List eevee
I'm looking to sell this for around $nearly untouched copy of pokemon: let's go eevee! for the nintendo switch
Nintendo switch games, all in mint condition*** firm prices *** games: the legend of zelda: link's awakening - $65 pokémon: let's go eevee! - $60 the elder scrolls v: skyrim - $60 fate extella: the umbral star - $50
Surge's voltorb () ponyta () dratini () eevee () rattata () gloom () magikarp () spearow () koga's zubat () sabrina's gastly () koga's ekans () erika's ivysaur () poliwrath () wigglytuff () charmander () grimer () zubat () eevee () oddish () erika's exeggcute () psyduck () parasect () abra () poliwag () ponyta () bulbasaur () dark dragonair () jigglypuff () unown () jynx () golem () magmar () electabuzz () rhyhorn () ivysaur () kakuna () snubbull ()rockets moltres () kangaskhan (5/64) rockets scyther () bellossom () misty's seadra () dark dragonite () jumpluff () starmie () electrode () ltsurge's raticate () charmander () drowzee () growlithe () machoke () charmeleon () machop () diglett () rattata () koffing () drowzee () lt
6 eevees vaporeon 2 leafeons but one is older and its holo espeon unbreon
$ 20
Tomy eevee plush - 12$ tomy mudkip plush - 12$ tomy minun plush - 12$ dragonite, unknown manufacturer1$ wild republic wolf plush, around $ laying wolf plush, unknown manufactureran obvious bootleg but strangely endearingbought him at a night market for 20 'cause he was cute and looked good qualityonly asking for 10$ pikachu, won from a claw machine game
$ 20
Dock has never been usedno trades and no shippingnintendo switch fortnite editionasking $500 ononot a mark or blemish anywhereplayed 3-4 times and it showsdoes not come with v bucksalso has extra joystick protectorsalso comes with travel case, unused headphones, and protective grips for controllerscomes with pokémon let's go eevee, nba2k20, assassins creed iii, and a 128gb card
$ 500