Found near lucy
List found near lucy
found near lucy and 7thcontact terri after 4:30pmsmall male black and white chi mixmust prove ownership
He was found near the corner of fruitridge ave & hudson in terre haute, near deming parkon january 22 we found a large (at least 100 pounds) white, long-haired dog, which possibly may be a great pyrneesmark united church of christ he is an un-neutered male he was dragging his leash with him in the yard of st please contact us if he is your dog
found male shih tzuit is grey and white and found near bullard and polk on wheeler and browning
Female siamese mix cat with blue eyes and red collar found near highway 114 and county n near sherwood,wino tags, but a red collar and she has all her claws
near stockdale and el riofound a kitten, just a few months old, wandering at night on saddleback drsomeone has had her before meshe is obviously domesticatedcoloration is similar to a seal point siamese but she is lighter and a shorthairif i don't hear from anyone in a few days, i will take her to the animal shelter on mt vernon so she can be adopted out
English setter male black and white ticking beautiful dog found with a shock collar on found him last night sep 16 any info plz call found near redmond dog park
found near magnolia woods avefound black/light brown unaltered hound dogfound with black collar with no tags
found dog, german shepard mix, male, age unkown, found near flee market on union, if you think this is your dog, please email me with a description of your dog
found near jefferson and magnoliafound black and tan german shepherd, very friendly, obviously lost and looking for family call and identify dog's gender and collar
found - small/young mini dachshund found near portranco and hwy 151 in brycewood / westover place neighborhoodhe has no tag, has not been microchipped and is not neutered if this dog matches the description of your lost pet, please call or texthe is solid black with a little light gray peppering in his fur on his chesthe appears to be housebroken and kept indoors
found on elmhurst st: small black dog with white spot on chestlooks like jack russell/dachshund mixpink camouflage collar
Small male dog found near stonestreet and valley station wayface mostly tan with body white and tanpossibly shihtzu or cairin terrier mix? sweet boy that we just want to get back to his familywe just want him to be able to go back homeplease email me at or text
Sweet and lovable cat found near 55th and sbeen here since 5/20
Puppy found near new stine and houghton rdabout 3 months oldlight brown with white chest and paws
found near malama market on makakilo dr please call to describe friendly, young seems to be a terrier/chihuahua mix (?) no collar or microchip but obviously someone's pet
This cat was found near hill & dales, and brunnerdal, on thursday, july 2ndhe is neutered and declawedhe has short black hair, and white markings on his bellyhe did not have a collar on and no microchip
50lb female brindle mix, maybe 1 year old? found near lake underhill, close to waterford lakes
found near clemmons at gus hill / frye bridge rdhas red shock collar on black and white austrailian shepherd
found near limberlost and stonevery sweet and affectionatesiamese kitty, approximately weeks old
found near 51st & lewis, north of i-44 very sweet, neutered, brand new collar and leash but no tag
found near cisco sonic searching for original owner and new family probably at least 12 years oldfully house trained male and is nurtured, plays and sleeps with cats, docile demeanor, doesn't bark muchi have this dog that is old missing some teeth he can only eat can food
Iphone found near garden city mall message me if this is yours and you can unlock and you can have it back
One girl's downhill ski found near the fire hall in vaughansif you lost one describe it and come pick it up