Cylindres ecotec turbo de

List cylindres ecotec turbo de

  • Engine: ecotec turbo 1) factory options moteur 4 cylindres ecotec turbo de 1,4 l dact avec distribution à programme variable imsc kit ref id0 mechanical equipment alternateur de 130 a chauffage, carter d'huile cric mécanique avec outils direction à commande électrique, électrique à assistance variable embout d'échappement stylisé en acier inoxydable freins à disque antiblocage aux 4 roues moteur 4 cylindres ecotec turbo de 1,4 l dact avec distribution à programme variable imsc (puissance de 138 ch [ kw] à tr/min, couple de 148 lb-pi [ n4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cyl l/100km city: 100 l/100km hwy: 8m] à tr/min) pont, rapport de démultiplication final de 3,53 sortie du système d'échappement arrière suspension tenue de route et maniabilité interior equipment appuie-tête réglables en 2 directions, réglage de la hauteur banquette divisée arrière rabattable bloc d’instruments à éclairage intérieur atténuable centralisateur informatique de bord amélioré à écran multicolore de 4,2 po, comprend tachymètre, indicateur de vitesse, compteur journalier, indicateur de niveau de carburant, indicateur de température du liquide de refroidissement, indicateur de vidange d'huile, voltmètre et boussole climatiseur à commande manuelle, monozone colonne de direction inclinable et télescopique, réglable commandes audio et de téléphone au volant compartiment de rangement sous le siège passager avant compatibilité avec l'accès connecté buick (assujetti à certaines conditionsconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails) couvre-bagages arrière, remisable et amovible exterior equipment carénages avant et arrière de couleur contrastante, comprend moulures de bas de caisse essuie-glace arrière à balayage intermittent essuie-glaces à balayage intermittent avec giclage par pulsations galerie de toit avec brancards de pavillon glaces de teinte foncée pare-brise à absorption des rayons du soleil pare-brise en verre feuilleté acoustique phares à halogène phares antibrouillards avant pneu de secours compact de 16 po (40,6 cm), sous le plancher de l'espace utilitaire safety equipment caméra arrière ceinture de sécurité à 3 points d'ancrage avec limiteur de tension côté passager avant ceinture de sécurité à 3 points d'ancrage réglable en hauteur côté conducteur avec limiteur de tension ceintures de sécurité à 3 points d'ancrage à toutes les places arrière klaxon double tonalité phares diurnes à del à cavité séparée préparation pour dispositif de retenue de siège d'enfant, 2 points d'ancrage isofix aux places latérales seulement, attache/dispositif de verrouillage, comprend 3 dispositifs d'attaches supérieures aux trois places sac gonflable, capteur d'occupation côté passager, dispositif de sécurité gonflable avec témoin de capteur, capteur d'occupation côté passager avant sacs gonflables frontaux et protège-genoux gonflables côtés conducteur et passager avant; sacs gonflables latéraux intégrés aux sièges et rideaux gonflables au pavillon aux places latérales avant et arrière système de contrôle de la stabilité stabilitrak entertainment equipment antenne montée sur le toit chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquent

    $ 31114

  • ) suppression de la radio siriusxm factory options moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt kit ref id) pare-brise en verre feuilleté acoustique phares à décharge à haute intensité avec faisceau en c pneu de secours tr16 flanc noir (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)) garnitures de frein de haute performance duralife levier sélecteur électronique de précision, interface de transmission dotée de boutons-poussoirs et de boutons de détente moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt (puissance de 170 ch [127 kw] à tr/min, couple de 203 lb-pi [275 n8 mechanical equipment commande du moteur, système d’arrêt au ralenti crochets de remorquage, préparation à l'avant frein de stationnement électronique freins à disque aux 4 roues avec antiblocage aux 4 roues, avant de 11,8 po et arrière de 11,3 po (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)2 l/100km hwy: 7engine: i-4 cyl l/100km city: 9m] de tr/min) normes d'émissions fédérales palettes de changement de vitesse au volant pont, rapport de démultiplication final de 3,47 interior equipment affichage de la boussole, situé dans le centralisateur informatique de bord appuie-tête avant réglables en 2 directions (hauteur) bouches d'air à la 2e rangée capteur d'humidité de l'habitacle cinq (5) places climatisation automatique à 2 zones avec réglages de température individuels pour le conducteur et le passager avant commandes audio et de téléphone au volant compartiment pour lunettes de soleil au pavillon compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditionsle véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage phares diurnes distinctifs à del rappel de vérification des sièges arrière entertainment equipment antenne de type aileron de requin montée sur le toit chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquentcette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritéwhile restrictions are in effect due to covid-19, retail sales and leasing will be available by email, phone, text and at home delivery) démarrage sans clé à bouton-poussoir exterior equipment boîtiers de rétroviseur couleur carrosserie cric mécanique avec outils feux arrière distinctifs à del garniture, bas de caisse noir glaces arrière teintées foncées hayon relevable à commande manuelle longerons de porte-bagages montés sur le toit (longerons peints en noirlorsque l'édition elevation (wjp) est commandée, les longerons seront de couleur noireconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails) safety equipment alerte de distance avec le véhicule à l'avant alerte de prévention de collision capteur d'occupation côté passager, dispositif de sécurité gonflable avec témoin de capteur, capteur d'occupation côté passager avant commande des phares intellibeam, commande automatique de feux de route contrôle d'adhérence en descente freinage d'urgence automatique klaxon double tonalité la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager une conduite sécuritaireplease contact us today for more information on how you can purchase a vehicle from us

    $ 34213

  • ) suppression de la radio siriusxm factory options moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt kit ref idm] de tr/min) normes d'émissions fédérales palettes de changement de vitesse au volant pont, rapport de démultiplication final de 3,47 (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)) commande du moteur, système d’arrêt au ralenti crochets de remorquage, préparation à l'avant frein de stationnement électronique garnitures de frein de haute performance duralife levier sélecteur électronique de précision, interface de transmission dotée de boutons-poussoirs et de boutons de détente moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt (puissance de 170 ch [127 kw] à tr/min, couple de 203 lb-pi [275 n3 mechanical equipment châssis à transmission intégrale (modèles à transmission intégrale seulement) pare-brise en verre feuilleté acoustique phares à décharge à haute intensité avec faisceau en c poignées de porte couleur carrosserie safety equipment alerte de distance avec le véhicule à l'avant alerte de prévention de collision capteur d'occupation côté passager, dispositif de sécurité gonflable avec témoin de capteur, capteur d'occupation côté passager avant commande des phares intellibeam, commande automatique de feux de route contrôle d'adhérence en descente freinage d'urgence automatique klaxon double tonalité la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager une conduite sécuritaire) interior equipment affichage de la boussole, situé dans le centralisateur informatique de bord appuie-tête avant réglables en 2 directions (hauteur) bouches d'air à la 2e rangée capteur d'humidité de l'habitacle cinq (5) places climatisation automatique à 2 zones avec réglages de température individuels pour le conducteur et le passager avant commandes audio et de téléphone au volant compartiment pour lunettes de soleil au pavillon compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditionsle véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage phares diurnes distinctifs à del rappel de vérification des sièges arrière entertainment equipment antenne de type aileron de requin montée sur le toit chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquentcette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécurité5l dohc i4 turbo, vvt l/100km city: 95 l/100km hwy: 8) démarrage sans clé à bouton-poussoir exterior equipment boîtiers de rétroviseur couleur carrosserie cric mécanique avec outils feux arrière distinctifs à del garniture, bas de caisse noir glaces arrière teintées foncées hayon relevable à commande manuelle longerons de porte-bagages montés sur le toit (longerons peints en noirlorsque l'édition elevation (wjp) est commandée, les longerons seront de couleur noireconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails

    $ 34743

  • ) suppression de la radio siriusxm factory options moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt kit ref idm] de tr/min) normes d'émissions fédérales palettes de changement de vitesse au volant pont, rapport de démultiplication final de 3,47 (de série uniquement avec moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l (lyx)) commande du moteur, système d’arrêt au ralenti crochets de remorquage, préparation à l'avant frein de stationnement électronique garnitures de frein de haute performance duralife levier sélecteur électronique de précision, interface de transmission dotée de boutons-poussoirs et de boutons de détente moteur 4 cylindres turbo de 1,5 l dact idab vvt (puissance de 170 ch [127 kw] à tr/min, couple de 203 lb-pi [275 n3 mechanical equipment châssis à transmission intégrale (modèles à transmission intégrale seulement) contrôle d'adhérence en descente freinage d'urgence automatique klaxon double tonalité la fonction ado est une caractéristique configurable qui vous permet d'activer des paramètres de véhicule personnalisables associés à une télécommande afin d'encourager une conduite sécuritairecette fonction peut limiter l'utilisation de quelques caractéristiques et empêche la désactivation de certains systèmes de sécuritéle véhicule fournira un rapport contenant des renseignements sur les habitudes de conduite du jeune conducteur, ce qui vous permettra de guider ce dernier dans son apprentissage phares diurnes distinctifs à del entertainment equipment antenne de type aileron de requin montée sur le toit chaîne audio à 6 haut-parleurs compatibilité avec le point d'accès sans fil 4g lte (des conditions et des restrictions s'appliquent5l dohc i4 turbo, vvt l/100km city: 95 l/100km hwy: 8lorsque l'édition elevation (wjp) est commandée, les longerons seront de couleur noireconsultez le site onstarca ou renseignez-vous auprès du concessionnaire pour connaître les détails) pare-brise en verre feuilleté acoustique phares à décharge à haute intensité avec faisceau en c poignées de porte couleur carrosserie safety equipment alerte de distance avec le véhicule à l'avant alerte de prévention de collision capteur d'occupation côté passager, dispositif de sécurité gonflable avec témoin de capteur, capteur d'occupation côté passager avant commande des phares intellibeam, commande automatique de feux de route compatibilité avec l'accès connecté gmc (assujetti à certaines conditions) interior equipment affichage de la boussole, situé dans le centralisateur informatique de bord appuie-tête avant réglables en 2 directions (hauteur) bouches d'air à la 2e rangée capteur d'humidité de l'habitacle cinq (5) places climatisation automatique à 2 zones avec réglages de température individuels pour le conducteur et le passager avant commandes audio et de téléphone au volant compartiment pour lunettes de soleil au pavillon démarrage sans clé à bouton-poussoir démarreur à distance exterior equipment boîtiers de rétroviseur couleur carrosserie cric mécanique avec outils feux arrière distinctifs à del garniture, bas de caisse noir glaces arrière teintées foncées hayon relevable à commande manuelle longerons de porte-bagages montés sur le toit (longerons peints en noir

    $ 35334

  • ) audio system feature, 6-speaker system factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, front disc/rear drum chassis, front-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 16 optional equipment steering wheel leather-wrapped 3-spoke seats front bucket with driver power lumbar (std) seat adjuster driver 6-way power transmission 6-speed automatic (std) engine ecotec turbo 1*you can't beat the price with these options * lt convenience package includes (avj) keyless open, (btm) keyless start, (5h1) key system, (ag9) driver 6-way power seat adjuster, (n34) leather-wrapped 3-spoke steering wheel and (egi) deluxe cloth/leatherette seat trim, transmission, 6-speed automatic (std), steering wheel, leather-wrapped 3-spoke, seats, front bucket with driver power lumbar (std), seat adjuster, driver 6-way power, redline edition includes (ren) 18 black finish aluminum wheels with red accent stripes, (rak) pr18 all-season blackwall tires, black mirror caps, (ggc) black grille with black surround, front and rear black bowties, black beltline mouldings and (cg6) black trax badge with red outline, mosaic black metallic, lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment, engine, ecotec turbo 14l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to termsisland chevrolet buick gmc this chevrolet trax has a dependable turbocharged gas 4-cyl 1additional features for compatible phones include: bluetooth audio streaming for 2 active devices voice command pass-through to phone apple carplay and android auto capable (std) lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment mosaic black metallic redline edition includes (ren) 18 black finish aluminum wheels with red accent stripes (rak) pr18 all-season blackwall tires black mirror caps (ggc) black grille with black surround front and rear black bowties black beltline mouldings and (cg6) black trax badge with red outline temporary spare tire abs tires - front all-season smart device integration auxiliary audio input driver adjustable lumbar automatic headlights front disc/rear drum brakes aluminum wheels satellite radio bucket seats wifi hotspot power steering heated mirrors power mirror(s) intermittent wipers front wheel drive mp3 player bluetooth connection tires - rear all-season privacy glass am/fm stereo turbocharged cloth seats split bench seat adjustable steering wheel steering wheel audio controls power outlet rear defrost auxiliary audio input remote engine start keyless entry child safety locks cargo shade tire pressure monitor cruise control mp3 player back-up camera driver vanity mirror power door locks security system passenger vanity mirror pass-through rear seat floor mats power windows a/c power door locks requires subscription daytime running lights knee air bag passenger air bag sensor driver air bag telematics passenger air bag stability control front side air bag traction control rear side air bag mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3ca or dealer for detailsjust minutes away! engine: 4 cylinder 1) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome* stop by today * for a must-own chevrolet trax come see us at island chevrolet buick gm, trans-canada hwy, duncan, bc v9l 6c94l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std), audio system, chevrolet infotainment system 7 diagonal colour touchscreen, am/fm stereo4l/ engine powering this automatic transmission4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref id4l l/100km city: 9additional features for compatible phones include: bluetooth audio streaming for 2 active devices, voice command pass-through to phone, apple carplay and android auto capable (std)4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std) lt convenience package includes (avj) keyless open (btm) keyless start (5h1) key system (ag9) driver 6-way power seat adjuster (n34) leather-wrapped 3-spoke steering wheel and (egi) deluxe cloth/leatherette seat trim audio system chevrolet infotainment system 7 diagonal colour touchscreen am/fm stereo1 l/100km hwy: 7black when (wbl) redline edition is ordered) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply

    $ 26158

  • ) audio system feature, 6-speaker system factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1*this chevrolet trax comes equipped with these options * lt convenience package includes (avj) keyless open, (btm) keyless start, (5h1) key system and (n34) leather-wrapped 3-spoke steering wheel, steering wheel, leather-wrapped 3-spoke, seats, front bucket with driver power lumbar (std), lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment, lpo, all-weather floor liners, front and rear, black, jet black, leatherette seat trim, engine, ecotec turbo 1additional features for compatible phones include: bluetooth audio streaming for 2 active devices voice command pass-through to phone apple carplay and android auto capable (std) seats front bucket with driver power lumbar (std) lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment steering wheel leather-wrapped 3-spoke lpo all-weather floor liners front and rear black wheels cm) aluminum (std) jet black leatherette seat trim summit white transmission 6-speed automatic (std) engine ecotec turbo 14l l/100km city: 10black when (wjp) midnight edition or (pdn) sport edition is ordered4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std), audio system, chevrolet infotainment 3 system 7 diagonal colour touchscreen, am/fm stereobridges chevrolet buick gmc this chevrolet trax delivers a turbocharged gas 4-cyl 14l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to termsca or dealer for details* stop by today * a short visit to bridges chevrolet buick gmc located at th street, north battleford, sk s9a 2x6 can get you a tried-and-true trax today! engine: 4 cylinder 1additional features for compatible phones include: bluetooth audio streaming for 2 active devices, voice command pass-through to phone, apple carplay and android auto capable (std), wipers, front intermittent, wiper, rear intermittent) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, anthracite bodyside mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome0 l/100km hwy: 8wheels, cm) aluminum (std), transmission, 6-speed automatic (std), summit white4l/ engine powering this automatic transmission0 optional equipment audio system chevrolet infotainment 3 system 7 diagonal colour touchscreen am/fm stereo4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref id4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std) lt convenience package includes (avj) keyless open (btm) keyless start (5h1) key system and (n34) leather-wrapped 3-spoke steering wheel power mirror(s) all wheel drive aluminum wheels temporary spare tire turbocharged heated mirrors privacy glass tires - rear all-season intermittent wipers 4-wheel disc brakes tires - front all-season abs automatic headlights power steering front side air bag cruise control power driver seat am/fm stereo rear side air bag stability control heated front seat(s) bluetooth connection satellite radio driver adjustable lumbar premium synthetic seats driver air bag steering wheel audio controls passenger air bag passenger vanity mirror remote engine start traction control tire pressure monitor bucket seats mp3 player smart device integration floor mats telematics keyless entry power windows requires subscription daytime running lights cargo shade power door locks pass-through rear seat auxiliary audio input adjustable steering wheel passenger air bag sensor knee air bag rear defrost split bench seat back-up camera security system a/c power door locks driver vanity mirror wifi hotspot power outlet child safety locks mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply

    $ 28893

  • 0 optional equipment engine ecotec turbo 1lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment, engine, ecotec turbo 1) audio system feature, 6-speaker system factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1this chevrolet trax delivers a turbocharged gas 4-cyl 14l l/100km city: 104l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std) lt preferred equipment group includes standard equipment turbocharged wifi hotspot power steering tires - rear all-season satellite radio 4-wheel disc brakes tires - front all-season smart device integration temporary spare tire privacy glass driver adjustable lumbar power mirror(s) bucket seats bluetooth connection heated mirrors mp3 player all wheel drive automatic headlights abs auxiliary audio input intermittent wipers aluminum wheels am/fm stereo passenger vanity mirror adjustable steering wheel keyless entry cloth seats split bench seat power outlet child safety locks tire pressure monitor auxiliary audio input pass-through rear seat mp3 player back-up camera remote engine start steering wheel audio controls rear defrost driver vanity mirror cruise control power door locks a/c floor mats cargo shade power windows power door locks security system requires subscription daytime running lights passenger air bag knee air bag telematics stability control rear side air bag traction control driver air bag passenger air bag sensor front side air bag mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to termsca or dealer for details0 l/100km hwy: 8*this chevrolet trax comes equipped with these options * wiper, rear intermittent, windshield, solar absorbing, windshield, acoustic laminated, windows, power with driver express-up/down and front passenger and rear express-down, wheels, cm) aluminum, wheel, spare, cm) steel, visors, driver and front passenger vanity mirrors, covered, tires, pr16 all-season, blackwall, tire, compact spare, tire pressure monitor system) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome4l/ engine powering this automatic transmission4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref id* visit us today * come in for a quick visit at lakewood chevrolet, avenue, edmonton, ab t6e 5p2 to claim your chevrolet trax! engine: 4 cylinder 1black when (wbl) redline edition is ordered4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std), wipers, front intermittent

    $ 29224

  • 4l ecotec 138-hp turbocharged engine with variable valve timing53 final drive ratio brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc emissions, federal requirements emissions, federal tier 2 engine, ecotec turbo 1this buick encore premium has features to talk about wheels, cm) chromed aluminum, transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled with overdrive includes driver shift control (std), sunroof, power tilt-sliding, seats, front bucket (std), ruby red metallic (includes (bt3) dark argent metallic lower accent color), engine, ecotec turbo 14l vvt dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi exhaust, styled stainless steel mechanical tools and jack steering, power, variable effort, electronic suspension, touring ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, dual-zone automatic air filtration system with particulate filter cargo area, 2 piece storage tray under cargo load floor cargo cover, rear, stowable and removable cargo mat cruise control, electronic -inc: set & resume speed defogger, rear window, electric driver information centre (dic) -inc: trip odometer, gm oil life monitoring system, average & instantaneous fuel consumption, compass display driver, front 6-way power -inc: manual recline, pwr lumbar adjustment headrests, 2-way adjustable, up/down exterior equipment door handles, body colour with chrome strips glass, acoustic laminated glass, deep tinted lighting, centre high-mounted stop/brake (chmsl) lighting, fog lamps, front lighting, headlamps, halogen composite projector beam -inc: blue translucent ring, auto exterior lamp control mirrors, driver and passenger power, heated, manual folding, body coloured -inc: turn signals quiettuning buick exclusive process -inc: active noise cancellation rear intermittent wiper roof rails, silver painted safety equipment air bag, passenger sensing system -inc: sensor indicator inflatable restraint, front passenger/child presence detector air bags, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger -inc: side-impact seat-mounted air bag, roof rail for front/rear outboard seating positions child safety restraint provisions, child, isofix 2 point only, point/latch -inc: 3 top tether points child security rear door locks, power forward collision alert front and rear park assist, ultrasonic lane departure warning rear cross traffic alert rear vision camera seatbelts, 3 point, driver and front passenger height adjustable -inc: load limiters entertainment equipment 7" diagonal colour lcd display bose premium 7-speaker system with amplifier noise control system, active noise cancellation factory options engine, ecotec turbo 1these technologies combined with great buick standards like stabilitrak and onstar, give encore a comprehensive safety storysee what the experts say! as reported by the manufacturer summary: you might not expect a 5-passenger crossover to be as finely crafted as a swiss watch, as tech-savvy as your dream entertainment center and agile enough to maneuver through any narrow city street, but from now on you will4l 4 cylinder engine l/100km city: 8at the heart of encore's power is a 1encore will turn heads with its chrome waterfall grille, chrome accents, portholes, and tri-shield emblem9 l/100km hwy: 6com brand image awards18 chrome wheels optional and 18 aluminum wheels come standardthe buick intellilink system will leave you speechless---the instant you talk to it4l vvt dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref idfor even more peace of mind, the all-wheel drive options seamlessly shifts power to encore's rear wheels when more is required for better traction and handling) and purposeful technology (such as active noise cancellation and an optional heated steering wheel)7 mechanical equipment all wheel drive axle, 3people can't stop talking about this popular buick encore premiumit's sculpted, elegant, nimble, efficient and luxurious, all at the same timeyour entertainment and navigation choices are simple, purposeful and empowering---the way personal luxury should beintroducing encore, the luxury crossover with premium materials, ingenious design, flexible storage (up to 48this buick encore passed the test! kbb4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std), ebony, leather-appointed seats, dark argent metallic lower accent color, audio system with navigation, am/fm/siriusxm stereo, single cd player and mp3 player with navigation, intellilink with 7 diagonal color lcd display, gps navigation system, usb port, radio data system (rds) and auxiliary input jack, wipers, front intermittent, rainsenseit's a voice-activated, high-definition system that connects your smartphone, your pandora and siriusxm stations, and stitcher smartradio, all through one 7-inch full-color screenjewel-like translucent projector-beam headlamps contribute to the beautiful and elegant exteriorcom 5-year cost to own awardswhen it comes to design, the buick encore is one of a kind5-year cost to own awards, brand image awardsvisit us today a short visit to steele valley chevrolet located at commercial street, new minas, ns, ns b4n3v9 can get you a dependable encore today! remainder of factory warrantyit's like buick knew exactly what you were missing in a crossover, and created the versatile encore for youdesigning a luxury crossover with you in mind means that buick started with safety, and encore takes safety to a whole new level with 10 air bags standard and available features such as forward collision alert, lane departure warning and all-wheel drive

    $ 11998

  • Engine: ecotec turbo 1) factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1please call us to arrange a test drive at cornwallis chevroletca or dealer for details0 l/100km hwy: 8) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref idwelcome to the world of siriusxm) audio system feature, 6-speaker system siriusxm enjoy an all access trial subscription with over 140+ channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainmentthe new chevrolet trax in new minas, ns was built with the driver in mindit's a 4 cylinder pacific blue metallic suv that makes room for the whole family4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to terms4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cyl l/100km city: 10fees and taxes applyplus listening on the siriusxm app, online and at home on compatible connected devices is included, so you'll hear the best siriusxm has to offer, anywhere life takes youca for complete terms and how to cancelsee the siriusxm customer agreement at www0 mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3(if you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current ratesblack when (wbl) redline edition is orderedpriced at $, this vehicle is not expected to be available for longall fees, content, features, and availability are subject to change) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply

    $ 25043

  • Engine: ecotec turbo 1) factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1please call us to arrange a test drive at cornwallis chevroletca or dealer for details0 l/100km hwy: 8) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref idwelcome to the world of siriusxm) audio system feature, 6-speaker system siriusxm enjoy an all access trial subscription with over 140+ channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainment4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to terms4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cyl l/100km city: 10fees and taxes applyplus listening on the siriusxm app, online and at home on compatible connected devices is included, so you'll hear the best siriusxm has to offer, anywhere life takes youca for complete terms and how to cancelnot only is the chevrolet trax spacious, it's also affordable! it's a 4 cylinder summit white suv that has room for both passengers and cargosee the siriusxm customer agreement at www0 mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3(if you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current ratesblack when (wbl) redline edition is orderedpriced at $, this vehicle is not expected to be available for longall fees, content, features, and availability are subject to change) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply

    $ 28453

  • Engine: ecotec turbo 1) factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1ca or dealer for details0 l/100km hwy: 8) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref idthis new chevrolet trax in new minas, ns balances fuel efficiency with powerplease call us to arrange a test drive at steele valley chevrolet buick gmcwelcome to the world of siriusxm) audio system feature, 6-speaker system siriusxm enjoy an all access trial subscription with over 140+ channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainmentit's a 4 cylinder pacific blue metallic suv that makes room for the whole family4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to terms4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cyl l/100km city: 10fees and taxes applyplus listening on the siriusxm app, online and at home on compatible connected devices is included, so you'll hear the best siriusxm has to offer, anywhere life takes youca for complete terms and how to cancelsee the siriusxm customer agreement at www0 mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3(if you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current ratesblack when (wbl) redline edition is orderedpriced at $, this vehicle is not expected to be available for longall fees, content, features, and availability are subject to change) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply

    $ 24513

  • Engine: ecotec turbo 1) factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1ca or dealer for details0 l/100km hwy: 8) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref idhaul whatever life gives you with the chevrolet traxwelcome to the world of siriusxm) audio system feature, 6-speaker system siriusxm enjoy an all access trial subscription with over 140+ channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainment4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to terms4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cyl l/100km city: 10fees and taxes applyplus listening on the siriusxm app, online and at home on compatible connected devices is included, so you'll hear the best siriusxm has to offer, anywhere life takes youca for complete terms and how to cancelit's a 4 cylinder cajun red tintcoat suv that defines spacious comfortsee the siriusxm customer agreement at www0 mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3(if you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current ratesblack when (wbl) redline edition is orderedpriced at $, this vehicle is not expected to be available for longall fees, content, features, and availability are subject to changeplease call us to arrange a test drive at cornwallis chevrolet) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply

    $ 24868

  • Engine: ecotec turbo 1) factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1please call us to arrange a test drive at cornwallis chevroletca or dealer for details0 l/100km hwy: 8) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chrome4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref idwelcome to the world of siriusxm) audio system feature, 6-speaker system siriusxm enjoy an all access trial subscription with over 140+ channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainment4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to terms4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cyl l/100km city: 10fees and taxes applyit's a 4 cylinder cajun red tintcoat suv that can tackle many different terrainsplus listening on the siriusxm app, online and at home on compatible connected devices is included, so you'll hear the best siriusxm has to offer, anywhere life takes youca for complete terms and how to cancelsee the siriusxm customer agreement at www0 mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 3(if you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current ratesthis new chevrolet trax in new minas, ns offers drivers advanced safety featuresblack when (wbl) redline edition is orderedpriced at $, this vehicle is not expected to be available for longall fees, content, features, and availability are subject to change) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and tethers for children), for child restraint seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations apply

    $ 24888

  • ) factory options engine, ecotec turbo 153 final drive ratio battery, 60ah brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc chassis, all-wheel drive engine, ecotec turbo 1) audio system feature, 6-speaker system siriusxm enjoy a 3-month xm all access+ trial subscription with over 130 channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainment) skid plate, front and rear fascia, silver-painted tail lamps, sculpted with led accent safety equipment airbags, 10 total, frontal and knee for driver and front passenger, side-impact seat-mounted and roof rail for front and rear outboard seating positions includes passenger sensing system daytime running lamps, separate cavity, led door locks, rear child security latch system (lower anchors and top tethers for children), for child safety seats rear vision camera seat belt pretensioners, driver and front passenger, dual seat belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions stabilitrak, stability control system includes traction control tire pressure monitor system entertainment equipment 4g lte wi-fi hotspot capable (terms and limitations applythe use of the siriusxm canada radio service constitutes acceptance of our customer agreement available at siriusxm4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) heater, oil pan mechanical jack with tools steering, power, non-variable ratio, electric suspension, ride and handling interior equipment air conditioning, single-zone manual air filter, particle armrest, driver seat assist handles, driver, front passenger and rear outboard includes coat hooks on rear handles cargo security cover, rigid, removable cargo storage, tray under rear floor chevrolet connected access capable (subject to termssiriusxm canada products, programming, services are subject to changeca or dealer for detailsfees and taxes apply4l, 4 cyl, dohc, turbocharged l/100km city: 10to cancel you must call us at0 l/100km hwy: 8) compass display located in the driver information centre cruise control, electronic, automatic cup holders, 4 in front console and 2 in rear centre armrest exterior equipment cargo tie downs, 4 door handles, body-colour glass, deep-tinted, rear windows and liftgate headlamps, halogen projector type reflector with automatic on/off liftgate, rear applique, body-colour luggage rack, side rails, roof-mounted mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-colour, manual-folding mouldings, beltline side glass (chromefree listening on the app and online is included, so you'll hear the best siriusxm has to offer, anywhere life takes youwelcome to the world of siriusxm (if you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates0 mechanical equipment alternator, 130 amps axle, 34l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi kit ref idblack when (wbl) redline edition is ordered

    $ 24253

  • Engine, ecotec turbo 14l optional equipment engine ecotec turbo 1bridges chevrolet buick gmc this chevrolet trax boasts a turbocharged gas 4-cyl 1engine: 4 cylinder 14l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm, 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std), wipers, front intermittent, wiper, rear intermittent4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std) front side air bag aluminum wheels driver adjustable lumbar telematics telematics remote engine start auxiliary audio input navigation from telematics am/fm stereo keyless entry heated mirrors bucket seats temporary spare tire telematics child safety locks floor mats auxiliary audio input power outlet front reading lamps passenger air bag abs power steering turbocharged power door locks power mirror(s) wifi hotspot 4-wheel disc brakes tires - front all-season rear side air bag split bench seat back-up camera rear head air bag all wheel drive leather steering wheel bluetooth connection passenger air bag sensor front head air bag pass-through rear seat privacy glass steering wheel audio controls driver vanity mirror passenger illuminated visor mirror stability control tire pressure monitor driver air bag mp3 player automatic headlights rear defrost traction control mp3 player knee air bag intermittent wipers driver illuminated vanity mirror tires - rear all-season passenger vanity mirror smart device integration satellite radio smart device integration cruise control cargo shade power windows adjustable steering wheel cloth seats security system a/c power door locks requires subscription kit ref id4l/83 engine powering this automatic transmission* visit us today * test drive this must-see, must-drive, must-own beauty today at bridges chevrolet buick gmc, th street, north battleford, sk s9a 2x6*this chevrolet trax comes equipped with these options * windshield, solar absorbing, windshield, acoustic laminated, windows, power with driver express-up/down, wheels, cm) aluminum, wheel, spare, cm) steel, visors, driver and front passenger illuminated vanity mirrors, covered, tires, pr16 all-season, blackwall, tire, compact spare, tire pressure monitor system, theft-deterrent system, unauthorized entry

    $ 15000

  • 4l optional equipment engine ecotec turbo 1see in store for detailsall wheel drive, a 1we value community and love being able to support all our customers needswe're located in the heart of the cowichan valley in north duncanplease note, sale price does reflect dealer added accessories/optionsvisit us in store or online! trans-canada hwy, duncan, bc v9l 6c7 http://wwwat the all new island gm, we pride ourselves on being friendly, knowledgeable people who careit has a leather interior with front heated seats and a powered sunroofcom/ engine: 4 cylinder 1island chevrolet buick gmc remote start, collision alert, lane departure, sunroof, heated seats, leather interior, 4g lte wifi, sirius xm and more! arriving on the lot is our first pre-owned chevy trax premier! true to the trim title, this vehicle has it allare you traveling from off the island? we can reimburse your ticket cost (certain conditions apply, please contact us for details)4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std) mp3 player privacy glass tires - front performance aluminum wheels abs 4-wheel disc brakes power steering all wheel drive fog lamps wifi hotspot automatic headlights sun/moonroof tires - rear performance am/fm stereo driver adjustable lumbar auxiliary audio input turbocharged temporary spare tire heated mirrors power mirror(s) bluetooth connection intermittent wipers generic sun/moonroof satellite radio smart device integration premium sound system bucket seats adjustable steering wheel premium synthetic seats power door locks rear parking aid passenger illuminated visor mirror auto-dimming rearview mirror power driver seat driver vanity mirror power door locks steering wheel audio controls pass-through rear seat cargo shade cruise control lane departure warning blind spot monitor mp3 player security system auxiliary audio input child safety locks cross-traffic alert a/c back-up camera split bench seat floor mats driver illuminated vanity mirror leather steering wheel passenger vanity mirror power outlet rear defrost power windows tire pressure monitor remote engine start keyless entry keyless start heated front seat(s) requires subscription passenger air bag front side air bag stability control daytime running lights telematics passenger air bag sensor traction control driver air bag knee air bag rear side air bag kit ref idwhether it be shopping for a new or used vehicle, getting your service by our certified technicians, or finding the perfect part for your vehicle, we've got you covered4l turbocharged engine and fold flat rear row seating and a fold flat front passenger seatall discounts are cash creditsyou even have safety features like blind spot detection, collision alert, lane departure and more! don't skimp out on the safety of your passengersconveniently nestled between victoria and nanaimo and just a short drive away from both

    $ 25897

  • 4l optional equipment engine ecotec turbo 14l variable valve timing dohc 4-cylinder sequential mfi (138 hp [ kw] @ rpm 148 lb-ft of torque [ n-m] @ rpm) (std) front head air bag pass-through rear seat privacy glass steering wheel audio controls passenger illuminated visor mirror intermittent wipers driver illuminated vanity mirror tires - front performance passenger vanity mirror bluetooth connection rear head air bag all wheel drive power driver seat driver vanity mirror leather steering wheel stability control passenger air bag sensor driver air bag premium sound system mp3 player automatic headlights passenger air bag rear defrost traction control mp3 player fog lamps knee air bag abs power steering satellite radio tire pressure monitor 4-wheel disc brakes tires - rear performance wifi hotspot rear side air bag turbocharged split bench seat heated front seat(s) back-up camera power door locks power mirror(s) am/fm stereo keyless entry heated mirrors bucket seats temporary spare tire rear parking aid telematics auxiliary audio input child safety locks floor mats aluminum wheels power outlet front reading lamps driver adjustable lumbar telematics front side air bag auto-dimming rearview mirror telematics remote engine start auxiliary audio input navigation from telematics smart device integration smart device integration premium synthetic seats cargo shade power door locks security system a/c power windows adjustable steering wheel cruise control requires subscription kit ref idst james volkswagen * accident free carfax * one owner * 18 inch alloy wheels * remote start * back-up camera * bluetooth * power driver seat * automatic headlights * auto dimming rear view mirror * bose sound system * am/ fm radio * sirius xm * power sunroof * leather seats * multi function steering wheel * keyless entry * cruise control * block heater * usb input * auxiliary input * winter mats engine: 4 cylinder 1

    $ 17900

  • Com/ engine: ecotec turbo 1experience hyundai we're pei's premier credit specialists! good poor, bad, or new credit? divorced? self-employed? we have you covered! our credit specialists are on standby 24/7 to help get you behind the wheel today! apply for your pre-approval today - https://www4l variable valve timing dohc 4-cyl optional equipment security system am/fm stereo air conditioning anti-theft cd player driver side airbag hubcaps intermittent wipers keyless entry power steering power windows rear defroster tilt steering bucket seats power locks traction control cruise control passenger airbag satellite radio stability control cloth interior auto on/off headlamps child-safety locks front wheel drive trip computer mp3 cd player steering wheel audio controls kit ref idsteeleadvantagefinancing

    $ 11490

  • Com/ engine: ecotec turbo 1experience hyundai we're pei's premier credit specialists! good poor, bad, or new credit? divorced? self-employed? we have you covered! our credit specialists are on standby 24/7 to help get you behind the wheel today! apply for your pre-approval today - https://wwwsteeleadvantagefinancing4l vvt dohc 4-cylinder optional equipment security system am/fm stereo air conditioning anti-theft cd player driver side airbag hubcaps intermittent wipers keyless entry power steering power windows rear defroster tilt steering bucket seats power locks traction control cruise control passenger airbag satellite radio stability control cloth interior auto on/off headlamps child-safety locks front wheel drive leather wrap wheel trip computer climate control mp3 cd player steering wheel audio controls kit ref id

    $ 10290

  • 5 kw commercial super compact et super silencieux avec moteur kubota diésel 3 cylindres 178 heures de fonctionnement a l,état neuf prix neuf $ demande $ acheteur sérieux seulement made in japan pas chinois,merci generator onan 7génératrice onan 75 kw commercial super compact and super silence with engine kubota diesel 3 cylinders 178 hours running at mint condition new price $ request $ serious buyer only made in japan not chinese, thank you

    $ 5200

  • turbo cuiseur avec instruction et livre de recettes utilisé 2 fois

    $ 40

  • Qr code link to this post okidata microline 320 turbo dat matrix printer 100+ oki afficher coordonnées also have these other: okidata microline 321 turbo okidata 421 turbo okidata 420 turbo and pacemark

    $ 99

  • Beachbody turbo jam body sculpting workout program, 5 vhs tape series workout to turbo sculpt, 20 minute workout, ab jam, cardio party and learn & burn program also includes 10 day kick start, turbo results guidebook and measure tracker with the tapes new, unused books, tapes in original wrapping except for one

    $ 30

  • This turbo is in like new conditiontwo weeks use only, the turbo actuator is also available with turbo or sold separatecall for details installation is also available

  • 0l dohc i-4 di turbo w/ess kit ref id0l dohc i-4 di turbo w/ess -inc: acoustic windshield active noise control system 180-amp alternator axle ratio insulation group wheels: 17 x 70l dohc i-4 di turbo w/ess transmission: 9-speed automatic w/active drive ii radio/driver seat/mirrors w/memory auto-dimming rearview mirror front heated seats power 4-way driver & passenger lumbar adjust power driver & front passenger seats hands-free power liftgate auxiliary switches windshield wiper de-icer humidity sensor tonneau cover heated steering wheel security alarm premium cabin air filter push-button start remote start system power heated mirrors w/signals & lamps exterior mirrors w/turn signals exterior mirrors w/courtesy lamps a/c w/dual zone automatic temperature control front ventilated seats leather-wrapped steering wheel remote proximity keyless entry universal garage door opener exterior mirrors w/memory settings safetytec group -inc: blind-spot/rear cross-path detection park-sense rear park assist system tires - rear all-terrain abs four wheel drive 4-wheel disc brakes locking/limited slip differential brake assist tires - front all-terrain tow hooks power steering aluminum wheels conventional spare tire tow hooks bluetooth connection satellite radio intermittent wipers automatic headlights am/fm stereo variable speed intermittent wipers rear defrost rear spoiler power door locks steering wheel audio controls daytime running lights auxiliary audio input smart device integration mp3 player requires subscription privacy glass fog lamps adjustable steering wheel floor mats driver illuminated vanity mirror cruise control child safety locks back-up camera trip computer pass-through rear seat passenger illuminated visor mirror stability control passenger air bag smart device integration power door locks rear side air bag passenger air bag sensor keyless entry satellite radio front side air bag tire pressure monitor engine immobilizer rear head air bag power door locks trip computer traction control knee air bag power windows rear bench seat power windows front side air bag driver air bag passenger vanity mirror traction control driver vanity mirror front head air bag woodgrain interior trim requires subscription mechanical equipment # maximum payload 160 amp alternator axle ratio 5 skid plates 599 l/100km hwy: 94" touchscreen cargo area concealed storage cargo space lights carpet floor trim compass covered dashboard storage, driver and passenger door bins exterior equipment accent-colour exterior mirrors black bodyside cladding and black fender flares black grille w/metal-look surround black side windows trim body-coloured door handles bright dual exhaust tips clearcoat paint w/badging deep tinted glass fixed rear window w/fixed interval wiper and defroster front fog lamps safety equipment airbag occupancy sensor curtain 1st and 2nd row airbags dual stage driver and passenger front airbags outboard front lap and shoulder safety belts -inc: rear centre 3 point, height adjusters and pretensioners parkview back-up camera rear child safety locks side impact beams tire specific low tire pressure warning entertainment equipment 2 lcd monitors in the front 6 speakers gps antenna input hands-free comm w/bluetooth integrated roof antenna radio w/seek-scan, clock, speed compensated volume control, aux audio input jack, steering wheel controls, voice activation, radio data system and uconnect external memory control factory options engine: 20 l l/100km city: 12ca 1-year siriusxm guardian subscription 5-year sxm travel link subscription gps navigation 5-year siriusxm traffic subscription siriusxm travel link 4g lte wi-fi hot spot axle ratio trailer tow group -inc: 4 & 7-pin wiring harness class iii hitch receiver trailer tow wiring harness transmission: 9-speed automatic w/active drive ii (std) quick order package 2zl trailhawk elite -inc: engine: 25 black aluminum black nappa leather-faced front vented seats trailhawk elite spring special commandview dual pane sunroof radio: uconnect 4c nav w/89 optional equipment 9 alpine speakers w/subwoofer bright white engine: 24 display -inc: siriusxm traffic for details visit driveuconnect8 l fuel tank 700cca maintenance-free battery w/run down protection automatic full-time four-wheel drive block heater driver selectable rear locking differential electric power-assist speed-sensing steering interior equipment 1 seatback storage pocket 3 12v dc power outlets 3 12v dc power outlets and 1 ac power outlet folding split-bench front facing manual reclining fold forward seatback rear seat 8rivershore ram engine: 4 cylinder 2

    $ 45008

  • Aplicación de las medidas de seguridad en láserdiversas desviaciones de la salud y enfermedades provocan un crecimiento exagerado del pelo por lo que el participante deberá conocer las enfermedades y síndromes relacionados con la distribución y el crecimiento patológico del peloestos incluye los médicos con licencia activa en florida, al igual que el personal de enfermería con certificación de “nurse practitioner” y los auxiliares médicos profesionales (physician assistant)florida medical & aesthetic international school sw 74th ct miami, flregulaciones en el uso de láser en florida en el estado de la florida la depilación con láser está reglamentada (rule 64b), y solo los profesionales autorizados pueden desarrollar estos tratamientosadecuada aplicación de  los protocolos de tratamientosen cada capitulo se desarrollaran temas que le permitan integrar al participante los aspectos físicos de la luz la interacción del láser con los tejidos y la utilización de los parámetros del láser en la aplicación correcta de los protocolos de tratamientos según las características de la piel de cada clienteasimismo los únicos técnicos que estan autorizados previo el cumplimiento de requisistos específicos son los electrólogosel electrólogo con licencia activa en florida podrá ejercer su profesión en depilación con láser siempre y cuando se encuentre certificado en depilación con láser (laser hair removal certification) de una escuela aprobada por el consejo de la florida (electrolysis council) y mantenga activa una certificación de electrólisis médica (certified medical electrolysis-cme) otorgada por la sociedad de laser (the society for clinical & medical hair removal)el láser y su interacción con los tejidos la piel y sus anexoscontenido curso de láser fundamentos físicos de la luz y características del lásersistema endocrino, y principales afecciones relacionadas con la distribución y crecimiento del pelo protocolos de tratamiento y complicaciones seguridad en láser regulaciones del fda y equipos de lásermanejo de riesgos y complicaciones en el tratamiento con láserdesarrollar con destreza los tratamientos de depilación con láser   características del curso de láser al inicio del curso el participante recibirá los materiales didácticos correspondientes y al final del curso el diploma que lo acredita con la certificación en depilación con láser aprobado por el consejo de electrólisis de la florida (electrolysis council) el uso del láser en la reducción permanente del pelo requiere que el operador conozca los principios físicos de la luz y las características del rayo láser así como su interacción con los tejidosselección y manejo de los parámetros de tratamiento utilizados en láserlos graduados con el nuevo program de electrolysis y laser esteraran exentos de laobligatoriedad del cce y el cmecurso de depilación con láser el curso de depilación con láser tiene una duración de 30 horas con actividades prácticas y teóricas al final del cual el participante estará calificado para realizar tratamientos de depilación con láser y obtendrá los conocimientos necesarios para: realizar una correcta selección de los criterios de tratamiento  de igual forma se discutirán los aspectos relacionados con la anatomía de la piel y del folículo piloso

  • Florida medical & aesthetic international school sw 74th ct miami, flcurso de flebotomía certificación nacional   el curso incluye los conocimientos y habilidades que debe tener el profesional que se dedica a “canalizar una vena”una vez cumplido los requisitos del curso el participante puede aspirar a la certificación nacional a través de un examen con el national healthcareer association (nha)– realizar la matrícula y cumplir con los requisitos establecidosaquellos participantes que posean licencia activa de estética y  que hayan obtenido la calificación de técnicos en flebotomía pueden optar por un curso especial para las esteticistas que deseen aprender la preparación y la aplicación del prp/prf mediante microagujas (microneedling) que incluye la preparación de la sangre y obtención de plasma y fibrina necesarios en la aplicación de algunos procedimientos rejuvenecimiento facialen este curso de flebotomía aprenderás como obtener una muestra de sangre o realizar un procedimiento que contribuya al diagnóstico o tratamiento de una persona en particular– un requisito previo es el conocimiento sobre el funcionamiento del sistema de salud y de las medidas preventivas lo cual incluye información sobre vih/sida y medidas en la de prevención del error médicoel curso de flebotomía otorga un total de 7 créditos a los participantes los cuales pueden ser incluidos como parte de los programas de asociado en ciencias que se ofrecen en esta institución– poseer certificación de grado 12 (high school diploma) o su equivalente  duración del curso de flebotomía las clases de flebotomía en miami, en el florida medical & aesthetic international school tiene una duración de 90 horas, de ellas 40 horas son de actividades prácticas periodo en el cual debe realizar 50 punciones venosas y 10 punciones en pielson aceptados los créditos de otras instituciones en su documento oficialsino cuenta con este requisito el florida medical college ofrece este cursoflebotomía curso en miami requisitos – mayor de 18 años de edadse aceptan créditos de otras institucionesen estética se realiza este procedimiento para adquirir y procesar una muestra de sangre que permita obtener un plasma rico en palaquetas (prp), producto que se combina con otros elementos utilizados en el rejuvencimiento facialfunciones del flebotomista   el flebotomísta es un profesional con una certificación mediante la cual se acredita que esa persona tiene los conocimientos y las habilidades necesarias para proceder a realizar diferentes tipos de acceso venoso periférico, con el objetivo de mantener la permeabilidad de una vía venosa para la obtención de muestras de sangre a fin de ser enviadas a un laboratorio clínico para su procesamientoesto permite además disponer de una vía venosa en situaciones de urgencias ya sea para administrar medicamentos o para continuar haciendo mediciones de los elementos de la sangre; es también un apoyo a corto plazo a una vía central que resulte insuficiente

  • Mais par-dessus tout, nos employés sont des gens professionnels qui s’engagent à protéger l’environnement  https://wmtalent) la plupart de la journée de travail; obligation d'effort physique dans la manipulation d'objets de moins de 30 livres; devoir être exposé à des risques professionnels physiques (tels que coupures, brûlures, exposition à des produits chimiques toxiques, etctâches d'opérateur de machinerie lourde, principalement sur un compacteur à déchetsnous gérons un réseau national d’installations de recyclagemerci de l'intérêt que vous portez vers waste managementnous nous efforçons de créer des sites d’enfouissement qui maximisent l’utilisation de l’espace disponible et qui réduisent les émissions de gaz à effet de serrewaste management est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l'égalité en matière d'accès à l'emploi· faire fonctionner l'équipement conformément à la procédure d'exploitation de l'entreprisele processus et le moment de l'entrevue peuvent être retardés et varieront selon le site· expérience: formation de machinerie lourde ou minimum trois (3) années d'expériences équivalentes• bonne compétence de communication de français environnement de travail voici les points clés concernant les exigences environnementales et l'environnement de travail de l'emploiaprès tout, c’est là que nous vivons, l’environnement c’est l’affaire de tous· effectue des activités d'entretien et de nettoyage quotidiennesd'autres tâches mineures peuvent être assignéesmerci de postuler maintenant sur le site en cliquant sur le lien ci dessous ou appelez le pour parler à un recruteur de waste management dès aujourd'huiveuillez noter que les avantages peuvent varier d’un site à l’autredes aménagements raisonnables peuvent être faits pour permettre aux personnes handicapées d'exercer les fonctions essentielles de l'emploi$/h selon la convention collective en vigueur sommaire du poste configure et exploite une grande variété d'équipements et effectue des travaux selon les spécificationsen plus nos employés reçoivent également des congés payés, des vacances et des journées personnellesnet/careersection/ex/jobdetailchef de file dans l’industrie, waste management offre des services professionnels de gestion des déchets, qui vont bien au-delà de la simple collecte en bordure des trottoirstâches et responsabilités essentielles pour effectuer ce travail avec succès, une personne doit être en mesure d'accomplir chaque tâche essentielle de manière satisfaisantevotre patience et votre flexibilité sont appréciées, car notre processus peut impliquer des solutions virtuelles et prendre plus de temps que la normaleavantages chez waste management, chaque employé éligible reçoit une rémunération globale compétitiveen réponse au covid-19, nous mènerons notre processus de recrutement à travers des solutions créatives) rarement; devoir être exposé à un environnement physique qui implique rarement de la saleté, des odeurs, du bruit, des conditions météorologiques extrêmes ou des éléments similaires; le réglage normal pour ce travail est: entrepôt, garage ou terrain· déplace et positionne les matières premières et les composants finis à l'aide d'un équipement de déplacement de matériauxqualifications: requises · études: aucunenous sommes présentement à la recherche d’un(e) opérateur / opératrice d’equipment à ste sophie, pour se joindre à notre équipe de plus de personnes à travers l'amérique du nord13h à 21h du lundi au vendredi, 40h/semaine + possibilité de temps supplémentaireresponsabilités de supervision ce travail n'a pas de fonctions de supervisionftl?job=   égalité des chances /minorité/femme/handicap/anciens combattanssi cela ressemble à l’opportunité que vous recherchez, cliquez sur "postuler"chez waste management, nous pensons vert tous les jours et, lorsqu'il s'agit de protéger les collectivités que nous servons, notre attitude envers l’environnement est sans compromis· vérifie que l'équipement est en état de marche, par exemple, l'outillage, les mécanismes de sécuritéobligation d'utiliser la coordination motrice avec la dextérité des doigts (comme le clavier, le fonctionnement de la machine, etc

  • Qualifications   essentielles 3 ans d’expérience comme mécanicien de camion / véhicule lourdréussir la vérification des antécédents médicaux et des antécédents médicaux avant l'embauche, qui comprendra une vérification de l'emploi, et un examen du dossier de véhicule à moteur  compléter tous les modules obligatoires de formation en ligne et en classe  effectuer des appels de service pour les pannes d'urgence  utiliser les systèmes électroniques de l'ordinateur du véhicule pour interpréter les modes de défaillance pour lancer ou attribuer des réparations  effectuer l'inspection, le diagnostic, et la réparation des systèmes électriques, hydrauliques, de suspension, de freinage et d'air sur les véhicules et l'équipement  remplir les documents requis en utilisant le logiciel de maintenance de flotte associé à la réparation des véhicules, en documentant l'utilisation des pièces et en tenant compte des temps de réparation  effectuer des contrôles de sécurité sur les véhiculespermis de conduire valide et doit avoir un bon dossier de conduite  doit avoir tous les outils nécessaires pour accomplir les responsabilités et les exigences de l'emploinet/careersection/ex/jobdetail  effectuer des réparations et des services d'entretien préventif  nous embauchons aujourd’hui, pour votre futur description de l'emploi  nos mécaniciens sont responsables des gros travaux d’entretien et de réparation des véhicules de l’entreprise  estimer le temps et les coûts de matériel sur les réparations de véhicules et réquisitionner les pièces neuveswm journée carrière !    vendredi 29 avril – 9am-6pm samedi 30 avril – 8am-12pm ste sophie hauling première rue, ste-sophie, qc, j5j 2r7   postulez ci-dessous pour réserver votre place ou venez nous voir le jour de l’événement pour rencontrer notre équipe !   avantages compétitifs │  nos employés reviennent à la maison tous les soirs  │stabilité avantages supplémentaires   joignez-vous à nous et, ensemble, nous travaillerons fièrement pour nos communauté ssous la supervision générale, ils font de l’entretien préventif, des inspections et des tests diagnostiques, et ils réparent toutes sortes de véhicules et d’équipementsftl?job= equal opportunity employer minority/female/disability/veteran  effectuer tous les travaux dans les délais de réparation standardexaminer, compléter, ou assigner les réparations indiquées dans le rapport d’inspection du véhicule du conducteur  les fonctions et responsabilités essentielles  travailler sous une supervision limitée et choisir parmi les instructions écrites et des procédures établies pour accomplir les tâches assignéesdoit être capable de travailler des quarts de soirbonne compétence de communication de français atouts : • permis de conduire de classe 3 carte pep est un atout please apply now on the site below, or call , to speak with a waste management recruiter today! https://wmtalentcertificat / diplôme de mécanicien d'une école reconnue / accréditéeconnaissance de base en informatique légalement admissible à travailler au canada avec un nas valide  maintenir un espace de travail propre et sécuritaire en conformité avec les normes de l'entreprise et de la sst et effectuer tous les travaux conformément aux procédures de sécurité établies

  • Mais par-dessus tout, nos employés sont des gens professionnels qui s’engagent à protéger l’environnementsi cela ressemble à l'opportunité que vous recherchiez, veuillez cliquer sur «postulez»en plus d'un régime d'achat d'actions, d'une pension et plus encore! nos employés reçoivent également des congés payés, des jours fériés et des jours personnels  https://wmtalentnous gérons un réseau national d’installations de recyclagenous nous efforçons de créer des sites d’enfouissement qui maximisent l’utilisation de l’espace disponible et qui réduisent les émissions de gaz à effet de serre• expérience avec système hydraulique, pneumatique, et électrique • bilinguisme français et anglais vftl?job=   égalité des chances /minorité/femme/handicap/anciens combattans pour accomplir ce travail avec succès, une personne doit être en mesure d'accomplir chaque tâche essentielle de manière satisfaisante• nettoyer environment de travail • effectuer autres taches selon les besoinsveuillez noter que les avantages peuvent varier selon le sitewaste management est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l'égalité en matière d'accès à l'emploienvironnement de travail: atelier mécanique avantages chez waste management, chaque employé éligible reçoit une rémunération globale compétitive comprenant une assurance médicale, dentaire, visuelle, une assurance-vie et une invalidité de courte duréeaprès tout, c’est là que nous vivons, l’environnement c’est l’affaire de tousdescription du poste sous supervision directe, assiste le mécanicien dans les tâches de réparation et d'entretien de base• effectuer inspection préventive des camions et équipements • remplacer les pneus et rouesenvironment de travailqualifications essentielles les exigences énumérées ci-dessous sont représentatives des qualifications nécessaires pour effectuer le travailde la collecte quotidienne à la protection de l'environnement, pensez vertcertificats, licences, enregistrements ou autres exigences • permis de conduire valide avec un dossier de conduite acceptablepensez waste managementéducation et expérience requises: certificat / diplôme de mécanicien d'une école reconnue / accréditéemerci de postuler maintenant sur le site en cliquant sur le lien ci dessous ou appelez le pour parler à un recruteur de waste management dès aujourd'huinet/careersection/ex/jobdetailchef de file dans l’industrie, waste management offre des services professionnels de gestion des déchets, qui vont bien au-delà de la simple collecte en bordure des trottoirsd'autres tâches mineures peuvent être attribuéesprogramme d'entretien préventifoù expériences pertinentessous la supervision générale, ils font de l’entretien préventif, des inspections et des tests diagnostiques, et ils réparent toutes sortes de véhicules et d’équipementsnos mécaniciens sont responsables des travaux d’entretien et de réparation des véhicules de l’entreprise• connaissance de base en informatique • bonne compétence de communication de français atouts • carte p• assister mécaniciens avec les réparationsles tâches et responsabilités essentielles comprennent les suivantesresponsabilités de supervision ce poste n’inclus pas de responsabilité de supervision ivchez waste management, nous pensons vert tous les jours et, lorsqu'il s'agit de protéger les collectivités que nous servons, notre attitude envers l’environnement est sans compromis• effectuer changement d’huile et graissage des camions

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