable off-road group -inc: tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control engine: 592 rear axle ratio quick order package 25z big horn -inc: engine: 57l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds -inc: active noise control system 180-amp alternator heavy-duty engine cooling gvwr: kgs ( lbs) bright dual rear exhaust tips hemi badge 98-litre (21rivershore ram engine: 8 cylinder 57 l l/100km city: 161 l/100km hwy: 114 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack radio 87l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds kit ref id4 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack ra rear wheelhouse liners granite crystal metallic 7 customizable in-cluster display park-sense front & rear park assist wheels: 18 x 8 aluminum (std) electronic locking rear differential transmission: 8-speed automatic radio: uconnect 4 w/821 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 87

    $ 54844

  • 4 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 1 12v dc power outlet 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module body-colour exterior mirrors black grille w/body colour surround black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors body-colour front bumper body-colour door handles auto dimming exterior passenger mirror body-colour rear bumper w/step pads bridgestone brand tires radio: uconnect 4 w/87 optional equipment 115v auxiliary power outlet - front off-road group -inc: tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control off-road group -inc: off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control remote start system gvwr: kgs ( lbs) (std) 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque (std) tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist power steering 4-wheel disc brakes abs am/fm stereo daytime running lights aluminum wheels tires - front all-season fog lamps automatic headlights intermittent wipers traction control conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers tires - rear all-season integrated turn signal mirrors privacy glass heated mirrors sliding rear window power mirror(s) power folding mirrors bluetooth connection power door locks power windows stability control mp3 player keyless start sliding rear window passenger air bag sensor power door locks trip computer power door locks adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor steering wheel audio controls traction control passenger air bag back-up camera a/c auxiliary audio input passenger vanity mirror engine immobilizer driver air bag floor mats cruise control cloth seats power windows child safety locks bluetooth connection rear head air bag split bench seat keyless entry front side air bag rear bench seat passenger illuminated visor mirror leather steering wheel front head air bag trip computer pass-through rear seat mechanical equipment # maximum payload 355 rear axle ratio black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust class iv receiver hitch rear wheelhouse liners granite crystal metallic 7 customizable in-cluster display black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust park-sense front & rear park assist big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener 2nd row in-floor storage bins sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/84 touchscreen apple carplay capable wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum tires: r20 owl all-terrain siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) (std) engine: 36 l l/100km city: 124 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack radio 8rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque kit ref id21 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 982 l/100km hwy: 94 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile project electronic locking rear differential quick order package 23z big horn -inc: engine: 3

    $ 55318

  • 0 optional equipment sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module body-colour exterior mirrors black grille w/body colour surround black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors body-colour front bumper body colour door handles auto-dimming exterior passenger mirror body-colour rear bumper w/step pads bridgestone brand tires 115v auxiliary power outlet - front front & rear all-weather floor mats 31 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 2 12v dc power outlets 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 56-gallon) fuel tank wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum tires: r20 owl all-terrain siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call flame red gvwr: kgs ( lbs) tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist abs power steering 4-wheel disc brakes tires - front all-season power door locks integrated turn signal mirrors heated mirrors sliding rear window intermittent wipers fog lamps daytime running lights automatic headlights aluminum wheels power folding mirrors traction control tires - rear all-season bluetooth connection power mirror(s) am/fm stereo variable speed intermittent wipers privacy glass conventional spare tire rear bench seat traction control keyless start stability control auxiliary audio input mp3 player steering wheel audio controls adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor power windows child safety locks passenger air bag front head air bag passenger illuminated visor mirror passenger air bag sensor power windows engine immobilizer back-up camera pass-through rear seat passenger vanity mirror a/c power door locks keyless entry split bench seat driver air bag leather steering wheel bluetooth connection trip computer cruise control power door locks rear head air bag floor mats front side air bag cloth seats sliding rear window trip computer mechanical equipment # maximum payload 37l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds transmission: 8-speed automatic off-road group -inc: off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control remote start system black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust class iv receiver hitch big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/892 rear axle ratio quick order package 25z big horn -inc: engine: 54 touchscreen apple carplay capable off-road group -inc: tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control engine: 57l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds -inc: active noise control system 180-amp alternator heavy-duty engine cooling gvwr: kgs ( lbs) bright dual rear exhaust tips hemi badge 98-litre (21rivershore ram engine: 8 cylinder 57 l l/100km city: 161 l/100km hwy: 114 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack ra rear wheelhouse liners 7 customizable in-cluster display park-sense front & rear park assist trailer brake control premium lighting group -inc: low-beam daytime running lights led fog lamps led reflector headlamps led taillamps electronic locking rear differential transmission: 8-speed automatic radio: uconnect 4 w/84 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack radio 87l hemi vvt v8 w/fuelsaver mds kit ref id21 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 87

    $ 56501

  • 73 rear axle ratio # maximum payload 4-wheel disc brakes w/4-wheel abs, front and rear vented discs, brake assist and hill hold control 730cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection auto locking hubs block heater electronic transfer case electronically controlled throttle interior equipment 115-volt auxiliary power outlet - rear 2 12v dc power outlets 2-way rear headrests 4-way adjustable front headrests 87 l optional equipment transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic -inc: 12 single-wheel rear axle transmission oil cooler bright accent shift knob single-disc remote cd player centre high-mount stop lamp w/camera 220-amp alternator tires: ltr20e owl on/off-road radio: uconnect 4c nav w/84" touchscreen display analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night auto-dimming rearview mirror delayed accessory power exterior equipment black side windows trim and black front windshield trim body-coloured fender flares cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome grille chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front bumper sight shields front fog lamps safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parksense front and rear parking sensors rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 2 lcd monitors in the front active noise control system integrated centre stack radio integrated roof antenna regular amplifier streaming audio factory options engine: 67l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel transmission: 6-speed aisin hd automatic wheels: 20 x 9 aluminum -inc: tires: ltr20e owl on/off-road towing technology group -inc: centre high-mount stop lamp w/camera mirror-mounted aux reverse lamps surround view camera system blind-spot/cross-path exterior mirrors w/memory settings bright power tow spotter mirrors w/memory trailer reverse guidance power convex aux exterior mirrors led bed lighting safety group -inc: auto high-beam headlamp control mirror-mounted aux reverse lamps blind-spot/cross-path rain-sensing windshield wipers exterior mirrors w/memory settings adaptive cruise control w/stop bright power tow spotter mirrors w/memory forward collision warn w/active braking power convex aux exterior mirrors protection group -inc: transfer case skid plate spray-in bedliner sport appearance package -inc: black interior accents body-colour door handles body-colour front bumper body-colour grille surround body-colour rear bumper laramie level 2 equipment group -inc: mirror-mounted aux reverse lamps blind-spot/cross-path rain-sensing windshield wipers power adjustable pedals w/memory radio: uconnect 4c nav w/8ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 5-year sxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link bright power tow spotter mirrors w/memory front ventilated seats media hub w/2 usb charging ports remote tailgate release 17-speaker high performance audio auto high-beam headlamp control exterior mirrors w/memory settings 2nd-row heated seats door trim panel foam bottle insert single-disc remote cd player 2nd row in-floor storage bins radio/driver seat/mirrors/pedals memory power convex aux exterior mirrors clearance lamps gvwr: kg ( lbs) bed utility group -inc: spray-in bedliner led bed lighting deployable bed step black forest green pearl tires - rear all-season power steering power mirror(s) privacy glass automatic headlights aluminum wheels abs fog lamps integrated turn signal mirrors tires - front all-season four wheel drive heated mirrors power folding mirrors conventional spare tire intermittent wipers locking/limited slip differential brake assist daytime running lights rear defrost power door locks tow hitch variable speed intermittent wipers 4-wheel disc brakes tow hooks traction control auxiliary audio input floor mats split bench seat keyless start am/fm stereo a/c woodgrain interior trim requires subscription wifi hotspot power door locks driver illuminated vanity mirror keyless entry driver adjustable lumbar auto-dimming rearview mirror climate control power door locks premium sound system driver vanity mirror passenger vanity mirror premium synthetic seats steering wheel audio controls requires subscription satellite radio trip computer driver adjustable lumbar leather steering wheel bluetooth connection heated steering wheel keyless entry cruise control premium sound system power passenger seat universal garage door opener multi-zone a/c pass-through rear seat leather seats rear bench seat power windows satellite radio passenger illuminated visor mirror adjustable steering wheel power driver seat mp3 player power windows heated front seat(s) remote engine start driver air bag stability control traction control child safety locks engine immobilizer trip computer rear parking aid power door locks smart device integration rear head air bag smart device integration passenger air bag sensor back-up camera tire pressure monitor security system passenger air bag bluetooth connection keyless start adjustable pedals front side air mechanical equipment l fuel tank 180 amp alternator 3ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 5-year sxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link monotone paint engine: 67l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel -inc: selective catalytic reduction (urea) dual 730-amp maintenance-free batteries cummins turbo diesel badge heavy-duty engine cooling supplemental heater ram active air intake winter front grille cover gvwr: kg ( lbs) current generation engine controller diesel exhaust brake capless fuel-filler black leather-faced front vented bucket seats -inc: bucket seats power 2-way driver lumbar adjust full-length upgraded floor console power sunroof quick order package 21h laramie -inc: engine: 67l cummins i-6 ho turbo diesel kit ref id4 display -inc: siriusxm traffic disassociated touchscreen display hd radio for details visit driveuconnect4 display siriusxm traffic disassociated touchscreen display hd radio for details visit driveuconnectrivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 6

  • 0 optional equipment 34 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine oil cooler interior equipment 1 12v dc power outlet 1 12v dc power outlet and 2 ac power outlets 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 84" touchscreen analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night auto-dimming rearview mirror delayed accessory power exterior equipment black side windows trim body-coloured fender flares bright dual rear exhaust tips cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome grille chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 2 lcd monitors in the front 506w regular amplifier active noise control system fixed antenna integrated centre stack radio streaming audio factory options engine: 30l v6 turbocharged diesel -inc: active lower grille shutters 800-amp maintenance-free battery common rail diesel badge 250 amp alternator gvwr: kgs ( lbs) thermal rear axle laramie level 2 equipment group -inc: remote tailgate release harmon/kardon 19-speaker audio rear underseat compartment storage automatic high-beam headlamp control blind-spot & cross-path detection rain-sensing windshield wipers second-row heated seats tailgate ajar warning lamp door trim panel foam bottle insert radio: uconnect 4c nav w/80l v6 turbocharged diesel transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv) transmission: 8-speed automatic (dfv) tow hitch four wheel drive power steering brake assist 4-wheel disc brakes abs conventional spare tire automatic headlights daytime running lights variable speed intermittent wipers traction control power folding mirrors privacy glass fog lamps heated mirrors integrated turn signal mirrors tires - rear all-season power door locks keyless entry aluminum wheels power door locks rear defrost intermittent wipers power mirror(s) tires - front all-season heated front seat(s) trip computer mirror memory security system am/fm stereo premium sound system auxiliary audio input back-up camera satellite radio front side air bag power door locks keyless entry remote engine start power driver seat passenger air bag sensor mirror memory steering wheel audio controls tire pressure monitor universal garage door opener child safety locks front head air bag leather seats driver illuminated vanity mirror leather steering wheel auto-dimming rearview mirror smart device integration driver adjustable lumbar climate control pass-through rear seat trip computer heated front seat(s) traction control passenger adjustable lumbar adjustable pedals seat memory keyless start premium sound system power door locks cruise control mp3 player requires subscription power passenger seat power driver seat driver air bag floor mats bluetooth connection bluetooth connection driver vanity mirror passenger vanity mirror rear head air bag passenger illuminated visor mirror power windows cooled front seat(s) engine immobilizer stability control power windows a/c split bench seat rear bench seat keyless start woodgrain interior trim passenger air bag smart device integration multi-zone a/c adjustable steering wheel heated steering wheel mechanical equipment # maximum payload 220 amp alternator 392 rear axle ratio sport appearance package -inc: tires: r20 owl all-season body-colour exterior mirrors black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors sport performance hood body-colour front bumper body-colour door handles body-colour rear bumper w/step pads wheels: 20 x 9 aluminum black grille w/body-colour surround monotone paint rear underseat compartment storage tires: r22xl bsw all-season class iv receiver hitch rear wheelhouse liners led bed lighting dual-pane panoramic sunroof -inc: led dome/reading lamp led dual dome reading lamps power running boards trailer brake control gvwr: kgs ( lbs) wheels: 22 x 9 polished aluminum -inc: tires: r22xl bsw all-season diamond black crystal pearl black leather-faced front vented bucket seats -inc: bucket seats rear folding & reclining seat full-length upgraded floor console bed utility group -inc: spray-in bedliner 4 adjustable cargo tie-down hooks led bed lighting deployable bed step radio: uconnect 4c nav w/12 display -inc: siriusxm traffic usb mobile projection disassociated touchscreen display hd radio for details visit driveuconnect0 l l/100km city: 16ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 12 touchscreen 5-year siriusxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link 4g lte wi-fi hot spot siriusxm w/360l on-demand content anti-spin differential rear axle engine: 31 l/100km hwy: 11rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 3ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 5-year siriusxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link 4g lte wi-fi hot spot rear folding & reclining seat quick order package 28h laramie -inc: engine: 321 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 980l v6 turbocharged diesel kit ref id4 display siriusxm traffic usb mobile projection disassociated touchscreen display hd radio for details visit driveuconnect

    $ 73473

  • 4 l fuel tank auto locking hubs block heater electric power-assist steering electronic transfer case engine auto stop-start feature engine oil cooler interior equipment 1 12v dc power outlet 3 rear seat head restraints 4-way adjustable front headrests 4-way driver seat -inc: manual recline and fore/aft movement analog display compass cruise control w/steering wheel controls day-night rearview mirror delayed accessory power fade-to-off interior lighting exterior equipment black grille w/chrome surround black side windows trim cargo lamp w/high mount stop light chrome door handles chrome front bumper w/chrome rub strip/fascia accent chrome rear step bumper clearcoat paint deep tinted glass front license plate bracket galvanized steel/aluminum panels safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags dual stage driver and passenger seat-mounted side airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 1 lcd monitor in the front 6 speakers fixed antenna streaming audio factory options engine: 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) tires: r20 owl all-terrain sport appearance package -inc: centre console parts module body-colour exterior mirrors black grille w/body colour surround black interior accents body-colour power heated power fold mirrors body-colour front bumper body-colour door handles auto dimming exterior passenger mirror body-colour rear bumper w/step pads bridgestone brand tires radio: uconnect 4 w/87 optional equipment 115v auxiliary power outlet - front off-road group -inc: tires: ltr18c owl on-/off-road off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control off-road group -inc: off-road decals steering gear skid plate falken brand tires front suspension skid plate front extra heavy-duty shocks rear heavy-duty shock absorbers full-size spare tire tow hooks electronic locking rear differential transfer case skid plate fuel tank skid plate hill descent control remote start system gvwr: kgs ( lbs) (std) 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque (std) tow hitch four wheel drive brake assist power steering 4-wheel disc brakes abs am/fm stereo daytime running lights aluminum wheels tires - front all-season fog lamps automatic headlights intermittent wipers traction control conventional spare tire variable speed intermittent wipers tires - rear all-season integrated turn signal mirrors privacy glass heated mirrors sliding rear window power mirror(s) power folding mirrors bluetooth connection power door locks power windows stability control mp3 player keyless start sliding rear window passenger air bag sensor power door locks trip computer power door locks adjustable steering wheel tire pressure monitor steering wheel audio controls traction control passenger air bag back-up camera a/c auxiliary audio input passenger vanity mirror engine immobilizer driver air bag floor mats cruise control power windows child safety locks bluetooth connection rear head air bag keyless entry front side air bag rear bench seat passenger illuminated visor mirror leather steering wheel front head air bag trip computer pass-through rear seat cloth seats split bench seat mechanical equipment # maximum payload 355 rear axle ratio black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust class iv receiver hitch rear wheelhouse liners granite crystal metallic 7 customizable in-cluster display black cloth front bucket seats -inc: power 8-way adjustable driver seat bucket seats full-length floor console power 4-way driver lumbar adjust park-sense front & rear park assist big horn level 2 equipment group -inc: rear window defroster auto-dimming rearview mirror park-sense front & rear park assist power adjustable pedals rear power sliding window rear dome lamp w/on/off switch glove box lamp power 4-way driver lumbar adjust 115v rear auxiliary power outlet power 8-way adjustable driver seat rear media hub w/2 usb ports front heated seats heated steering wheel door trim panel foam bottle insert class iv receiver hitch dampened tailgate security alarm black power fold heated mirrors w/signals big horn instrument panel badge remote start system 400w inverter a/c w/dual-zone automatic temperature control 115v auxiliary power outlet - front 7 customizable in-cluster display universal garage door opener 2nd row in-floor storage bins sun visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors radio: uconnect 4 w/84 display google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile project tires: r20 owl all-terrain electronic locking rear differential quick order package 23z big horn -inc: engine: 34 touchscreen apple carplay capable wheels: 20 x 9 premium chrome-clad aluminum siriusxm satellite radio -inc: 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call transmission: 8-speed automatic (dft) (std) engine: 36 l l/100km city: 124 display -inc: google android auto siriusxm satellite radio 1-year siriusxm subscription for more info call usb mobile projection integrated centre stack radio 8rivershore ram engine: 6 cylinder 36l pentastar vvt v6 w/etorque kit ref id21 rear axle ratio 730cca maintenance-free battery 982 l/100km hwy: 9

    $ 55318

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